

【作者】 武戈

【导师】 贾凌;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 重大环境污染事故罪是我国1997年刑法典修订中新增设的罪名,对保护环境、惩治环境污染具有重要的意义,确立本罪的本意是为了应对自改革开放以来,由于经济迅速发展而带来的日益严重的环境污染问题。尽管刑法手段被引入到环保法律制度中已十多年,但污染环境的势头并没有得到有效的遏制,可见对重大环境污染事故罪的研究在理论与实践中还存在着诸多的问题,因而重新审视重大环境污染事故罪的立法以对其准确定位是必要的。而发达国家由于其环境立法起步早,现已形成较完善的环境法律体系和完整的理论。在这种背景下,完善我国应当借鉴其他国家的先进立法经验,从而对重大环境污染事故罪进行修改。笔者认为这种借鉴是可行的,因为我国现在所面临的环境问题与西方国家在五十年前所遇到的环境问题多有类似的地方。正是基于这样的考虑,笔者选择了这个题目,通过完善重大环境污染事故罪,进而为我国环境刑法的理论发展提供一个理论创新的契机。具体而言,本文分为引言、正文、结论三大部分。其中正文分为四部分:第一部分首先对我国重大环境污染事故罪的立法过程、立法的形式、立法的特点进行了总结分析。然后通过对外国具有先进立法的国家的污染环境犯罪立法的脉络进行清理,总结出污染环境犯罪及其刑事制裁的立法形式和立法特点。最后通过比较分析后,在明确各国立法差异的同时,发现我国的不足。第二部分是本文的重点,以我国的重大环境污染事故罪的客体、客观方面、主体、主观方面四个构成要件为线,介绍与借鉴外国有代表性国家的污染环境犯罪的先进立法,以比较分析的方法进行了展开:在客体方面存在社会法益和环境法益的不同,分析认为环境权应作为重大环境污染事故罪所保护的法益;客观方面本文主要对各国的犯罪形态和因果关系理论进行比较分析,认为我国重大环境污染事故罪应规定危险犯以及适用因果关系推定原则;在主体方面,本文将对不同国家的法人问题进行探讨;主观方面,分析比较各国规定的不同的主观要件以及是否适用严格责任,分析认为我国重大环境污染事故罪的主观要件应为过失和间接故意,不应当适用严格责任。第三部分通过对外国有关污染环境犯罪和我国重大环境污染事故罪刑罚的适用原则和处罚方式的比较分析,总结出许多国家在严密其各自刑事法网的同时,也更加注重了刑罚的经济性,并形成了重视自由刑、罚金刑以及非刑罚三种措施的特点。第四部分(本文主要观点的总结)是在对前三部分的比较分析、具体论证的基础上,提出完善我国重大环境污染事故罪的建议:一是把重大环境污染事故罪分解为相关的几个犯罪;二是增设危险犯;三是明确不适用严格责任;四是适用因果关系推定原则;五是扩大罚金刑的适用,并注重非刑罚措施的适用。

【Abstract】 Significant Environmental Pollution Accident Crime is an change in the amendment of the Criminal code of China 1997, which is very important for protecting the environment and punishing environmental pollution, and the original intent of this accusation is to deal with the more and more serious problems of environment pollution brought by the rapid development of economy since the reform and opening-up. Although the measure of Criminal Law has been introduced into the legal system of environmental protection for more than ten years, the tendency of polluting environment has not been controlled effectively, we can see that there are still many problems in the theoretical and practical study of the crime of serious environmental pollution accident, hence, it is essential to re-examine the legislation of the Significant Environmental Pollution Accident Crime and locate it accurately. In developed countries, the perfect jurisprudence and integrated theory on environment have been formed because of the earlier start of the legislation of environment. In this background, one of the effective measures for improving the Significant Environmental Pollution Accident Crime is to compare the developed countries for learning the successful experience. And there are many similarities between the environmental problems brought by the modernization process of our country and the situation of environment in western countries in the middle of last century, which not only make the learning becomes maneuverable but also can decrease the unnecessary cost in the process of controlling environmental crime in our country. Therefore, the author wants to talk about this subject and provides an opportunity of theoretical innovation for the development of our country’s criminal law of environment by improving the crime of serious environmental pollution accident. Specifically, this article includes introduction, main body and conclusion three parts, and the main body consists of the following four parts:In the first part, at first I analyzed and summarized the legislation process, format and characteristics of the Significant Environmental Pollution Accident Crime in our country. Then I summarized the environment pollution crime and the legislation format and characteristics of the corresponding criminal sanctions through cleaning up the environment pollution crime legislation venation of the countries which have the advanced legislation. At last I defined the legislation difference between countries and found the disadvantages of our country through comparison and analysis.The second part is the emphasis of this article. According to object, subject, objective element and subjective element of the crime of serious environmental pollution accident in our country I introduced and referred to the advanced legislation of environment pollution crime of the representative countries and outspread the article in a comparative and analytic way:There exist social law benefit and environmental law benefit in the aspect of object, and concluded that environmental rights should be the protected law benefit in the crime of serious environmental pollution accident; In the aspect of objective element, this article mainly analyzed and compared the different countries’crime patterns and causal relations theory, and concluded that dangerous offense should be prescribed and the deduction causality principle should be applicable in the Significant Environmental Pollution Accident Crime of our country; In the subject aspect, the main difference of environment pollution crime in different countries is whether it is admitted that the artificial person have the ability of undertake the criminal responsibility of environmental crime or not; In the aspect of subject element, compared the different subjective elements and whether it is applicable to the strict liability or not in different countries and concluded that the subjective elements of the crime of serious environmental pollution accident in our country should be the negligence and indirect intent, which is not applicable to the strict liability.In the third part, through comparing and analyzing the applicable principle and the mode of punishment of the environment pollution crime between foreign countries and our country, I concluded that many countries applied the strict criminal law and regard the economy of punishment and formed the characteristics of value freedom punishment, fine punishment and other measures.The fourth part is the suggestions based on the comparative analysis and concrete proof in the former three parts, which are about how to improve the Significant Environmental Pollution Accident Crime in our country:(i)separate the Significant Environmental Pollution Accident Crime into several crimes; (ii)subjoin dangerous offense; (iii)clear that the crime is inapplicable to the strict liability; (iv) the crime should confer to the deduction causality principle; (v)enlarge fine punishment application and value the application of non-punitive measures.
