

【作者】 于海燚

【导师】 李文尧;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 构造地质, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 个旧位于我国滇东南地区,具有悠久的矿业发展史,以锡矿的生产而驰名中外,有锡都之美称。自新中国建立以来,个旧矿区已探明有锡、钨、铜、铅、锌、银、铋、铁等20多种矿产,有色金属总储量达800多万吨。个旧东区的马拉格、龙树脚、高松、老厂及卡房五大矿田汇集了个旧金属总储量的90%左右。但由于长期开采,矿产资源消耗量大,急需寻找接替资源,个旧西区具有良好的找矿前景。个旧锡多金属矿与隐伏花岗岩体有关,为了解决接替资源问题,选择具有代表性的个旧西区落水洞铅锌矿区进行隐伏构造研究。收集了以往的地质资料、物探资料,结合现在研究资料,归纳总结了地质、地球物理(磁、电性)特征。选择高精度磁测及EH4对测区隐伏构造研究,进行了野外数据采集,完成高精度磁测剖面7条、共682个点,EH4剖面21条、共842个点。对高精度磁测数据进行了日变改正、高度改正、水平梯度改正、基点改正和正常场改正,异常下限确定,地形改正,分量提取,切线法及正演拟合。对EH4数据进行x方向圆滑系数为(0、0.3、0.5、1)的提取,y方向圆滑系数为(0、0.3、0.5、1)提取,概率统计,异常上限的的计算,高程改正及三角剖分处理。对高精度磁测、EH4数据进行了定性、定量解释及综合推断解释。通过对异常分析、研究,推断出断层10条,环形构造1个,矽卡岩体1个,隐伏花岗岩体1个。为矿区找矿提供了构造依据。根据测区地质、地球物理特征与异常特征,建立矿区构造电阻率异常、磁异常模型。该模型对今后个旧西区找矿及构造研究工作具有一定借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Gejiu is located in southeastern Yunnan, has a long history in the mining industry to the production of the famous and tin, with " Yunnan Tin" of good reputation." Yunnan Tin "good name. New China was founded, Mine of Gejiu has proven a tin, tungsten, copper, lead, zinc, silver, bismuth minerals more than 20 species, the total non-ferrous metal reserves of more than 800 milliontons.Malage,Longshujiao,Gaosong,Kafang in Gejiu Eastern, they bring about 90% of total reserves of Gejiu. However, long-term exploitation of mineral resources consumed in large quantities, the current stage has been to search for substitute resources. Gejiu Western with good prospects. Gejiu tin-polymetallic deposit with the concealed granite. To address the replacement of resources, select a representative Gejiu Western Luoshuidong buried mining.Collection of past geological data, geophysical data, combined with current research data, summarizes the geological, geophysical (magnetic, electrical) characteristics. Select high-precision magnetic measurement and EH4 buried structure of the survey area studies, carried out field data collection, completion of high-precision magnetic survey profiles 7, a total of 682 points, EH4 section 21, a total of 842 points. High-precision measurements of the magnetic data were changed to correct date, correct height, horizontal gradient correction, base correction and normal market correction, threshold in determining the terrain correction, component extraction, tangent method and the forward fitting. EH4 data on the direction of smooth coefficient x (0,0.3,0.5,1) extraction, y direction of smooth coefficient (0,0.3,0.5,1) extraction, probability and statistics, the calculation of abnormal limit, elevation correction and triangular Split treatment. On the high-precision magnetic measurement, EH4 data were qualitative and quantitative interpretation and integrated inference and interpretation.By exception analysis, research, inferred fault 10, a circular structure, buried granite one. To provide a structural basis for mining exploration.According to geological conditions and abnormal test results conclude, the establishment of mining structure resistivity anomaly, magnetic anomaly model. The model for future exploration and construction of old Western research has some significance.

  • 【分类号】P631.2;P618.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】343
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