

【作者】 章国权

【导师】 戴惠新; 高利坤;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 钨矿是我国的优势矿产,它被誉为工业“味精”,被广泛应用于材料、国防、航空、造船等多个领域。目前,随着赣南等地的黑钨资源逐渐枯竭,白钨矿在钨总量中所占比例慢慢高于黑钨矿,合理利用宝贵的白钨矿资源变得意义重大。云南怒江某中型白钨矿床,原矿WO3品位1.14%。由工艺矿物学研究知,入选矿石为石英脉类型,钨矿中91.23%为白钨矿,少量的黑钨矿。白钨矿的嵌布粒度不均匀,部分浸染状形式存在,主要粒度范围在0.01~0.2mmm。针对原矿工艺矿物学特性,制定出重—磁联合选矿工艺,然后对重-磁联合工艺尾矿进行浮选探索性试验研究,最后通过工业试验验证试验室研究成果的合理性。论文主要研究内容及结果如下:1、磨矿试验研究:通过对比球磨机与棒磨机磨矿细度与摇床选别指标关系,同在最佳磨矿细度条件下,棒磨机磨矿所得摇床精矿指标较球磨机优;又通过对球磨与棒磨最佳磨矿产品粒度分析和单价解离度测定,验证在获得相近单体解离度情况下,棒磨磨矿产生微细粒物料少,棒磨磨矿较优。2、重选试验研究:通过将磨矿产品预先分成+0.074mm、-0.074+0.038mm、-0.038mm三个粒级,然后对各粒级分别进行跳汰、螺旋溜槽、摇床粗选试验研究,通过比较摇床重选粗选较其他两种工艺获得白钨粗精矿指标较好,所以三个粒级粗选均采用摇床重选工艺;由于粗选中矿W03品位和回收率均较高,所以对每个粒级粗选中矿进行摇床再选;重选工艺获得最终白钨精矿WO3品位62.27%,对原矿回收率69.18%。3、磁选除铁试验研究:对重选所得总精矿进行磁选除铁试验研究。确定磁选最佳条件为,磁场强度240mT,给矿浓度35%,在此条件下获得了除铁后的白钨精矿W03品位64.16%,对原矿回收率69.14%。4、重—磁联合工艺总尾矿浮选探索性试验研究:浮选探索性试验获得白钨精矿W03品位16.97%,对原矿回收率2.42%,浮选探索性试验未获得成功。该白钨矿性质特殊,采用常规浮选工艺选别有相当大的难度,由于研究经费和时间等原因,故没有深入对尾矿浮选进行研究。5、工业试验:工业试验以试验室试验研究为基础,试验获得最终白钨精矿W03品位65.07%,回收率68.17%,从而验证了试验室研究成果的合理性。总之,针对该白钨矿特殊性质,论文采用了重-磁联合工艺,并获得了较好的白钨精矿指标。论文未按一般思路,直接对该白钨矿进行浮选试验研究,而是根据原矿工艺矿物学特性,采用了合理的选矿工艺。

【Abstract】 Tungsten, as an advantageous mineral resource of China, is known to all as "monosodium glutamate of industry" and has been widely used in the fields of material, national defense, aviation and shipmaking, etc. With the increasingly depletion of Wolframite resources in southern Gannan Area of China and other areas, the proportion of Scheelite to the total tungsten production has exceeded that of Wolframite; therefore, the reasonable utilization of the valuable Scheelite resource has become significantly important.The material used for the present investigation was obtained from a medium-scale Scheelite ore deposit in Nujiang of Yunnan province. The material is 1.14% WO3 grade. The mineralogy analysis shows that it is quartz-type and Scheelite is the dominant mineral accounting for 91.23% of the total tungsten minerals. The material has an uneven size distribution, with most tungsten minerals disseminated in the narrow range of 0.01-0.20 mm. Therefore, a gravity separation-magnetic separation flowsheet was tested on the ore, on the basis of the mineralogy analysis, and its tailings was further separated with the flowsheet. The feasibility of this flowsheet for the ore was investigated using full-scale tests. The main contents of this study are listed below:1. Grinding tests. Ball grinding and rod grading of the ore and their effects on shaking table separating results were fully examined. It was found that the rod grinding achieves a higher quality concentrate for the optimum grinding fineness and the rod grinding produces much less ultra-fine particles.2. Gravity separations. The ground material was divided into three fractions of +0.074 mm,-0.074+0.038 mm and -0.038 mm and they were respectively tested on jigs, spirals and shaking tables; the results indicate that the shaking table achieves a relatively higher quality Scheelite concentrate and thus these three fractions are all roughed using shaking tables. As the middle products from shaking tables roughing has still a high WO3 grade, these products are further scraped on the tables. The gravity flowsheet produces a final Scheelite concentrate assaying 62.27% WO3 with 69.18% recovery.3. Iron removal with magnetic separation. The rough Scheelite concentrate from gravity separations are tested with magnetic separator to remove iron particles. Under the optimum operating conditions of the magnetic separator, i.e., magnetic intensity of 240 mT and feed% solids of 35%, a final Scheelite concentrate assaying 64.16% WO3 with 69.16% recovery was achieved after the removal of iron particles. 4. Gravity separation-magnetic separation tests of tailings from the Scheelite ore. A Scheelite concentrate assaying 16.97% WO3 with 2.42% recovery was produced with flotation methods; therefore, this tailings can not be effectively treated with conventional flotations. Due to the shortage of research finance and the limitation of time, further flotation studies of the tailings was not performed.5. Full-scale test. On the basis of the pilot-scale investigations as listed above, a full-scale test was carried out on the ore. The test produced a final Scheelite concentrate assaying 65.07% WO3 with 68.17% recovery, which fully validated the pilot-scale tests.In summary, based on the mineralogy analysis of the Scheelite ore a gravity separation-magnetic separation flowsheet was used in the study and a relatively higher performance was achieved.
