

【作者】 管帅

【导师】 宁德煌;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 到目前为止,虽然已经有很多学者研究了城市旅游目的地品牌传播这一课题,但是还没有人将其系统化。无论是在对城市旅游目的地品牌传播潜在目标游客的调查方法还是在城市旅游目的地品牌传播策略的研究方面大都是将品牌传播学的理论应用到城市旅游目的地品牌传播这一领域。在以往有关城市旅游目的地品牌传播这一课题的研究,对于互联网这一媒介的运用还没有得到足够的重视。随着科技的发展,互联网现在对于营销人员来说可以作为一种新的途径来提高人们交流的效率和有效性。由于顾客本身就具有对彼此产生相互影响的动机,互联网上人与人之问会产生一些相互的影响,营销人员自然也应该想到如何来有效的利用人们之间的这种相互影响。随着互联网技术的普及,消费者在互联网上的相互影响会越来越多。本文在借鉴了品牌传播学和旅游学的一些相关理论的基础上,提出了将互联网这一媒介运用到城市旅游目的地品牌传播领域的一些见解,并将其应用到云南省昆明、大理、丽江三个城市的品牌传播。在对昆明、大理、丽江三个城市进行品牌传播的实例研究方面,本文通过对入境游客在互联网博客上所发表的到这三个城市旅游的互联网博客的调查,将入境游客所关注的这三个城市的旅游资源进行提炼分析,并对入境游客进行分类,找出不同细分市场的入境游客所感兴趣的旅游资源,以便对目标顾客进行有针对性的品牌传播。并根据博客中所提取的信息为这三个城市各自选取一个具有代表性的实物对这三个城市的偶像品牌进行物化。在传播策略上,本文采用了互联网口碑这一传播方式,对这三个城市旅游目的地的品牌传播提出一些建议。

【Abstract】 So far, though many scholars have studied the topic of urban tourism destination brand communication, no one has made it a theory system. The scholars always applied the theory of brand communication to the area of urban tourism destination brand communication, whether in the survey methodology of potential target tourists of urban tourism destination brand communication or the research of urban tourism destination brand communication strategy.In the past, the research of urban tourism destination brand communication didn’t give sufficient attention to the use of Internet. With the development of technology, for marketers, the Internet now can serve as a new way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of people communicate. As the customers have the motivation to interact with each other, the people on the Internet will produce a number of mutual influence, marketers should also be naturally thought of how to effectively use this interaction between people. With the popularization of network technology, the interaction of consumers on the Internet will be more and more. This paper puts forward a series of views of applying the medium of Internet to urban tourism destination brand communication based on a number of related theories of the brand communication studies and tourism studies and applies it to the urban tourism brand communication of Kunming, Dali, Lijiang in Yunnan province.In the case studies of brand communication of Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, this paper investigates the travel blogs published by inbound tourists about the travel to the three cities, refines and analyzes the tourism resources of the three cities which the inbound tourists focus on and classifies the inbound tourists to identify the urban tourism resources which different market segments of tourists are interested in. Then we can make a targeted urban tourism destination brand communication strategies, and select an object for each of the three cities in accordance with the information of the blogs to materialize the three city’s idol brands.In the strategy of urban tourism destination brand communication, this paper emphasizes the using of medium of Internet and throws out some suggestions about the urban tourism brand communication of the three cities.

【关键词】 城市旅游目的地偶像品牌传播
【Key words】 citytourism destinationiconbrandcommunication