

The Research on the Career Commitment and the Subjective Well-being of the Special Police of Fuzhou City

【作者】 解徐超

【导师】 李林;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对福建省福州市特勤防暴大队220名特警的问卷调查及访谈,对福州市特警职业承诺与主观幸福感的现状及两者之间的关系进行了研究。研究结果显示:(1)福州市特警职业承诺的总体水平处于中等程度水平,特警职业承诺的总体水平有待于进一步提高。(2)教育程度不同的特警在职业承诺上存在显著差异,大专学历的特警职业承诺水平高于本科学历的特警。(3)特警职业承诺在毕业院校上有显著差异,非公安类院校毕业的特警高于公安类院校毕业的特警。(4)受奖励状况不同的特警在职业承诺上存在显著差异,得过奖励的特警高于没有得过奖励的特警。(5)工作年限不同的特警在职业承诺上存在显著差异,工作年限3年至5年的特警高于工作年限3年以下的特警,工作年限5年以上的特警高于工作年限3年至5年的特警,工作年限5年以上的特警高于工作年限3年以下的特警。(6)福州市特警主观幸福感的总体水平处于中等程度水平,整体状况有待进一步提高。(7)教育程度不同的特警在主观幸福感上存在显著差异,大专学历的特警高于本科学历的特警。(8)毕业于不同院校的特警在主观幸福感上有显著差异,非公安类院校毕业的特警高于公安类院校毕业的特警。(9)受奖励状况不同的特警在主观幸福感上有显著差异,得过奖励的特警高于没有得过奖励的特警。(10)工作年限不同的特警在主观幸福感上有显著差异,工作年限5年以上的特警高于工作年限3年至5年的特警,工作年限5年以上的特警高于工作年限3年以下的特警。(11)福州市特警职业承诺与其主观幸福感具有显著正相关。(12)福州市特警职业承诺在特警主观幸福感上显著差异。(13)主观幸福感对特警职业承诺具有预测作用。

【Abstract】 The paper studies the current situation and the relationship between the career commitment and the subjective well-being of SWAT (the Special Police) of Fuzhou city. It is based on questionnaire survey of 220 Special Police of SWAT.The result shows that:(1) The Special Police’s career commitment of Fuzhou is placed at mid-level, the general level of Special Police’s career commitment should be improved. (2)There is notable difference in education of the Special Police’s career commitment, the Special Police of tertiary education is higher than bachelor’s degree’s. (3) There is notable difference in graduate institutions of the Special Police’s career commitment, the Special Police of graduated from Non-police colleges is higher than graduated from Police collages’. (4) There is notable difference in incentive awards of the Special Police, the Special Police of won awards is higher than the Special Police of no awards. (5) There is notable difference in work experience of the Special Police’s career commitment, the Special Police of work experience three to five years is higher than the Special Police of work experience less than three years, the Special Police of work experience is higher than the Special Police of work experience less than three years and three to five years. (6))The Special Police’s subjective well-being of Fuzhou city is placed at mid-level, the general level of Special Police’s subjective well-being should be improved.(7)There is notable difference in education of the Special Police’s subjective well-being, the Special Police of tertiary education is higher than bachelor’s degree’s. (8) There is notable difference in graduate college of the Special Police’s subjective well-being, the Special Police of graduated from Non-police colleges is higher than graduated from Police collages’. (9) There is notable difference in incentive awards of the Special Police’s subjective well-being, the Special Police of won awards is higher than the Special Police of no awards. (10) There is notable difference in work experience of the Special Police’s subjective well-being, the Special Police of work experience three to five years is higher than the Special Police of work experience less than three years, the Special Police of work experience is higher than the Special Police of work experience less than three years and three to five years. (11) There is high correlation of the Special Police’s career commitment and the subjective well-being of Fuzhou city.(12)There is notable difference in subjective well-being of the Special Police career commitment. (13)The subjective well-being has forecast effect to the Special Police’s career commitment.
