

【作者】 张艳

【导师】 王彦昕;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 土壤作为土地的重要构成要素,其现状不容乐观。近年来,随着化肥、农药的不合理使用、工业三废的超标排放、地质灾害等原因,我国河北唐山的农用地土壤受到了越来越严重的污染,经济发展与环境保护的矛盾进一步凸显。因此,防治农用地土壤污染成为本地不可回避的问题。此外,农用地土壤污染不仅仅限于国内地区,而是全球性的问题。随着土壤污染面积的逐渐扩大和危害的日益加深,许多发达国家纷纷制定了土壤保护法律法规并积极采取法律措施,经过多年的实践,他们已形成了相对完善的法律体系并采取了切实有效的法律措施,有效遏制了农用地土壤的污染,为我们提供了许多有价值的参考和借鉴。本文以河北唐山农用地土壤污染的现状为契机,分析了造成污染的原因和法律保护的不足,并提出了防治农用地土壤污染的法律对策。本文除去引言与结语,共分为五章:第一章是本文的基础部分,对土壤污染、农用地土壤污染等基本概念进行阐述,并讨论了农用地土壤污染防治的法理学基础。第二章是本文的现状分析,对河北唐山农用地土壤污染的现状、原因、特征进行了详细阐述。第三章是本文的立法现状分析,笔者站在全国的角度,分别从法律、行政法规、地方性法规等方面对农用地土壤污染防治相关的立法内容进行阐述与分析,并指出了农用地土壤污染防治立法四大方面的问题。第四章是本文的国外借鉴部分,在此部分,笔者详细介绍了WTO体制以及国外部分国家应对农用地土壤污染方面,采取的切实有效的法律措施,并进行了评价与总结。第五章是本文的法律对策部分,也是本文的核心。经过上文的分析,并依据我国的整体情况以及河北唐山的实际情况,笔者得出自己在防治本地区农用地土壤污染方面的意见与见解。从法律措施角度提出了五个方面的法律对策,即建立健全绿色农业补贴、地震预警、农用地土壤动态监测、农用地土壤污染治理基金、公众参与法律措施。本文认为,通过完善法律法规来建立健全法律措施应对农用地土壤的污染是可行的、也是必要的。只有在完善的法律体系下,采取切实有效的法律措施,才能控制农用地土壤污染的进一步恶化,真正落实科学发展、实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The actual state of the soil, which is the important part of the land, is not optimistic.In recent years, the agricultural soil receive more and more pollution in the city of Tangshan which belongs to Hebei Province in China, and the contradictions between the development of economy and the protection of environment are further underlined, due to some reasons, for instance, the irrational using of the chemical fertilizers and the pesticide, the excessive discharging of the industrial waste, the geological causes and so on. Thus, it is an unavoidable fact that prevented the agricultural soil pollution here. Furthermore, the agricultural soil pollution is not only in our nation, but also in international area. So many developed nations formulated the soil act since the expended area and the serious hazard of the soil pollution. They have formulated the perfect legal system and took effective legal measures, thus they have prevented the soil pollution effectively. We have obtained lots of valuables preference and experience. This paper based on the actual state of the agricultural soil pollution in Tangshan, meantime, it analyzes the states between the polluted reason and the shortage of the law, and then it comes up with the legal measure of preventing the agricultural soil pollution. There are five parts in this paper apart form the introduction and conclusion:Chapter one is the foundation of this paper. It has described some basic concepts such as the pollution of the soil, the agricultural soil pollution and so on. This paper has also described the legal base of the agricultural soil pollution.Chapter two is the actual state of this paper. In this part, the paper has especially described the actual state, reasons, and characteristics of the agricultural soil in Tangshan City, Hebei Province.Chapter three is the analysis on the actual state of the legislation. The writer has described and analyzed some legislative content about the prevention of the agricultural soil pollution according to legislation, administrative laws and regulations, local laws and regulations in terms of the whole nation. The writer has pointed out four problems about the prevented legislation of the agricultural soil pollution.Chapter four is the part which about foreign experience. In this part, the writer has especially described WTO system and the effective legal measure about the agricultural soil pollution in some foreign countries. And then giving the evaluation and summary in this paper.Chapter five is not only the legal measure, but also the core of this paper. The writer comes to a conclusion about the prevention of the agricultural soil pollution based on the above analyzing and the actual state in the whole China and Tang Shan City, He Bei Province. The writer has pointed out five aspects about the legal measure, that is, establishing and perfecting the green agriculture subsidies, the earthquake warning, the ambulatory monitoring of the agricultural soil, the manageable found of the agricultural soil pollution, the legal measure of the public participation.Personally, it is feasible and necessary coped with the agricultural soil pollution through perfecting the legislation and establishing the legal measure. With adopting the effective legal measure, we only own the perfect legal system if we would control the further deterioration of the agricultural soil pollution. Then the scientific development will be put into practice properly and the sustainable development will be come true.

【关键词】 河北唐山农用地土壤污染法律对策
【Key words】 Tang Shanthe agricultural soilpollutionlegal measure