

【作者】 马振华

【导师】 李峰;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的增长全球出现了不同程度的能源危机,地热能作为一种新型能源日益受到人们的重视。云南省地热资源十分丰富,是我国地热资源大省,全省水温≥25℃的温泉或温泉群共计有620个,总流量7.07吨/秒,居全国首位。曲靖三宝地区又是云南省地热资源分布的主要地区之一,开发和利用好三宝地热资源,将对曲靖市旅游经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高起到巨大的推动作用,并能带动云南经济的发展,其意义巨大。本文从地热水的热能来源、地热水的出露特征、地质构造对地热水的控制作用、地震与地热异常的成生关系、热储特征、地热水化学特征等方面总结了地热水形成的一般条件,并从以上方面研究了曲靖三宝地热水形成的地质条件和形成模式。研究区为一受堡子上继承性逆断裂带控制的断裂盆地型地热系统,地热水类型可分为层状型和带状型两类,层状型地热水分布在三宝三百户村以北,热储层主要为泥盆系中统D2qj、D3zg地层;带状型地热水则主要集中在三宝桥头一带。在三宝桥头,由于地热水直接受深部热液加热明显,热水温度较高为50℃左右,具有极大的开发价值,是本研究的重点研究对象。本文依据《地热资源地质勘查规范》对地热水温度的相关规定和地热显示或揭示点热水分布情况,进行了曲靖三宝地热水的异常圈定。利用体积法(热储法)对地热异常区的地热资源量进行了计算,得到研究区地热资源总量为4.32×1017J,折合标准煤1.474×107吨;利用承压水静储量的计算方法得到三宝地热水资源储存量为10.48×107m3,有效开采量为1.57×107m3,从而得出曲靖三宝地热资源具有极大开发价值的结论。桥头温泉2008年9月份调查时均已干枯,因此该处地热水的开采已属过量开采,今后加大桥头地热水开发的难度加大,而在三宝三百户村以北的层状地热水开发程度不高,有一定的开发潜力。针对曲靖三宝地热水利用程度较低的现状,提出了加强地热水综合利用程度和相关研究的建议,这些成果可帮助当地政府部门在今后地热水开采过程中制定合理的开发方案,具有现实意义。本论文由于时间仓促未进行地下水数值模拟等方面的研究,对地热水的开发潜力评价也较粗略,在今后的学习和工作中应注意加强!

【Abstract】 With the growth of economy, the world’s energy crisis of various degrees has occurred. As a new type energy, the geothermal energy is been noticed more and more. The geothermal resource is abundant in Yunnan Province and Yunnan Province’s geothermal resource is richer than other areas of China. In Yunnan province, the hot springs have 620 groups that the temperature of water exceed 25℃, the total flow is 7.07 t/s. Sanbao of Qujing Basin is one of the main areas on geothermal resources in Yunnan Province. To take good use of geothermal resources of Sanbao of Qujing Basin will drive the economy of Yunnan to develop and improve people’s lives standard, it play a huge role on these areas.This paper have studied forming mechanism of geothermal water from some content in such as source of geothermal energy, the exposed characteristics, the geological formation, characteristics of the geothermal reservoirs, fault and chemical characteristics of geothermal water. The paper has expatiated forming mechanism of Qujing Basin Sanbao geothermal water like above content. The structure of Qujing Basin Sanbao geothermal reservoirs is made up of layered type and zonal type. In the north of Sanbao, the stratum of main geothermal reservoir is D2qj and D3zg, the main supply comes from the south west atmosphere rainfall and a little come from deep water. At Qiaotou village, the geothermal water is controlled by Bu-Zi fault, the temperature of water is higher, exceeds 50℃. In the end, the paper gave the conceptual model of forming mechanism of Qujing Basin Sabao geothermal water.This article has carved up anomalistic area of geothermal by stipulation of the geothermal water temperature in "Geothermal resource Geology Investigation Standard", the geothermal revelation and geothermal water distributed situation. Obtained the research area geothermal resource total quantity for 4.32×1017J, equaled to standard coal 1.474×107T, by the volumetric method (geothermal reserve method). Obtained Sanbao geothermal water resources storage capacity is 10.48×107m3, effective mine is 1.57×107m3, by the computational method of confined water reserves and obtained the conclusion that the development value of Qujing Sanbao geothermal resource is enormous. When we investigated in September,2008, Qiaotou geothermal spring is sere; therefore this place geothermal water already has been excessive mining. From-now on, the difficulty that we are going to increase exploitation the Qiaotou geothermal water is large, but the development degrees of layered geothermal water in north of the. Sanbaihu village is not high and it has certain development potential. In view of the present situation of the Qujing basin Sanbao geothermal water exploitation, the article proposed that strengthen the geothermal water comprehensive utilization and the related research. These achievements may help the local government to work out the rational development plan in the future, it has the practical significance.Because the time is festinate, this paper don’t carry out stringent numerical simulation studies and the assessed results is also cursory. I should be strengthened on study and working in the future.
