

The Sad Stories of Mothers and Daughters

【作者】 王美霞

【导师】 林元富;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 托妮·莫里森是美国文学史上第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家。从1970年发表处女作《最蓝的眼睛》到2003年出版的《爱》,她一共发表了8部小说。在莫里森小说的主题里,母女关系是一以贯之的主题,母亲与女儿间的故事几乎是饱含着血和泪的辛酸史。在细读文本的基础上,本论文主要分析《秀拉》小说中扭曲和疏离的母女关系,以及在扭曲和疏离的母女关系下黑人女儿辛酸的自我追寻之旅,从而揭示出辛酸的母女故事背后深层的社会文化含义。本论文分为五个章节。第一章和第五章分别为引言和结语。引言部分除了关于《秀拉》评论的文献综述外,着重讨论了南希·乔多罗等美国重要女性批评家有关母爱和母女关系方面的理论论述。论文的第二、三章分析《秀拉》小说中两个复杂家庭中的母女关系。第四章分析在复杂母女关系下黑人女儿们辛酸的自我追寻之旅。第五章的结论指出:在扭曲和疏离的母女关系背后有着深层的社会和文化含义;黑人母亲应该在种族歧视压迫的社会里重新确认自己的身份,传承黑人的文化纽带以发展自爱以及对子女的爱,从而避免扭曲和异化的母女关系。对黑人女儿来说,只有倾听母辈们的故事,保留黑人的文化传统,才会有一个健康的自我。

【Abstract】 Toni Morrison, the first black woman to receive Nobel Prize in Literature, has published eight novels from The Bluest Eye in 1970 to love in 2003. For all the multiplicity and magnitude of issues that have been addressed by Morrison, the mother-daughter relationship is a recurring theme and throughout Morrison’s fictions, the stories of mothers and daughters are almost always bitter ones full of blood and tears. Based on close textual analyses, this thesis intends to analyze how the mother-daughter relationship has been fractured by social factors and how the twisted and distant mother-daughter relationship affects the black daughter’s self-development in Sula.Structurally, the present thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter One and Chapter five are introduction and conclusion. In the introduction, besides the presentation of the literature review of Sula, I focus on theoretical speculations by some representative American feminists, such as feminist Nancy Chodorow and Patricia Hill Collins, on motherhood and mother-daughter relationship. Chapter Two and Chapter Three are my analysis of the complicated mother-daughter relationships in Sula. Chapter Four explores, through the examples of Nel and Sula, black daughter’s bitter journey of self-development. My conclusion underscores the fact that in the light of Morrison’s fictional representation, there are deep-seated social and cultural meanings behind the twisted and distant mother-daughter relationship. Black mothers, Morrison’s text seems to suggest, should reexamine their identities in a racially oppressive dominant society and pass on their African American cultural tradition to develop self-love and love for their children in order to avoid the twisted and alienated mother-daughter relationship. Black daughters, on the other hand, can arrive at a healthy self by listening to the story of the mother’s generation and by retaining the African American cultural heritage vital to self emancipation and empowerment.

【关键词】 《秀拉》母女关系自我发展文化
【Key words】 Sulamother-daughter relationshipself-developmentculture
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】165