

The Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning in American President Obama’s Speeches

【作者】 朱黎

【导师】 刘升民;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 美国现任总统奥巴马无疑是一位杰出的演说家。在演说中,他不仅能体现自己作为领导人的权威性,还能弱化交际中的权势关系以便与听众建立一种良好的人际关系。本文以韩礼德系统功能语法中的人际功能理论为理论框架,以奥巴马参加总统竞选时和就职后所发表的20篇具有一定影响力的演说词为语料,研究奥巴马演说词中的人际意义特点。本文主要从语气、情态、人称和时态四个语言系统对奥巴马的演说词进行了分析,从而揭示政治演讲语篇中实现人际意义的各种语言手段以及是如何实现这些人际意义的。研究结果表明,在语气系统中,奥巴马最常用的是陈述语气,这主要是因为演讲的功能基调主要是劝说和鼓动,通过使用陈述语气向听众传达信息,表明自己的态度和观点,力争说服和号召听众。在情态系统中,情态动词是表达情态的主要手段,采用高、中、低不同价值的情态表达方式可以在不同程度上表达演讲者的观点和态度。在人称系统方面,奥巴马更多的是使用第一人称代词“we”,目的在于拉近他与听众之间的距离,削弱权势关系。而在时态方面,主要是以现在时为主,说明演说更注重解决现实问题,另外时态转换也是演说的主要特征,特别是现在时与过去时之间的转换。对于奥巴马演说词人际意义的研究,能帮助我们深刻的理解政治演讲语篇的特点,把握演讲者的真实意图。同时进一步验证系统功能语言学的可操作性和实用性,更是欣赏演讲语篇的有利工具。

【Abstract】 The American president Barack Obama is an excellent orator. When delivering speeches, he can not only show himself as an authority, but also mitigate his power so as to set up a desirable relationship with the audience. This thesis, based on 20 influential speeches delivered by Obama both before and after his presidency, employs Halliday’s theory of interpersonal function of language to study the interpersonal meaning in his speeches.The analysis is mainly carried out from four realization means of interpersonal meaning, that is, mood system, modality system, person system and tense system. It aims to reveal what linguistic elements realize the interpersonal meaning and how the interpersonal meaning is realized in Obama’s speeches. Then the result shows us that the type of declarative mood, which serves for giving information and expressing the speaker’s opinions, takes the dominant position in Obama’s speeches. In terms of modality system, finite modal operators are found to be the primary means to express the speaker’s modality, and finite modal operators of three different values can show his attitude towards the audience and the event to varying degrees. In person system, the high frequency of "we" embodies the speaker’s willingness to reduce the distance between the audience and him. As for the tense system, present tense is used most frequently by the speaker with the intention of solving the practical problems, and the tense shift between the present tense and the past tense is the main feature of tense as well.The findings of this research can be helpful for a deeper understanding of political speeches and an exposition of the political purposes that may be achieved through the interpersonal meaning realized in the speeches. It can facilitate the language teaching and learning in discourse analysis. What’s more, the application of Halliday’s theory in this study shows that Systemic Functional grammar is scientific and practical in the appreciation of political speeches.
