

Research on the Relationship among Life Events, Attributional Style and English Learning Attitudes of Junior High School Students

【作者】 郭秋月

【导师】 宋兴川;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究从心理学角度采用实证研究的方法对初中生生活事件、归因方式及英语学习态度的关系进行研究,通过文献分析法和问卷调查法形成初中生英语学习态度问卷,并以此来测查初中生英语学习态度,同时研究初中生生活事件、归因方式及英语学习态度的现状及关系。本研究得出以下结论:(1)编制的初中生英语学习态度量表包括学习方法、学习主动性、学习目的及意义、学习成绩、学习情感体验及学习意志6个因素,35个题项,信效度良好。(2)生活事件对初中生有相对较轻的影响,他们倾向于采用内在的、不稳定的及局部的归因倾向,且初中生英语学习的热情不容乐观。(3)初中生生活事件和归因方式,在性别、是否独生子女、家庭所在地、是否重点中学及年级等人口学变量上存在显著差异。(4)初中生英语学习态度在性别、家庭所在地、是否重点中学及年级等人口学变量上存在显著差异,而在是否独生子女上差异不显著。(5)生活事件与英语学习态度呈显著负相关,归因方式与英语学习态度存在略微显著负相关。生活事件和归因方式能预测初中生英语学习态度,同时归因方式在一定程度上可以缓解初中生生活事件对其英语学习态度的影响。

【Abstract】 This study is focused on the relationship among life events, attributional style and English learning attitudes of junior high school students through psychological demonstration. Using document analysis and survey method with questionnaires to formatted the English learning attitudes questionnaire of junior high school students. And thus studying the situation of life events, attributional style and English learning attitudes and the relationship among life events, attributional style and English learning attitudes of junior high school students. The study reaches the following conclusions:(1)Preparation of the questionnaire of the English learning attitudes of junior high school students includes six factors, such as learning method, learning initiative, the purpose and significance of learning, learning achievement, learning emotional experience and learning will, thirty-five items. It has good reliability and validity.(2)The life events have relatively minor impact on students. They tend to use internal, unstable and local attributional style and their enthusiasm of English learning attitudes are not optimistic.(3)The life events and atttributional style of junior high school students exist significant differences in many aspects,such as sex, one-child or not, home location, whether the key middle school and the grade.(4)The English learning attitudes of junior high school students exists significant differences in sex, home location, whether the key middle school and the grade aspects.But in on one-child or not aspect, it has not significant difference.(5)The life events and English learning attitudes have a significant negative correlation, the attributional style and English learning attitudes have a little significant negative correlation. The life events and attributional style can predict the English learning attitudes of junior high school students, and then the attributional style may relieve the effect of life events towards English learning attitudes of junior high school students on some degree.
