

The Research on Chinese Rural Style in Interior Design

【作者】 李静

【导师】 唐立华;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着住宅建设的发展和居住条件的改善,人们对居住环境的要求也在提高,开始追求室内环境的风格与个性。在崇尚自然的大趋势下,回归自然、营造乡情野趣成了相当一部分都市人的志趣所在。本文首先以室内设计中的田园风格为研究对象,通过文献研究法,分析了田园风格的审美内涵,得出了其审美内涵为自然、惬意以及自由;通过分析归纳法,对田园风格的特征和表现手法进行了分析,得出其特征为:倡导“回归自然”、美学上推崇“自然美”、色彩上以暖色调为主,采用木、石、藤、竹、织物等天然材料来进行装饰,力求表现悠闲、舒畅、自然的田园生活情趣;表现手法为:写意、写实以及综合的手法;其次以中式田园室内设计风格为研究对象,采用归纳演绎法,对中式田园风格的产生的历史文化背景、核心、特征、设计素材以及设计方法进行了研究,得出中式田园风格产生的历史文化背景为天人合一、尊重自然以及休闲生活;其核心是“中式”;特征为格调高雅,造型简朴优美,色彩浓重而成熟,追求一种修身养性的生活境界,在装饰细节上崇尚自然情趣,用花鸟、鱼虫等精雕细琢,富于变化;设计素材包括自然物、中式图案、中式饰品、书画、新中式家具;设计方法为中庸的空间格局、自然要素装饰、和谐的色彩搭配、多元化的材料运用。最后,采用案例分析法,对三套设计实例进行了分析,论证了上述研究结果。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the housing development and improvement of living conditions, people are also required to improve the living environment,and began to pursue the indoor environment of style and personality.In advocating a natural trend, return to nature, to create nostalgia has become a considerable part of the rustic charm of the city where people’s inclination.Firstly, to the pastoral style of interior design in this study, through literature study, analysis of the pastoral style of aesthetic meaning, aesthetic connotation reached its natural, comfortable and free;By analyzing the induction, the characteristics of the pastoral style, and performance analysis techniques were obtained and characterized by: advocating "back to nature" aesthetic esteem "Natural Beauty", the main color on a warm, using wood, stone, rattan, bamboo, fabrics and other natural materials for decoration, and strive to show relaxed, comfortable, natural and rural delight of life;Performance methods is impressionistic, realistic and comprehensive way.Secondly,followed by Chinese garden style interior design study, using induction and deduction, on the Chinese garden style, the historical and cultural background, core, features, design materials and design methods were studied, obtained Chinese garden style in historical and cultural background is nature, respect for nature and leisure;The core is Chinese;Characterized by elegant, simple and elegant shape, with strong color, seeking a life of self-cultivation state.Respect for nature in the decorative details with flowers, birds, fish and insects and other crafted, richly varied.Design material including natural objects, Chinese patterns, Chinese jewelry, painting, New Chinese Furniture.Design Pattern for the moderate, natural decorative elements, harmony color and the use of a wide range of materials.Finally, the use of case analysis, on the three design examples are analyzed, demonstrates the results of the study.

【关键词】 室内设计田园风格中式
【Key words】 Interior DesignCountry styleChinese Style