

Research on Industrial Designs Protection of Intellectual Property

【作者】 吕萍

【导师】 魏纪林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国20多年专利制度的发展历程中,发明专利和实用新型专利是我国制度建立初期的研究重点,因为在我国当时的经济状况下,偏重于保护技术的发明和实用新型能迅速促进技术进步并及时带来经济回报。因此,专利法立法、专利法第一次修改和第二次修改均主要是针对发明和实用新型。然而,经济的腾飞极大地促进了我国科学技术的发展,当科技水平达到一定的高度,人们在消费选择时受科技因素的影响便逐渐下降,取而代之的是对外观设计的要求的不断提高。“设计创造财富”已经成为越来越多人的共识。我国作为世界工厂也迫切的需要实现从“中国制造”到“中国智造”的转型。外观设计相对于发明和实用新型而言,所需要的投入少,中小企业、或者从事艺术的人个人、均能独立完成,而且使用方便,维护成本低廉。随着对专利制度的认识水平的逐步加深,我国将更加注重追求知识产权保护制度完善性,此举将有利于促使发明、实用新型、外观设计三个方面的平衡协调发展。外观设计作为我国专利制度中的相对短板,将越来越受到关注。工业品外观设计作为一种特殊的专利权,由于兼具技术性和艺术性所以可以受到知识产权法律的多重保护。本文深入地剖析了外观设计的专利保护、著作权保护和商业标识保护的现状。其中,专利保护方法是首要保护方法,在介绍专利保护中重点阐述了现行法律规范、外观设计专利权授权的实质条件以及发生侵权行为时的认定和救济。著作权是次要保护手段,在著作权保护中介绍了外观设计被著作权保护时成为其保护客体的条件、获得保护的途径,并将工业品外观设计的著作权保护和专利权保护进行了比较。商业标识是辅助保护手段,商业标识保护中外观设计作为保护客体分为注册商标和非注册商标,分别采取不同方法进行保护,‘注册为商标的外观设计可以受到商标法的保护,而未注册为商标的知名商品特有的名称、包装、装潢可以受到反不正当竞争法的保护。由于外观设计的知识产权保护方式存在重叠性,权利人在对权利保护选择时可以自由选择最优的保护。文章采用多个不同的角度对四种保护途径作出了比较以供权利人在选择时考量。接下来,进一步了分析我国的外观设计保护现状,并且对域外立法进行比较分析,借鉴其先进立法理念和立法技术,最终作出适合我国工业品外观设计知识产权保护的法律建议。

【Abstract】 During 20 years of the patent system development history, our research focused on the invention patent and utility model patents in the early establishment of the system. Because in the market economy, emphasise on patent and utility model protection technology could promote the technological progress quickly and bring economic benefits in a timely manner. Therefore, the first and second changes of patent law legislation were mainly aimed to modify the invention and utility model. With the economic development, science and technology being into a certain height, people’s choice will be the impact of technology, but this influence is declining. In contrast, the design requirements of people have been continuously improved. "Designed to create wealth" has become more and more consensus. As the world’s factories we seek urgently from the "Made in China" to "Chinese wisdom made" transformation. Compared with inventions and utility models, designs require smaller investment. Small enterprises, or individuals engaged in the arts can complete it independently, and it is easy to use, costs low. Our awareness of the patent system is gradually improved. It will make the invention, utility model and design the coordinated development. Design patent system was neglected as a short board. It gets more and more attention now. At present, as a good example, China’s design patent is the first in the world.Industrial design is a special kind of patent.Due to both technical and artistic, it can be subject to multiple legal protection of intellectual property. This article focuses on industrial design of the multiple conservation status, and deeply analysis design patent protection, copyright protection and protection of commercial identity. Patent protection is the primary protection methods. In the process of introducing the patent protection, it is focused on the existing legal norms, the substance of design patent licensing violations occur when the conditions and the identification and relief. Copyright is a secondary means of protection. I introduced the object of design as the conditions of copyright protection, the way to obtain protection, and protection of industrial designs, copyright and patent protection are compared. Business logo are secondary means of protection. Designs are divided into non-registered trademarks and registered trademarks are taking different approaches to protect:the appearance of design as a trademark may be subject to trademark laws, but have not registered as a trademark the name peculiar to well, packaging, decoration cannot be anti-fair competition laws. Overlapping design protection rights because the possibility and legitimacy, rights protection of the rights in the choice of freedom to choose the best way to protect their own, the article uses the perspective of several different ways to make comparisons of four protection for considerations in choosing the right time. Next, I put forward legislative proposals for national conditions of China, and comparative analysis of extraterritorial legislation, learn from their advanced technology legislation and legislative concepts, and ultimately to the right of legal advice on industrial designs.
