

【作者】 徐洲

【导师】 张悟移;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的到来,供应链竞争的日趋激烈,巩固供应链核心竞争力的重要性日益凸显,这一切必然将供应链的研究方向引入一个多学科交叉的领域。知识管理、供应链管理以及核心竞争力的创建相融合,成为本论文研究的基石。对于知识流动问题,现在的研究多集中于企业内部的知识转移和增值部分,少有文章研究企业间的知识流动问题。供应链企业之间在发生生产、采购、销售等一切环节的过程当中必然伴随着知识的流动,而知识成为21世纪不可替代的最重要资源。因此,要使得供应链整体效益得到增强,则必须提高供应链上所有企业的学习能力以便获取先进的知识。而知识在企业之间流动,就一定会客观存在着影响知识流动的要素,这些要素要么促使知识在企业之间顺畅流动,要么阻碍知识在企业之间顺畅流动。但影响知识流动的要素有很多,所以本论文研究的重点在于如何识别诸多影响要素中的重要要素。本文在研究知识管理和知识流相关理论的基础上,参考供应链中的评价方法,提出了基于粗糙集的供应链企业知识流动影响要素的识别模型,模型以供应链企业之间知识流动的影响要素为主要着手点,将企业的知识吸收能力、企业之间的知识匹配程度以及行业开放程度作为输入要素,将知识流动效果作为产出项,通过对输入要素和输出要素的关系分析得出是哪些是重要要素,哪些是冗余要素。文章利用调查数据进行算例设计,运用粗糙集理论方法和对数据进行计算分析,对模型和分析方法的可行性和科学性进行了验证,并通过上下近似描述知识投入要素与知识流动效果的关系,为供应链整体实现知识的顺畅流动,增强整体的知识能力、提高知识效率和最终效益提供了有益的指导,从而实现了理论的现实应用,最终验证模型的合理性。最后对文章进行总结与展望。由于知识和能力的有限,在模型设计和实例计算中仍存在一些不足和遗憾,所以在结尾提出将来研究可能的改进方向,以便今后更进一步的探讨和研究。

【Abstract】 Coming with the knowledge economy and more intense competition among supply chains, how to consolidate the core competitiveness of the supply chain become an important mission to Business community and academe. The tendency must guide the supply chain research into a field of overlapped multi-subject inevitably. The integration and colligation of knowledge management and supply chain management will be the foundation of the paper.Most of the researches don’t focus on knowledge transfer and value increment inside an enterprise but on then between enterprises.Supply chain between enterprises in manufacturing, purchasing and sales all links with the process flow of knowledge. In the 21st century the most important irreplaceable resources is the knowledge. Therefore, if we want to make the whole supply chain efficiency improved, and we must improve the learning ability of all enterprises to obtain the advanced knowledge.When knowledge flowing among the enterprises,there must be elements affecting knowledge flow exist objectively. These elements among the enterprise knowledge prompt, or hinder the knowledge flow. But there are many factors influence the flow of knowledge,.Therefore this research will focus on how to identify the important factors among these influence factors.This paper based on the research of knowledge management and knowledge flow, evaluating the reference method of supply chain, proposing the knowledge flow model which the main factors affecting based on the rough sets. The supply chain model points on the factors which influences the flow of knowledge among the enterprises mainly.This paper uses the knowledge absorptive capacity, knowledge matching degree, industry openness as the total input, knowledge flow effects as the total output, analysis which is the important factor, which is the redundant elements through the input and output of elements.Using survey data for example design, and using rough sets theory method calculating and analysis the data. Through the upper approximation and lower approximation describing the relationship between the totle input and knowledge flow effects. Then provide a meaningful guidance for knowledge flow smoothly in the supply chain, enhancing the overall knowledge ability,and improve efficiency and knowledge ultimately benefit.At last he paper validates feasibility and science of the model.Finally, is the paper has shortage and prospect. There may be some shortages and regrets in this paper which need further research.
