

On Regulating Pyramid Selling from the View of Criminal Law

【作者】 周娟

【导师】 柳忠卫;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 传销在我国被称为是“经济邪教”,传销违法犯罪活动现已成为严重破坏社会主义市场经济秩序,侵犯国家、集体和公民的财产权益,影响社会和谐稳定的突出问题。在《刑法修正案(七)))出台之前,我国刑法典中没有对传销犯罪的专门规定,对传销行为定罪依据的是2001年《最高人民法院关于情节严重的传销或者变相传销行为如何定性问题的批复》,但上述定罪模式存在一定的缺陷,己不能完全适应当前打击传销的严峻形势。为了对此类犯罪进行有效地预防和惩治,2009年2月28日,第十一届全国人大常委会第七次会议通过了《刑法修正案(七)》,以叙明罪状的形式对组织、领导传销活动罪做出了专门规定。本文在研究中外惩治传销犯罪的相关规定后,结合司法实践,对我国现阶段传销行为如何进行刑法规制进行了初步探讨,以求抛砖引玉,推动对这一犯罪研究的深入。全文共分为引言、正文、结语三个部分,三万余字。引言概述了传销在我国的发展及危害现状、规制传销犯罪在司法实务中存在的问题及本课题的研究方法及意义。正文包括六个部分,第一部分是传销的概念界定,该部分考察了传销在域外的起源及发展、我国传销概念的历史演变、我国传销与直销的区别和本文对传销的概念界定;第二部分对传销行为的刑法规制进行了一般考察,首先对大陆法系和英美法系国家对“金字塔欺诈销售”式传销进行刑法规制进行了考察,然后就我国对传销行为刑法规制进行了历史考察,论述了组织、领导传销活动罪的立法背景;第三部分从法益的界定、客观构成要件符合性判断、主观有责性判断三个方面对组织、领导传销活动罪的犯罪构成进行了论证。重点阐述了本罪中的传销行为、组织、领导行为的界定、犯罪主体的认定和罪过形式,并运用期待可能性理论对层次较低的传销参与者不认为构成本罪进行了论述:第四部分对组织、领导传销活动罪的司法认定进行了研究。对本罪的完成与未完成形态、共犯形态、罪数形态等问题进行了探讨;对于在实践中与本罪容易混淆的几种犯罪,分析了准确区分和应当把握的关键问题,重点阐述了与非法经营罪的区分与认定,对传销犯罪是按“单轨制”还是“双轨制”进行规制,以及对从旧兼从轻原则的适用提出了自己的观点。第五部分对组织、领导传销活动罪刑罚的适用进行了研究。对主刑、财产刑的适用原则和标准提出了作者的意见。对情节较轻的组织、领导者判处缓刑和免刑进行了探讨;第六部分对传销行为刑法规制提出了立法完善建议并阐明了理由。提出解决传销积极参与者入罪、团队计酬型传销的定罪问题,建议提高组织、领导传销活动罪的法定刑标准及增设没收财产刑,对情节严重的标准及数罪的认定与处罚做出了原则性论述。在结语部分,作者归纳总结了自己的观点,并提出为更有力地打击传销,应建立行政执法与司法合作平台,并采取各种措施挽回被害人损失,以维护社会和谐稳定的建议。

【Abstract】 Pyramid selling in China is known as the "economic cult". The illegal and criminal pyramid selling activities have become an outstanding problem that can bring serious damage to the socialist market economic order, violate the property rights of state, collectives and citizens, and can affect the social harmony and stability. Before the "Criminal Law Amendment (7)" was issued, our Penal Code has no specific provisions against the crime of pyramid selling. The conviction to pyramid selling was based on "Supreme People’s Court’s approval on issues of serious acts of pyramid selling or disguised pyramid selling " in 2001. But the conviction model has some flaws, and can not fully adapt to the current grim situation to fight against pyramid selling. In order to prevent and punish such crimes effectively, the Eleventh National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the seventh meeting passed the "Criminal Law Amendment (7)"on February 28,2009. The amendment made special provisions on the guilt of organization, leadership of pyramid selling in the form of stating counts. After studying on relevant provisions of home and broad, the thesis, combining judicial practice, makes a preliminary study on regulating pyramid selling, from the view of criminal law, in order to initiate research to promote the deepening study of this crime.The thesis is divided into three parts:introduction, the main text and conclusion, and has more than three thousand words. Introduction overviews the development and harm status of pyramid selling in our country, also the problems in regulating pyramid selling crime in the judicial practice, and the research methods and significance about this issue. The main text consists of six parts The first part is to define the concept of pyramid selling. In this part the author examines the origin and development of pyramid selling in foreign countries, the historical evolution of the concept in our country,the difference between pyramid selling and direct selling in China, and the concept definition of pyramid selling in this thesis.The second part investigates regulations of pyramid selling from the view of criminal law.First, this part investigates regulations of the "pyramid sales fraud" style of pyramid selling in civil law and common law countries。Then it makes a historical investigation on criminal regulations of pyramid selling in our country, and discusses the legislative background of organizing, leading pyramid selling. The third part discusses crime compound of organizing, leading pyramid selling, from benefit definition, from compliance judgment of objective compound element and responsibility of subjective judgment. And it focuses on the definition of pyramid selling action, and actions of organizing, leading pyramid selling, and the crime subject and sin form, and it discusses that some low-level pyramid selling participants can’t be considered to constitute the crime with possibility theory. The fourth part studies judicial determination of the crime of organizing, leading pyramid selling activities. This part discuses and demonstrates completed and unfinished form, accomplice and crime number form of the crime and other issues. As several easily confused crimes in practice, it analyzes key issues that should be accurately distinguished and grasped, and explained the distinction between the crime and illegal management. And the author puts forward her point of view about regulating pyramid selling with "single-track system" or a "dual system", and also about the application of abiding by old and lighter principle. The fifth part studies the penalty application of organizing, leading pyramid selling activities. The author’s puts forward her point of view about applicable principles and standards of principal penalty and pecuniary penalty. The author also discuses on sentencing some less serious organizers and leaders to probation and pardon; The sixth part puts forward perfect legislative proposals and explanations about regulating pyramid selling from the view of criminal law. It suggests how to solve the problem to convict active participant and the team’s pyramid payment type. It also suggests to increase punishment standards to organizing, leading pyramid selling and add the punishment of property confiscate, to make principal prescription on the standards of severity and the definition and punishment of plural crimes. In conclusion, the author summarizes her own views, and proposed to establish a platform for cooperation of administrative law enforcement and judicature to fight more effectively against pyramid selling, and to take various measures to restore victim losses to maintain social harmony and stability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】183