

The Research on Propagation Techniques of Laurocerasus Hypotricha

【作者】 胡译文

【导师】 王瑞辉;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 毛背桂樱(Laurocerasus hypotricha (Rehder) T.T.Yu&L.T.Lu)属蔷薇科桂樱属,常绿乔木植物。其叶片形状与桂树、樱树相似,其冠形大且叶片硕大,叶柄及叶下面密被柔毛。其柔毛的滞尘、降噪的能力强,树姿优美,冠大浓密,每年树皮呈斑驳状脱落,显红褐色,美丽奇特;枝叶茂盛,绿量大,叶色翠绿,花多,色白如雪,花雅果艳,可谓之见之有形,赏之有韵,是一种极优美的庭荫绿化观赏树种。引种该树种到长沙市的栽培试验表明,在夏季强光照下,生长郁郁葱葱,适应性强,恢复快,表现很强的抗性,四季常青,绿化效果和观赏效果好。因此,毛背桂樱在园林绿化、美化环境等方面有极大的发展空间,毛背桂樱是一种很有发展潜力的园林观赏树种。为了选择最佳的繁育方式,本研究采用播种、扦插和组织培养的方法对毛背桂樱进行了繁育技术研究,以期扩大繁殖系数和种植面积,为毛背桂樱的进一步规模化引种繁殖提供技术依据。在播种试验中,一般4月中下旬采集种子,果皮由青绿色转为紫红色时便可及时采集,以防止鸟类啄食。采回的鲜果堆沤3-5d,果皮软化后进行处理,搓去种皮后晾干,然后进行种子测定。种子处理后采用不同的种子贮藏方法和时间与对照共7种处理,进行发芽的实验。试验结果表明,种子的千粒质量为574 g,出籽率为44%,发芽率为72.84%。采用了不同的基质:(河沙、珍珠岩、黄心土、70%的河沙:30%的黄心土),不同激素及其浓度:Hormod 1000 mg/L.Hormod 3000 mg/L.Hormod 8000 mg/L.K-IBA 1000 mg/L.K-IBA 3000 mg/L.K-IBA 8000 mg/L.K-NAA 1000 mg/L.K-NAA 3000 mg/L.K-NAA 8000 mg/L,在不同的季节进行了扦插试验,其结果表明扦插最佳的季节是秋季,最佳的基质和激素及其浓度分别是珍珠岩和K-IBA 1000 mg/L。采用毛背桂樱的茎段作为外植体进行了其组织培养研究,在附加不同浓度激素的培养基上对其进行启动培养、增殖及生根培养,以选择最佳培养基进行快速繁殖。结果表明,最适启动培养与芽增殖的培养基为MS+BA 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L,增殖倍数为1.02,最适诱导生根培养基为1/2MS+NAA 1.0 mg/L,生根率为33%。

【Abstract】 Laurocerasus hypotricha (Rehder) T. T. Yu & L. T. Lu, a variant of the big-leaved cherry (maobei guiying), is an evergreen arbor plant. The tree is graceful with evergreen leaves and blooms with elegant flowers as snow and nice-looking fruits. Cultivation tests in Changsha city, Hunan Province, showed that it grows quickly and flourishes during all summer. With strong resistance, virescence effects and good viewing, Laurocerasus hypotricha as a potential ornamental tree has great developmental space in virescence and landscaping, etc.In order to expand the propagation coefficient, enlarge cultivation area, experiments applying with sowing, cuttings, and tissue culture methods for selecting best propagation way for Laurocerasus hypotrichawere taken.Seeding experiment was taken in mid-April when the color of peel changes from green to purple. Fruits should be collected in time in order to prevent birds from pecking them. Fruits were then heaped in 3-5 days after collection. When peels become softening, peels of the fruits were rubbed away. After peels were dried out, seeds were surveyed to get data including the thousand seed weight and so on. Experiment of seed budding was taken with different storage methods and different time.The results show that the seed of the thousand seed weight is 574g, the percentage of seed dry weight in fruit dry weight is 44%, the percentage of germination is 72.84%.The cutting experiment with different ground substrates, sand, perlite, yellow subsoil, and 70% sand plus 30% yellow subsoil was taken. Cutting was treated with different hormone concentrations:1000 mg/L Hordin,3000 mg/L Hordin,8000 mg/L Hordin,1000 mg/L K-IBA,3000 mg/LK-IBA,8000 mg/L K-IBA,1000 mg/L NAA,3000 mg/L NAA,8000 mg/L NAA. Cutting tests were done in different seasons. The results show that the best cutting season is autumn, the best ground substrate is perlite and the best hormone concentration is 1000 mg/L K-IBA. In this study, stem segments of Laurocerasus hypotricha as explants were used for tissue culture and media supplemented with different concentrations of hormones were applied for selecting the best medium for its rapid propagation. The results show that the optimal medium for the bud growth is MS medium supplemented with BA 1.0 mg/L and NAA 0.1 mg/L, the proliferation rate is 1.02 and the optimal medium for root induction is 1/2MS supplemented with NAA 1.0 mg/L, in which the rooting rate is 33%.
