

Research on Forest Culture of Forest Park of Hunan Province

【作者】 朱松

【导师】 陈亮明;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪八十年代以来,我国的森林旅游业得到了蓬勃发展,回归自然已成为现代人的一种重要生活方式,森林公园逐渐成为旅游者的主要目的地之一。同时随着生态文明的愈加重视和现代林业的发展,以及湖南省对生态林业发展的迫切要求,使得湖南省森林公园森林文化研究具有相当重要的理论和现实意义。本文对湖南省森林公园的森林文化进行研究。首先,概述了研究的背景,对相关概念进行界定,明确研究对象。接着通过对比研究,充分挖掘森林文化的文化内涵和现实的文化表达,为进一步研究奠定理论基础。第三章进入文章的主体部分,先是论述森林公园森林文化的历史渊源,从历史的角度认识森林公园森林文化,也进一步探究了森林文化的文化源头。同时对森林公园森林文化进行了历史时期的划分,、将森林文化自产生至今大致划分为了四个时期:形成期、发展期、繁荣期和近现代时期,在这其中强调了湖南省在这些不同时期所做出的贡献和发挥的作用。第四章为本文的核心内容,首先,对湖南省森林公园森林文化分区域进行文化特征分析,从而总结出湖南省森林公园森林文化的基本特征,即:以荆楚文化为主的本土文化、南下的中原文化所代表的儒家思想、红色革命文化、湖南独特的娱乐文化以及湖南现代旅游业的发展与森林文化的完美结合。接着,对湖南森林公园森林文化进行量化研究:’定义量化评价指标,通过改进的层次分析法(lAHP),计算出各指标的权重系数,以更加科学的确定各项指标评价标准分值,建立评价体系,再通过相关数据对湖南省森林公园森林文化进行评价计分,最终通过计算,湖南省得分为67.3分(满分100分),水平为Ⅲ级(中等)水平。最后一章,提炼了森林文化的核心内涵:以人为本、天人合一,实现自然与人文的完美融合。并以此为指导,全面弘扬森林文化,推进湖南省森林公园及森林文化的建设,主要措施有:积极推动森林文化体系建设、启动森林文化体系建设工程、提高全民参与水平、积极开展森林文化宣传和交流活动以及加强森林文化队伍建设。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980s, Chinese forest tourism booming, nature has become an important modern lifestyles, forest park gradually become the main tourist destinations. At the same time, the more attention and ecological civilization, as well as the development of modern forestry ecological forestry development of Hunan province, research about forest culture of Hunan forest park has important theoretical and practical significance.The forest culture of Hunan forest park is studied, Firstly, this paper discusses the background of research, definition of relevant concepts, research object. Then through the comparative study, fully excavate the cultural connotation and forest culture culture expression of reality, the theoretical basis for further research. The third chapter began to enter into the main part of the article.first,clear the forest park of forest culture’s history origin from the Angle of history, culture and knowledge forest park forest is further obtained:the forest culture of the source about cultural phenomenon. While in the forest park forest culture into the historical period, the forest culture has roughly divided from which to four periods:the formation, developmenting, developmented, and the modem period, in the course of Hunan province in the stressed that the different period of service. Chapter four is the core content of the paper, firstly, Hunan forest park in forest areas, cultural characteristics of cultural analysis, thus Hunan forest park, summarizes the basic characteristics of forest culture of "jing chu" culture:with the local culture and the south central culture represented by Confucianism, red revolutionary culture, Hunan entertainment culture and unique tourism development of contemporary Hunan forest culture with the perfect combination. Then, We do quantitative research for Hunan forest park forest culture:define the quantified appraisal criterion, through improving the analytic hierarchy process (lAHP), the weight of each index is calculated with more scientific, the coefficient of various indexes determine evaluation criteria, establish evaluation system, and then through the relevant data of Hunan forest park evaluate forest culture, eventually scoring, Hunan province through calculation for 67.3 points (score points for 100 minutes), levelⅢ(medium) level. The last chapter, refining the core content of forest culture:humanist, the unity of nature and humanity, and realize the perfect fusion. And so guided, fully promote forest culture, promote Hunan forest park’s construction and forests of the cultural construction, the main measures are:to actively promote the forest culture system construction, forest culture’s system construction, to improve the level of participation, actively develop the forest culture of propaganda-and activities of exchange, and strengthen the construction of forest culture.
