

【作者】 卢宁

【导师】 初炳东;

【作者基本信息】 烟台大学 , 刑法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从79年刑法颁布至今,我国环境刑事立法走过了三十多年的发展历程,虽然对遏制环境犯罪发挥了重要作用,但不可否认的是,我国现行环境刑事立法仍然存在着很多缺陷,无法适应打击新型环境犯罪、保护生态环境的需要,急需深化改革,所以笔者以污染环境犯罪为视角,阐述了污染环境犯罪的相关理论以及我国环境刑事立法中存在的问题,并提出了自己的一点意见,希望对我国环境刑事立法的改善起到一定的积极作用。文章分为五个部分,首先是对污染环境犯罪的综合概述,分别对污染环境犯罪的概念、社会危害性以及在我国刑法中的犯罪构成进行了系统的阐述。第二部分阐述了污染环境犯罪在国外的立法体现,分别介绍了德国、日本、英国、美国等发达国家的环境刑事立法,并对比分析,总结了各国现行环境刑事立法的特点以及对我国立法改革的借鉴意义。第三部分讲述的是我国环境刑事立法的沿革,我国环境刑事立法的发展历程,大体上可分为三个阶段:79年刑法和附属环境刑法补充使用阶段,97年刑法施行阶段,刑法修正案和司法解释补充阶段。第四部分是文章的核心,笔者对我国现行环境刑事立法的完善,提出了自己的几点意见和建议。首先,污染环境犯罪应处罚危险犯;其次,可以考虑适用严格责任对污染环境犯罪进行归责;再次,在因果关系认定上适用推定原则;同时,增设具体的污染环境犯罪,细化和扩展罪名;最后,改革污染环境犯罪的罚金刑,并增设资格刑,完善对污染环境犯罪的惩罚措施。最后一部分是对文章的总结,笔者期望环境刑事立法能够深化改革,对遏制和预防环境犯罪,保护生态环境起到更积极的作用;同时,笔者也呼吁全社会共同关注环境问题,积极参与环境保护,为生态的平衡,环境的改善,贡献自己的一份力量。

【Abstract】 From 1979, it has passed thirty years for the development of environmental criminal legislation in China. Although it plays an important role in suppressing environmental crime, it is undeniable that many defects still exist. However, the environmental criminal legislation can not adapt to fight against the new environmental crime and meet the need to protect the ecological environment. It needs to deepen the reform. So choosing the perspective of environmental pollution crime, this paper expounds the relevant theory in this field and points the existing problems in our environmental criminal legislation. Lastly, the author puts forward his own views and hopes that they will play a positive role in improving the environmental criminal legislation in our country.The article is divided into five parts. The first part is an overview for environmental pollution crime. In this part, the paper discusses the concept and the social harmfullness as well as the constitutive elements of this crime in our criminal legislation.The second part is the description in environmental criminal legislation in foreign countries, such as Germany, Japan, Britain, the United States, and so on. From comparing and analysing, the author summarizes the common characteristics of these countries. And the legislative experience is very useful for our legislative reform.The third part is about the developing process to environmental criminal legislation in our country. The process can be divided into three stages: The first stage is after the year 1979. At this stage, The Criminal Law in 1979 plays a major part in combating environmental crimes supplemented by lots of accessory criminal legal norms of environment.The second stage is a phase that The Criminal Law in 1997 puts in force and plays a role in protecting the environment. The third stage is a period of mutual complementation between criminal amendments and judicial interpretations.The fourth part is the core of this article. In this part, the author puts forward some opinions and suggestions to improve the legislation of environmental crime. Firstly, the environment criminal damage offence should be punsihed. Secondly, apply the imputative principle of the strict liability in environmental criminal law. Again, the principle of cause and effect should also be used to recegnize the causality of environmental crime. At the same time, add specific environmental pollution crimes and expand the area of the criminal offences. Finally, perfect the punishment of environmental pollution crime by deepening the reform of fine punishment and adding the qualification penalty in this crime.The last part of the article is to summarize. The author expects that the reform of environmental criminal legislation should be deepened quickly. Therefore, it will play a more active role in preventing the environmental crime and protecting the ecological environment. At the same time, the author also calls on the social common to concern environmental problems and participate in environmental protection actively. We can contribute our own strength for the balance of nature and the improvement of environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 烟台大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期