

A Research on Consolidation Settlement of Plateau Lacustrine Deposits Soft Soil

【作者】 刘江涛

【导师】 王俊平; 赖正发;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 昆明地处滇池流域,该地区由于河流湖泊众多,所以软土的分布极其广泛。随着经济的发展,昆明城市建设的规模也越来越大,有许多建筑须建设在这样的地基上,因此对软土地基的处理将是一项非常重要的工作。本文结合昆明市某政府办公用房搬迁建设项目软土地基处理工程对高原湖相沉积软土的固结沉降特性进行了系统的研究。首先通过室内三轴试验、X光衍射和电镜微观结构试验、现场扁铲侧胀试验及结合其他资料对高原湖相沉积软土(泥炭和泥炭质土)的工程地质特性进行了研究。得出了该类型软土有机质含量高,高压缩性,抗剪强度低,干强度及韧性低,其蜂窝状结构,架空结构和球状结构决定了该类软土极差的工程地质特性。同时扁铲侧胀试验得出了比一般常规土工试验更多的试验指标。其次结合昆明市某政府办公用房搬迁建设项目软土地基处理工程介绍了碎石桩预压排水固结方法处理深厚软土地基的工程概况,方案设计,现场监测数据,并对其进行了分析。然后以工程实测数据为依据对高原湖相沉积软土的固结参数β值进行了研究,并通过理论计算β值与实测数据推算β值进行了对比,得出了适合该类软土的固结参数β值;在沉降上对现场实测曲线进行了曲线拟合,得出最终沉降量,推出了沉降经验系数ms值,并对其进行了分析,得出了适合该类软土的沉降经验系数的综合计算公式。最后结合现场实测数据分别从沉降和孔隙水压力两方面对加载期间地基的稳定性进行了研究,’得出加载期间软土的单日沉降速率控制在25mm/d以内和孔隙水压力系数控制在0.6以内的标准。

【Abstract】 Dianchi valley is located in Kunming, because of the many rivers and lakes in the region, so the soft soil distribution is very wide. With the development of economy, the city building of kunming is also increasing, there are many building to be built on such foundations, Therefore the treatment of soft soil foundation would be a very important job. This paper gives a systematic rescrach on consolidation settlement in the Plateau Lacustrine Deposits soft soil based on the soft foundation treatment of a government office building relocation project in kunming.Firstly, we gives a rescrach on the engineering geological characteristics of the Plateau Lacustrine Deposits soft soil(peat soil) through the indoor triaxial test, microstructure test of the X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, situ DMT test and other data.Range engineering geological characteristics is obtained about this type soft soil, such as high organic matter content," high compressibility, low shear strength, dry strength low toughness,the honeycomb structure, and overhead structure and the structure determines the spherical peat engineering geological characteristics of the poor. While DMT test than that more generally conventional test pilot indicators.Secondly, this paper introduced the engineering situation, scheme design, field monitoring data of gravel pile preloading drainage consolidation in the soft foundation treatment based on the soft foundation treatment of a government office building relocation project in kunming,and analyzed.And then studied the Consolidation Parameterβof Plateau Lacustrine Deposits soft soil based on measured data of projects, and compared it through theoretical calculationsβand measured dataβ. The Consolidation Parameterβis obtained about this type soft soil; In the settlement we fitting settlement curve, it is knew final Settlement and the experience coefficient of settlement ms,and analyzed,A calculation formula of settlement experience coefficient is obtained about this type soft soil.Finally, the paper analyzed the control of stability during loading from settlement and pore water pressure based on field test data. It obtained settlement rate of one day within 25mm/d and pore-water pressure coefficient within 0.6 during loading.
