

【作者】 邵靖

【导师】 王坤茜;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 云南25个少数民族因其独特的生产方式、生活环境、民族性格和审美意识,创造了种类纷繁、形态各异、精巧奇美的民族包。民族包作为云南少数民族服饰艺术的重要组成部分,是对云南各个民族所处的地理位置、生存环境、历史文化、社会变迁、宗教信仰、生活方式、风俗习惯等因素的综合反映。对云南少数民族独特的包文化进行研究,具有一定的理论意义和传承价值。文化符码理论属于文化符号学的一支,其核心思想是将文化学引入符号学研究,文化符码的本质在于区辨不同的文化特征。在理论符号学中,特定的符号系统被称为符码(Code),符码是语意得以传达的基础,是具有特定框架、意义的符号系统,被认为是符号学中最基本的功能单位。云南少数民族包这一民族艺术形式可以理解为一个完整的文化符码系统,其中每一个特定的符号系统构成一个符码,传达着民族的文化内涵和特征。云南少数民族包显性的材料质感、视觉图像、内在的制作技艺和文化语意共同构成了一个完整的文化符码系统,通过研究内容丰富的云南民族包的文化符码,可以发掘其显性的艺术形式规则及蕴含的历史、宗教、习俗、审美等文化现象。本论文在查阅文献资料的基础上,运用文化符码理论,围绕云南少数民族包的文化符码展开了研究。首先介绍了云南少数民族包的族源和分布,分析了其形成和发展,总结出了民族包的五大个性特征,而后对文化符码的理论进行了阐述,指出了云南少数民族包的文化符码的本质,构建了民族包文化符码系统的三个层级。论文进而从民族包的造型结构、功能用途、多元材质、制作工艺等层面来研究云南少数民族包文化符码的媒材技术层符码;从构成符码、色彩符码、纹样符码的层面来研究云南少数民族包的艺术形式层符码,总结了民族包的形式美法则;对民族包的语意主题进行了总结,并以分属四大族群的云南15个少数民族包来展开研究。最后,针对云南民族包的传承问题和在现代设计中的应用,分别对三个层次文化符码的应用实例进行了案例分析,希望找出云南民族包区别其他包袋的文化符码特征,提出要注重将民族包的文化语意融入现代设计的建议。综上所述,论文运用文化符码的理论为主线贯穿全篇,对云南少数民族包的文化符码系统进行了总体及分层的研究。论文为民族艺术的研究提供了新视角,对民族民间艺术的传承和发展有一定的指导和参考价值。

【Abstract】 25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan Province because of its unique mode of production and living environment, national character and aesthetic awareness, creating numerous species, of various shapes, delicates national satchel. Yunnan minority Satchel as an important part of art costumes is a comprehensive reflection to all ethnic groups in Yunnan’s geographical location, living environment, history and culture, social change, religion, lifestyle, customs and other factors. The study of Yunnan minority Satchel unique culture is a certain theoretical significance and heritage value.Cultural codes theory is one of the cultural semiotics, the core idea is to introduce cultural studies to semiotic studies. The essence of cultural codes is to distinguishing the different cultural characteristics. In theory semiotics, the specific system of symbols called Codes, code is able to convey semantic basis is a specific framework, the meaning of the symbol system, is considered the most basic semiotic functional unit.This national art form of Yunnan minority satchel can be understood as a complete system of cultural codes, each of which a particular system of symbols form a codes to convey the nation’s cultural content and features. The external material texture, visual images and the inner production skills, culture meaning of Yunnan minority Satchel together constitute a complete system of cultural codes. By studying the rich cultural codes of Yunnan minority satchel, this can explore the external art form rules and internal the history, religion, customs, aesthetic and other cultural phenomena.In this paper, based on the literature review, use of cultural codes around the cultural codes of Yunnan minority satchel launched a study. First introduced the Yunnan minority satchel national sources and distribution, an analysis of its formation and development, and summed up the national satchel five personality feature, then the theory of cultural codes are set forth, pointed out the nature of the culture code of Yunnan minority satchel, to build the national satchel cultural codes of the three-level system.Paper then from the modeling structure, functional use, multi-material, Craftsmanship to study the media technical level codes of Yunnan minority satchel; From the Constitute codes, color codes, pattern codes to study the art form level codes, summed up the rules of formal beauty national satchels; Summed up the theme of the national satchel semantics, and to study separately the 15 minority satchels belong four major ethnic groups. Finally, for the Yunnan minority satchel transmission problems and the application of modern design, respectively to ca.se analysis to the application examples of the three levels of cultural codes, hoping to find differences between Yunnan minority satchels of cultural codes of other features, make should pay attention to the cultural semantics of national satchel into modern designs.In summary, the theory of cultural codes as the main line through the whole chapter, which study the cultural codes system of Yunnan minority satchels overall and stratified. This paper can provide a new perspective for the research national art, also have a certain degree of guidance and reference value to the heritage and development for the national folk art.
