

The Research on Management Strategy of Foreign Life-insurance Companies in China

【作者】 马敏

【导师】 王德胜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国经济的迅猛发展,带动了保险业快速发展且呈加速增长态势,业务规模迅速扩大。2009年1-11月,全国原保险保费收入10210亿万元,其他外资寿险公司收入403.29亿元,在全国保费收入中占比3.95%,比去年同期增加0.07个百分点。其中,外资寿险公司原保险保费收入374.35亿元;共有15个国家和地区的外国保险机构在我国设立了52家外资寿险公司,寿险公司28家,产险公司19家,再保险公司5家。目前,在北京、上海、深圳、广东外资寿险公司相对集中的区域保险市场上,外资寿险公司的市场份额分别为13.34%,16.83%,8.73%,8.07%。外资寿险公司偿付能力充足,市场秩序良好,风险总体可控,经营效能较高。调查显示,在中国运营的外资寿险公司相信其市场份额将继续上升,并预期至2015年能占据中国市场10%的份额,总数增至50-70家。具体到山东市场,截止2008年底,保险公司总资产达到1194亿元,保险业作为金融业的三大支柱之一,已经成为国民经济体系的重要组成部分。山东辖区除青岛之外,人身险公司共32家,合资公司有中英人寿、恒安标准人寿、首创安泰人寿、信诚人寿、海康人寿、中宏人寿、国泰人寿、海尔纽约人寿、中德安联、中意人寿共10家。合资保险公司共在山东设立了40余家分支机构。山东合资寿险占全省寿险业务的1.65%,并且这个数字呈上升趋势。山东合资保险公司50%的股份主要来自欧洲,从业务开展情况来看,山东合资保险公司的业务发展基本处于20%的增长速度,目前的风险因素都处在可控范围之内。通过此篇论文,我们的主旨是对我国的保险市场,内外资背景寿险公司进行分析和实践比较,并在此基础上,提出对我国外资保险经营企业和政府部门有意义的建议。首先,从经济学的角度对保险及其外资保险存在做了清晰的界定,对中国保险市场及山东保险市场状况分析,并对本土保险公司与外资寿险公司生存现状做了比较性研究。其次,尝试从战略管理的宏观角度对外资寿险公司所处的生存环境做波特五力的探索,试图从战略方面找到适于外资保险开拓的细分市场与目标消费群。再次,利用传统消费心理学理论宏观探析理性的消费者保险决策模式;结合齐鲁文化探析消费者对保险的认知与态度,购买行为的成因与影响,探索适于外资寿险公司运作的具有本土特色的保险开发运营模式。最后,借助传统经典的4Ps理论,结合营销管理学中的服务营销战略中的“三个P”,创建更具中国本土化风格的服务营销模式。论文中借助市场调查学中问卷调查方法,进行调查实验,设计了保险购买认知因素和对应的数学模型,并对数据进行回归分析,从而得出影响消费者购买的关键因素。最后,对外资保险本土化经营提出了建设性的思路,在此基础上对我国保险企业的营销发展提出了“理性指导和感性服务”的营销原则;对政府有关部门提出了“培养市场与政策支持”的政策建议,让保险为我国民众的生活质量、构建和谐社会做出应有的贡献。

【Abstract】 With the rapid growth of China economy, the insurance industry has largely maintained growth at a relatively high rate. In 2009,total insurance premiums stood at RMB 10210 billion, and other foreign insurance company premiums reached 403.29 RMB billion, represented 3.95% and rose by 0.07%. Foreign life insurance company insurance premiums stood RMB 374.35 billion. There are 15 countries or regions established 52 foreign-funded insurance company in China:27 life insurance companies, 19 property insurance companies and 6 re-insurance companies. At present, foreign insurance companies relatively concentrated Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangdong, in which shared 13.34%;16.83%;8.07%and 8.73%. The foreign insurance companies have a strong role to play in maintaining capital market stability.In Shandong province, at the end of 2008, total insurance premiums stood at RMB 1194 billion. Insurance industry is one of the three pillars of finance industry. There are 32 life insurance companies in Shandong province(besides Qingdao area),of which ten are joint venture companies:Aviva-cofco Life, Hengan Life,Ing-cap Life,Citic-PrudentialLife,Aegon-cnoocLife;Manulife-sinochem Life,Guohua Life, Haier-NewYork Life and so on. The joint venture insurance companies established more than 40 branches, whose insurance premiums made 1.65% of the total ones. About 50% joint venture insurance companies came from Europe, maintaining a high rate of 20%.Learned from an investigation, the foreign insurance companies in China believe that there will be 50-70 ones in 2011, and their market share will continue to rise to 10%.Through this paper, our purpose is to have a look the insurance market of our country. No this basis, we want to give some advices to foreign insurance enterprises and government departments.First, we made a analysis of China and Shandong insurance market from the economics, and have a comparison with local insurance company and foreign insurance company.Secondly, we try to find the market and consumers for foreign insurance companies,using Michael Porter’s five forces model,and do some research about the resurvival environment of local insurance companies.Again, for purpose to have a survey about the traditional consumer psychology, we combine the qilu culture to purchase of insurance, behavior.Finally, thanks for the theory of traditional classical 4ps and added 3ps,we could create Chinese style localization of service marketing mode.In the paper we use market survey questionnaire method, and design the insurance and choice of factors. With the help of regression analysis, we conclude that the factors of insurance purchase.Finally, we made constructive ideas for the foreign insurance to reach localization. On the basis of analysis about foreign insurance, we could come out "rational guidance and perceptual service". The government should make suggestions to the insurance market and made contributions to improve people life and have a harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】F274;F841
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】328