

【作者】 金捷

【导师】 廖建明; 邵立群;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代侦查破案模式和传统侦查破案模式的一个显著区别在于信息系统的介入,它正逐渐取代传统的沟通方式并将极大提高整个侦查破案工作的效率,令侦查破案的面貌焕然一新。本文论述的“大要案指挥决策系统”,正是此信息系统的一个主干应用系统,它的发展方向,表明了未来侦查工作模式的发展方向和趋势。本文的主要工作是通过建立“大要案指挥决策系统”,具体实现侦查任务的网上派送、网上反馈,案件侦查工作基础资料的有效保存;实现不同任务模块中查证反馈结果的相同元素在系统后台的自动关联,加快案件信息中各种要素的相互关联关系查找,提高分析研判的拓展性,从而提高决策指挥成效,全面推进案件侦查工作,提高重大案(事)件侦查的指挥、决策、管理的效率和科学性。本文首先介绍了“大要案指挥决策系统”的基本建设思路,通过案件侦查中基本的常规措施,以树型结构的形式将案件本身信息以及各种侦查措施进行可视化的展示。同时将可视化视图中各个节点模块化的方式,植入“任务栏”、“反馈栏”、“登录管理”、“提示栏”等功能模块,实现专门侦查措施的即时、远程任务派送,专项工作小组即时网上反馈,上下互为提示传告。文中的系统建设技术框架部分主要阐述了技术的具体实现和部分功能函数的源代码。系统使用Microsoft SQL Server 2000关系型数据库建立后台数据库,并利用XML(可扩展标记语言EXtensible Markup Language)结合AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML)技术和VML(Vector Markup Language矢量可标记语言)的即时显示来表述思维导图(一种以树状数据结构为基础,呈放射状发散型的节点连线图形),实现可视化、图形化的方法展现侦查思路的目的。

【Abstract】 The distinct difference between the modern and the traditional investigation detection pattern is the intervention of information systems. The former has been taking place of the traditional communication manner and it will improve the effectiveness of the detection. The‘command and strategy system of significant cases’discussed in this paper, whose development direction represents the trend of the detection pattern in the future, just is the main application system of the above information systems.Through the set up of‘command and strategy system of significant cases’, the dispatch and the feedback of detection mission on the network as well as the effective base data preservation of case detection are accomplished in this paper. Also, the automatic association of the same elements in the results of check and feedback from different mission modules is achieved, which accelerates search for the relationship of factors in the case and increases the expansibility of analysis and judgment, thereby, the effectiveness of command and the schedule of case detection are improved, the efficiency and scientificity of command, strategy and management in significant case detection are increased as well.The base construction design of‘command and strategy system of significant cases’is first introduced in the paper. The information and different detection means in regular cases are visualized based on the tree structure. At the same time, the different function modules such as‘task bar’,‘feedback bar’,‘entry and management’and‘tips bar’are added by modularization of the nodes in the visualized plots to realize instant/long-distance mission dispatch of the especial detection means and instant network feedback of the special working group, in which people get and send information from each other.In the paper, the technique frame of system construction mainly depicts the realization of technique and the source codes of some performance functions. The system set up the background database based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 relational database, meanwhile, it states the mind map(a kind of node connection diagram, which has a radial and divergent pattern based on the tree data structure) by instant display of XML(Extensible Markup Language) combing AJAX(Asynchronous Javascript and XML) and VML(Vector Markup Language) to show the detection thinking by means of visualization and graphic.

【关键词】 刑事侦查思维导图XMLAJAXVML
【Key words】 Criminal InvestigationMind MapXMLAJAXVML
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】97