

Study on the Brewing Technique and Healthy Compositions of Sea-buckthorn Vinegar

【作者】 隆文娟

【导师】 陶文沂;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 发酵工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 沙棘含有100多种活性物质,具有十分丰富的营养价值;同时沙棘还具有优异的生态效益和经济价值。目前我国沙棘资源的开发技术已有较快发展,在开发功能性食品、化妆品及药品等领域应用广泛。在沙棘果的利用中,研究较多的是沙棘油和沙棘总黄酮的提取。沙棘果汁或果浆由于酸度高、糖度低,至今未能很好被利用。本研究中以成功地利用沙棘果浆酿造沙棘保健果醋为目的,筛选出一株沙棘果酒酿酒用酵母菌,优化了液态酒精发酵-固态醋酸发酵,并对果醋保健成分进行分析。主要研究方法和结论如下:1.对沙棘果汁和沙棘果浆的五个基本成分进行了分析,包括可溶性固形物、pH、酸度、总糖及还原糖,并研究了沙棘果浆中的可发酵性糖。沙棘果汁和果浆的pH和酸度没有多大的差别,但果浆中的可溶性固形物、总糖和还原糖都高于果汁。沙棘果浆中葡萄糖、果糖、木糖和蔗糖的含量分别为2.34%、3.05%,0.23%,0.16%,总量占总糖的40.5%。2.筛选到一株沙棘果酒酿酒用酵母R1。利用与沙棘果汁相同pH的YPD培养基,从成熟的沙棘果皮中筛选自然微生物,通过产气性能、产酒精能力和发酵力测试试验及对发酵所得的沙棘果酒的感官评价,筛选得到菌株R1,其适合在酸度较高、糖度不高、不经任何成分调节的沙棘果汁中进行正常的酒精发酵,而且起酵快、发酵能力强,发酵所得沙棘果酒呈鲜亮透明的酒红色,酒香和沙棘果香非常醇厚,口味细腻柔和,具有沙棘果酒的典型性,适用于沙棘果酒及沙棘果醋生产。菌株R1经分子生物学鉴定为Saccharomyces cerevisiae的一个新菌株。3.对沙棘果醋前液态酒精发酵-后固态醋酸发酵的酿造工艺条件进行了优化。结果表明酒精液态发酵的最优条件是发酵温度28℃,接种量为10%,发酵6天,对酒精发酵影响作用大小关系为:发酵温度>发酵天数>接种量,在此条件下得到酒精度为6.72%的沙棘酒醪;在此初始酒精浓度下,醋酸菌固态发酵的最佳工艺条件是:接种量10%,发酵温度30℃,发酵周期为12天,最终能得到酸度为6.15%的沙棘果醋。4.对沙棘果醋中的保健成分进行分析。以沙棘果浆为对比,对酿造的沙棘果醋中保健成分总多酚、总黄酮、活性多肽、Vc、氨基酸组成和含量及有机酸进行分析。在发酵过程中,总多酚、总黄酮和Vc含量降低,多肽含量升高,氨基酸含量大幅升高。沙棘果浆中的苹果酸和奎尼酸含量较高,含量分别为0.66g/100mL、0.50g/100mL,草酸、酒石酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸、乙酸含量不高;沙棘果醋中的主要成分是乙酸,含量达到了3.96g/100mL,苹果酸和奎尼酸、草酸、酒石酸、柠檬酸相对沙棘果浆来说有所下降,乳酸含量升高,琥珀酸含量变化不大。

【Abstract】 Sea-buckthorn includes 100 kinds of active materials and has very rich nutritional value. It also has outstanding ecological benefits and economic value. The developing techniques for sea-buckthorn resource has developed quickly now in China. It has already been used in producing functional food, cosmetics and drugs widely. In the utilization of sea-buckthorn berry, people pay much more attention to the extraction of oil and total flavonoids. Sea-buckthorn juice and pulp have not been used sufficiently yet because of the high acidity and low sugar content. The goal of this paper was to brew the healthy sea-buckthorn vinegar successfully by using the sea-buckthorn pulp. We screened a good yeast strain for brewing sea-buckthorn wine, optimized the technical conditions of liquid alcohol-solid acetic fermentation and analyzed healthy compositions in sea-buckthorn vinegar. The main research techniques and conclusions are as follows:1. Five basic components in sea-buckthorn juice and pulp were analyzed, including soluble solids content, pH, total sugars content and reducing sugars content, then we studied fermentable sugars in sea-buckthorn pulp. Acidity and pH had not diverged much between sea-buckthorn juice and pulp, but the latter had more soluble solids content, total sugars content and reducing sugars content. The contents of glucose, fructose,xylose and sucrose are 2.34%,3.05%,0.23% and 0.16% respectively, and total contents is 46.9% of reducing sugars content.2. An excellent yeast strain called Rl was screened for brewing sea-buckthorn wine from sea-buckthorn juice. With plenty of testing experiments such as using YPD culture medium with the same pH as sea-buckthorn juice, the gas formation ability, the alcohol yield and the fermentation capacity, as well as the sensory evaluation of sea-buckthorn wine fermented by different yeast strains, Rl was screened from ripe outer covering of sea-buckthorn. It was suitable for alcohol fermentation in sea-buckthorn juice with high acidity and low sugar degree and no constituent being.adjusted. It started fermentation quickly with the strong ability. The quality of sea-buckthorn wine produced by Rl was excellent with a clear and transparent wine body, a wine-red color and luster, and a typical model taste of the sea-buckthorn wine. Strain Rl was suitable for producing of sea-buckthorn wine and vinegar. Strain Rl was identified by molecular biological method as a new strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.3. The technological conditions of liquid alcoholic-solid acetic fermentation (L-S) were optimized. The result showed that the optimal conditions for liquid alcoholic fermentation were at 28℃, yeast inoculation ratio 10% for 6 d. Under these conditions, sea-buckthorn wine with 6.72% could be obtained. The optimal conditions for solid acetic fermentation were at 30℃, initial alcohol 6.72%, and acetic acid bacteria inoculation ratio 10% for 12 days. Under these conditions, sea-buckthorn vinegar with 6.15% could be obtained.4. Healthy compositions in sea-buckthorn vinegar were analyzed. Compared with sea-buckthorn pulp, total polyphenols, total flavonoids, the polypeptide, Vc, the components and contents of amino acids and organic acids were analyzed. During sea-buckthorn vinegar fermentation, the contents of total polyphenols, total flavonoids, and Vc dropped. The contents of the polypeptide and amino acids increased, especially the latter. Sea-buckthorn pulp were high in malic and quinic acids, the contents were 0.66.g/100mL and 0.50 g/100mL, and low in formate, tartaric, citric, amber; acetic acids. Acetic acid was the main constituent of sea-buckthorn vinegar, its content reached 3.96g/100mL.The contents of malic, quinic, formate, tartaric, citric acids dropped. The contents of lactic acid increased. Not much seemed to have changed in the contents of amber acid.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期