

Greets the New Opportunity Realizes the New Spanning Under Network Environment Broadcast Innovation Development Research

【作者】 盛蓉

【导师】 包鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,风起云涌的网络技术革新为广播事业的发展带来了新的挑战与机遇。以网络技术为依托的第四媒体一方面不断冲击着广播媒体的传播地位,导致广播受众群体的大量分流,另一方面又以新的技术特点为广播发展注入了革新的力量。本文以广播事业的创新发展为研究对象,通过对网络语境下广播事业创新发展的研究,探求广播事业在新时期的发展路径,这对于广播事业更好地应对网络技术的挑战和机遇,实现广播事业的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。本文运用了文献研究法、实证研究法、个案研究法、描述性研究法、信息研究法、探索性研究法、经验总结法等相关理论和分析方法,内容主要围绕网络技术带给广播的挑战与机遇以及广播如何应对挑战与机遇展开。主要研究成果是:1、阐述分析了网络技术带给广播事业的挑战。“网络技术指采取一定的通信协议,将分布在不同地点上的多个独立计算机系统通过互联通道(即通信线路)连接在一起,从而实现数据和服务共享的计算机技术”①。以网络技术为支撑的互联网“被称为继报刊、广播、电视等传统媒体之后的第四媒体”②,拥有双向交互、实时传送等传播优势。以网络技术为支撑的“新媒体加入传媒市场使得广播面临的竞争压力进一步增大”③。2、阐述分析了在网络技术推动下广播从业人员传播观念的创新。网络与广播的结缘拓展了广播的发展空间,为广播业带来了巨大的发展机遇,也对从业人员的思想观念产生了强烈的冲击。广播从业人员适应网络时代的发展变化,强化传播效率意识、传播民主意识和传播互动意识,以全新的传播理念迎接广播发展的新挑战和新机遇。3、阐述分析了在网络技术推动下广播传播方式的创新。受线性传播、无法保存等传播方式的影响,广播长期以来在与报纸、电视等媒体的竞争中处于弱势地位,发展受到了极大的制约。广播与网络的结合,延伸了传统的传播空间,扩大了广播的影响力,为广播提供了无限的发展外延。随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,网络广播成为人们获取信息和丰富精神文化生活的重要媒体。一般而言,“网络广播包含广播网络化和网络化广播两个从属概念”①。4、阐述分析了在网络技术推动下广播采编技能的创新。互联网的飞跃发展颠覆了传统的采编方式,广播从业人员利用网络丰富和补充传统的采编手段,从而提高采编工作效率,降低采编成本。其中,网络采访是依托因特网而存在的新闻采访方式,“主要是以因特网作为新闻采集的环境,用搜索、采访、下载和编辑加工等多种方式采集新闻信息及相关资源的新闻传播活动”②。网络采访以采访工具的全数字化、采访内容的多媒体性、采访方法的交互性、采访范围的全球性和采访速度的快捷性形成了不同于传统新闻采访的独特样式。同时,计算机技术和网络技术在传播领域的广泛应用,深刻地影响并改变了传统的编辑工作方式和工作程序,在选题策划、组织报道、加工稿件、编排节目、校对稿件等方面为广播编辑提供了创新手段。5、阐述分析了在网络技术推动下广播经营模式的创新。“随着近年来网络技术的飞速发展,信息的传递和交流的自由度大为扩展,传统传媒的渠道垄断已经被打破,仅仅依靠广告收入为主的传统盈利模式很难适应广播与网络融合的广泛利益诉求”③。传统广播借助于网络,通过加强整合传播、推进制播分离、创新经营领域等途径延伸产业链条,旨在积聚更多的产业要素,实现广播产业的全面升级。本文的创新之处在于:1)、全面客观地分析了网络技术对广播事业的挑战与机遇;2)、全面阐述了广播在传播方式、采编技能的创新、经营模式等方面的创新,系统分析广播事业在网络时代发展路径。这有利于新闻从业人员对面临的形势进行清醒的认识和全面的把握,对于指引广播事业在新时期的发展具有积极的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the network technology innovation for popping broadcasting development has brought new challenges and opportunities. With the network technology as its impact on the fourth media constantly with the spread of the broadcast media, radio audience group, a new technique to another and characteristics of the development of radio. Based on the innovative development of broadcasting as the research object, by context of network broadcasting innovation development, explore the broadcasting in the new era of development path, it is better to deal with the broadcasting network technology challenges and opportunities and realize the sustainable development of the broadcasting has important realistic significance.Based on the literature research, empirical research, case study, descriptive research, information research, exploratory research and experience related theory and method of analysis method, the main content of network technology to broadcast around the challenges and opportunities and challenges and opportunities to broadcast. Main research results are:1, the paper analyzes the network technology brings broadcasting challenge. Network technology refers to take certain communication protocol, distribution in different locations on the multiple independent computer system through the Internet channel (i.e. communication lines) joined together, so as to realize the sharing data and service of computer technology. Web-based new Internet called the newspapers, radio, TV after the traditional media, the fourth media two-way interaction has spread, real-time transmission. In the new media add media markets make radio face the competition pressure increase.2, the paper analyzes the network technology in the radio spread by personnel the innovation of the idea. Network and broadcast affinity expand the radio broadcast industry development space, to bring enormous opportunities for development, but also to practitioners ideas strongly impact. Broadcasting professionals to the development and change of the network times, strengthen communication efficiency consciousness, spread democracy and the spread of new interactive consciousness, to meet the development of radio transmission concept new opportunities and challenges.3, the paper analyzes the network technology in the way of communication by radio. By linear transmission, unable to save, etc, the influence of radio transmission with long in the newspaper, television and other media competition disadvantaged, a great development. Radio and Internet, combined with the traditional communication space, expanded the influence for radio broadcast, provides unlimited extension of development. Along with the rapid development of modern science and technology, network broadcasting become people to obtain information and rich cultural life of the important media. Generally speaking, network broadcasting radio broadcasting network and network contains two affiliate concept.4, the paper analyzes the network technology in the broadcast reporters pushed the innovation ability. The rapid development of Internet revolutionized the purchasing& cataloguing way, broadcasting professionals utilize the network and supplement of the traditional method, so as to improve the purchasing& cataloguing work efficiency, reduce the cost of purchasing& cataloguing. Among them, the interview is relying on the network and the news on the Internet, as news gathering environment, using the search, download and editing process, interview and so on many kinds of ways acquisition news information and related resources news dissemination activities. In the interview network digital tools, interview, interview contents of multimedia and interactive method, interview and speed of the global scope of such different from traditional promptness of the unique style of journalism. At the same time, the computer technology and network technology in the field of widely spread, the profound influence and change the traditional way of editing work and working procedures, in the selected topic coverage, processing, plan, organize, programs, and proofreading manuscript for broadcasting edit articles provide a means of innovation.5, the paper analyzes the network technology in promoting the innovation under radio management mode. In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet technology, information transmission and exchange, the traditional media freedom expansive channels of monopoly has been broken and solely rely on advertising revenue of traditional profit model is hard to adapt to the broadcast and the widespread interest appeals network integration. Using traditional radio network, to strengthen the integration of transmission, promoting system innovation management field planting, etc, to accumulate outspread industry chain, more industry elements of broadcast industry overall upgrade.This innovation lies in:1), objectively analyzed comprehensive network technology in the broadcasting of challenge and opportunity; 2), comprehensively expounded the radio transmission, the innovation and management skills collecting-and-categorizing aspects of innovation mode, broadcasting system analysis in the network era development path. This helps to journalists on the situation facing the cognition and comprehensive grasp, to guide the broadcasting in the new period of the development of the reference.

【关键词】 广播网络机遇创新发展
【Key words】 broadcastingNetworkOpportunitiesInnovation and development
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期