

Aesthetic Experience and Explaining

【作者】 田硕

【导师】 王贺;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 面对当前我国城镇建设中普遍面临的城镇面貌趋同、特色缺失的问题,作者结合自身的城市规划与设计专业背景知识,运用美学、城市美学及建筑美学相关原理,选择云南省玉溪市的小城镇作为审美体验与审美解读对象,观城镇面貌,辨析其在特色营造过程中的“得”与“失”,剖析问题的成因,并寻求解决途径。希望通过这些研究,进一步丰盈小城镇特色建设的理论方法与技术手段。论文首先梳理了与本研究相关的美学和各专项门类美学的研究成果,之后在介绍玉溪市小城镇特色建设发展历程的基础上,通过实地调研,分析城镇现状,从宏观——中观——微观三个层面,对城镇建成环境进行审美体验与解读,并从“城镇整体环境”、“城镇重要空间节点与特色地段”、“城镇建筑与环境艺术”三个方面展开具体研究,发现并深入分析其“美”的特质与“不美”的因子。论文结论部分,探讨了玉溪小城镇地方特色传承与发展的问题,提出营造城镇特色的方法与对策,并引入“冗余度”概念,结合小城镇地方特色风貌元素的甄别,尝试性地归纳出城镇特色中“可传承元素”和“非可传承元素”的特征,强调可以通过提高有效的特色信息冗余度等方式,增强城镇特色信息传递的能力,更好地营造城镇特色。此外,论文还通过玉溪小城镇新民居设计实例,探索了民族特色风貌元素在地域特色建筑创作中的继承与应用的方法。论文最后,对玉溪市小城镇特色营造作出展望,呼吁通过各方努力,引导小城镇的特色营造走上健康发展之路,将小城镇建设成为具有较高美学价值、地域特色鲜明、和谐宜人的城镇。

【Abstract】 Currently, face to the problem that appearance in our towns is loss of characteristic and converge to be formulaic, with the city planning and design professional background, writer selected small towns in Yuxi, Yunan province as an object, used conclusions about Aesthetics, City Aesthetics and Architectural Aesthetics, to aesthetic experience and explaining. Watched outlooks of small towns, analyzed the success and failure in characteristic constructing process, in order to find solutions to the problem. Hope to enrich the theory and technical approach of characteristic construction through the research.Firstly, the dissertation combed conclusions about Aesthetics and aesthetic of some categories, basic on introduced the development process of characteristic construction in Yuxi small towns, through field research, analyzed the situation in towns, by aesthetic experience and explaining the built-environments on macro-meso-micro levels. And then, conducted field research, analyzed the elements in towns deeply which are "Beauty" or "Non-Beauty" from "the whole environment of small towns", "ritual dot-space and streets in towns" and "architectures and environment in towns" three aspects.The conclusion section in dissertation, discussed the problem that how to inherit and develop the local characteristics of spatial environment in Yuxi small towns, as making suggestions and strategies to it. Moreover, lead-in the concept of "Redundancy" and combined with distinguished the elements of local characteristics in towns, and tried to summarize the features of "Inheritance elements" and "Non-Inheritance elements". Suggested that we can construct town’s characteristic gracefully by increasing redundancy of effective characteristic information etc., to enhance the capacity of inheriting the characteristic information.In addition, writer attempt to research some approaches of the minority’s characteristic elements regional architectural creation to inherit and apply in actual projects through the example of new residence design in Yuxi small towns. Finally, on the prospects for characteristics construction of Yuxi small towns, to appeal that guiding characteristics construction in towns on healthy development way should made efforts by community. Then small towns will be higher aesthetic value, distinctive regional characteristics and harmonious.
