

The Research on the Plan and Design of Tourist Orchard

【作者】 董颖

【导师】 赵思东;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林培育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 观光果园是将果园作为观光、旅游资源进行综合开发的新型绿色产业。它的主要特点是集果品生产与观光、休闲、生态、文化于一体,是农业与旅游业相结合的交叉型产业,在果园建设中走的是绿色果品生产与园林化建设相结合的道路,将科普教育融于观光旅游中。观光果园兼具经济功能、生态功能、社会功能、文化功能和教育功能,成为当今充分利用果树资源,改变单一产业结构,发展高效农业的新模式。在调查了国内多个观光果园和参考相关研究资料的基础上,论文阐述了观光果园产生的背景和国内外发展研究概况,分析了观光果园的特点、景观特质和目前观光果园建设中存在的问题,并结合现实社会背景的要求,将景观生态学理论、循环经济理论、农业美学理论、农业区位理论等引入观光果园规划当中。对观光果园规划的理念及方法两方面做了比较深入的探讨。从城郊观光果园总体规划、景观规划和果园规划等几方面进行深入的分析,确定了观光果园总体规划原则与内容,对景观规划的基本方法以及规划原则、理论和主要规划内容进行研究,对观光果园规划进行了理论探索,在对景观规划的方法上进行了创新,即采用SWOT方法确定总体发展方向,采用生态适宜性分析法确定立地功能,采用景观生态格局分析法确定景观结构,并对生态果园建设方法进行了阐述,提出了循环型观光果园的开发模式,促进了园区的可持续性发展。对观光果园规划设计实例进行剖析,在综合调查国内不同类型观光果园的基础上,分析各个园区的优点与问题,总结经验,依据所构建的观光果园规划设计理论体系,对江西大富观光果园的项目背景、总体构思、景观规划设计内容和生态果园设计等方面进行了深入的分析和研究,进而对城郊观光果园规划设计的方法体系进行验证。

【Abstract】 The tourist orchard is a kind of green industry which carries on the orchard as the sightseeing and the tourist resources. Its main characteristic is that collection fruit production with the sightseeing, the leisure, the ecology and the culture. It is the type of chiasma industry which unify the traveling and the agriculture. There are many functions of it, such as the ecology function, the social function, the cultural function and the education function. The tourist orchard becomes a new pattern that fully utilizing fruit tree resource, changing the unitary pattern of farming, developing the high-effect agriculture nowadays.Many tourist orchards were investigated and the research literature was reviewed, there is the background of the tourist orchard comes and the general situation of our country and abroad development. The particularity, landscape characteristics and the existing problems on the construction of agricultural parks were analyzed. The Landscape ecology theory, circulation economic theory, agriculture aesthetic theory and agriculture location theory are introduced the plan of tourist orchard. We made the quite thorough discussion to the tourist orchard plan’s idea and the method.It is carried on the thorough analysis from several aspects such as the tourist orchard overall plan, the landscape plan and the orchard plan, the development localization, the essential methods, the principles and the landscape division were determined. As an ecology-economy-society compound ecosystem, the agricultural parks’landscape planning is vital to its healthy development. The overall development direction should be determined using the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) method, the land function should be determined using the ecological suitable analytic method, the landscape structure should be determined using the landscape security pattern analytic method. The suitable principles of landscape plan should be followed, the landscape district should aim at the sustainable development and have its own characteristics.As some tourist orchards’ plan and design example, carried on the analysis, then, take same plan and design practice which used the basic principle, the idea and the method, according to the plan procedure, determine the plan content, take the Jiangxi DaFu tourist orchard’s plan and design for the example, further explains these principles and the method application.
