

Comprehensive Evaluation of the 38 Camellia Oleifera Abel Clones

【作者】 谢鹏

【导师】 谭晓风;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 普通油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel)是我国南方主要的木本食用油料树种,对我国生态经济林的发展有着不可取代的作用。产量是衡量栽培植物经济效益的标志,要想丰产,良种是必然的物质基础,品种不同,产量和产油量均相差很大。为了得到良种,最简单快速的方法就是对现有资源作比较筛选。本试验材料来源于已选育出的部分湖南地方品种和广西林科院选育出的优良无性系嫁接于株洲市马家河乡,这些优良无性系在同一立地条件下经过近30年的生长发育其性状表现如何,表型性状和经济性状有何差异,怎样区分;它们的优良性状能否保持稳定;进行“优中选优”,筛选适合当地水土气候条件的好品种,并为进一步育种及有关研究提供科学依据。试验材料均来自株洲马家河收集圃,采用随机区组设计,3株小区,3次重复,试验区四周设有保护行,所有参试品种同期播种、84年5月同批嫁接,耕作栽培管理同大田。本论文对38个普通油茶重要性状(树形特征:树高、地径、冠幅等;生物学特征:叶长、叶宽、叶片厚度、花期等;果实特征:果实横径,果实纵径,出籽率,出仁率,种仁含油率等)和理化性质及脂肪酸组成进行了调查研究。结果表明,同一性状油茶无性系间存在较大的差异。11号叶片较其他叶片长,为长椭圆形,18号、33号、39号、46号、64号、68号、69号为卵圆形、其余为椭圆形,11号、61号花期较早,十月上旬就进入花期,9号、18号、36号、42号、72号开花较晚,11月中下旬才开始进入花期。油茶无性系桔型果的产量较其他果形高。通过灰色关联度分析结果可知果实横径与油茶产量关系最大,其次是平均单果重。38个油茶无性系折光率为1.4696左右,与一般常见植物油相比较高,说明组成油茶籽油的脂肪酸双键数较多,不饱和度高。酸值范围变化较大,从0.36-0.92,11号酸值最小,46号酸值最大。其平均酸值为0.6左右,这说明油中含有少量的游离脂肪酸,符合油茶籽油国标标准,碘值较高,范围在76-127.5之间,平均值为93.46说明油茶籽油富含不饱和脂肪酸,这与气相色谱分析所得亚油酸和油酸含量高,不饱和脂肪酸总量达90%相一致。皂化值介于168-218.5,59号皂化值最小,28号最大,平均为184.7。无性系的油脂脂肪酸组成是论文的另一重要部分,采用气象色谱法对参试的38个优良无性系的油脂脂肪酸组成进行了测定。色谱结果表明,38个油茶无性系油酸含量80%以上的有25个,其中25号、43号、11号的脂肪酸含量均达88.8%以上。亚油酸含量变化较大从1%-15%,27号亚油酸含量最高。通过DTOPSIS法对38个油茶优良无性系经济性状进行综合评定,结果表明67号(0.9222)和68号(0.8127)64号(0.7552)65号(0.3159)、13号(0.3121)综合指标名列前茅,评价结果与品种的实际表现基本一致,其中67号、68号、64号三个优良无性系已通过国家审定,分别命名为华金、华鑫、华硕。

【Abstract】 Camellia oleifera Abel is the South China edible oil major woody species, the development of ecological economic forest has an irreplaceable role. Yield is a symbol of economic cultivated plants, to high yield wel-bred is necessary material foundation different varieties, yield and oil production have varied widely. In order to obtain wel-bred, the most simple and fast way is to compare the selection of available resources. The experimental material has been bred from some local varieties of Hunan and Guangxi Academy of breeding out clones grafted in Ma jiahe,Zhuzhou City, these clones on the same site conditions after nearly 30 years of growth and development of its Phenotypic characteristics and economic traits of these differences how to distinguish; their good traits can maintain stability; for "selecting the best" filter good varieties which adapted to local soil climatic conditions and for further breeding and related research provide a scientific basis.The thesis of the important traits of 38 Camellia oleifera Abel clones (tree characteristics:tree height, diameter, crown width, etc.; biological characteristics:leaf length, leaf width, leaf thickness, flowering, etc.; fruit characteristics:fruit diameter, longitudinal diameter, the seed rate, shelling percentage, kernel oil content, etc.) and physical and chemical properties and fatty acid composition was investigated.The results show that the same traits among clones of Camellia there is a big difference.11 leaf blade length than the other, for the long oval, No.18, No.33, No.39, No.46, No.64, No.68, No.69 for the oval, the rest is oval, No.11, No.61 more flowering early, early October to blossom, No.9, No. No.18, No.36, No.42, No.72, late flowering, No.11, began in mid and late into the flowering stage. Camellia clones orange-type fruit yield higher than that of other fruit shape. Grey analysis by known relationship between fruit diameter and yield of Camellia oleifera, followed by the average fruit weight.38 Camellia oleifera Abel clones refractive index about 1.4696, compared with the general common vegetable oils, which shows that the fatty acid composition of seed oil Camellia No. of double bonds are more unsaturated. Acid changes in the scope of a larger acid No. from 0.36-0.92,11 minimum, maximum acid value of No.46. The average acid value of about 0.6, indicating that the oil contains a small amount of free fatty acids, found Camellia Oil GB standard, high iodine value, range 76-127.5, with an average 93.46 Description Camellia seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which is obtained by gas chromatography high content of linoleic acid and oleic acid, unsaturated fatty acids up to 90% consistent. Saponification No. Saponification value between 168-218.5, No.59 minimum, No.28 maximum, an average of 184.7.Oil fatty acid composition of clones is another important part of the paper, using meteorological chromatography of 38 tested clones of the oil fatty acid composition were determined. Chromatography results showed that 38 clones of Camellia more than 80% oleic acid, No.25, of which No.25, No.43, No.11, of the fatty acid content reached more than 88.8%. Higher linoleic acid content from 1% to 15%, the highest content of linoleic acid is 27.DTOPSIS method by 38 Camellia clones comprehensive assessment of economic traits, results showed that No.67 (0.9222) and No.68 (0.8127) No.64 (0.7552) No.65 (0.3159), No.13 (0.3121) among the best composite indicator to evaluate results with the actual performance is consistent, No.67,68,64, three clones have passed the national examination, named’Huajin’,’Huaxin’,’Huashuo’.
