

The Econmical Analysis and P-Delta Effect of the Multi-story Building in the High Intensity Region

【作者】 武晓英

【导师】 周东华;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 多层建筑是目前国内的一种普遍的建筑形式,虽然越来越多的高层建筑已层出不穷,但是多层建筑仍然有其固有的优势和适用性。多层建筑从其产生到现在已经历了二十多年的时间,伴随着我国经济建设的迅猛发展多层建筑也经历了很多变化,不管是从材料还是从结构形式上来说,都有了很大的变化和突破。多层建筑的材料已从原来的粘土砖转变到现在的混凝土和钢材,而其结构形式也从过去的砌体结构过渡到现在的钢筋混凝土结构以及钢结构等形式了。在结构设计中,对于多层建筑的设计比较流行的做法是采用纯框架结构体系,不管是在低烈度地区还是在高烈度地区都一样,然而我们知道多层建筑由于其侧向刚度较低,承担不了太多的水平荷载,在一些高烈度地区仍然采用纯框架结构体系未必是一种即经济又合理的做法。同时,随着计算手段及理论水平的提高,二阶效应已是在较精确的结构分析设计中必须考虑的问题,然而在多层建筑的结构设计中,二阶效应一般是不予考虑的。于是本论文针对多层建筑这一普遍的建筑形式做了两大部分的工作,是在高烈度地区设计两种不同结构体系的多层建筑,其中一种是混凝土纯框架结构形式,另一种是混凝土框架-钢支撑结构形式。然后对二者进行受力性能(尤其是抗震性能)和经济性的对比分析;二是将这两种结构形式采用一阶与二阶分析其侧移和内力,先分别对比每种结构形式的一、二阶侧移和内力,然后再对比这两种结构形式的一、二阶侧移和内力,看哪种结构形式更加优越。其中,本论文还引申到二阶效应这一领域,对影响二阶效应的因素进行了分析。

【Abstract】 The multi-story’building is very normal in our country, although there are more and more tall buildings, it still has its advantages and applicability. It has been throughed more than twenty years since its born. Along with the rapid development of our country’s economy,its material has been changed from brick to reinforcement concrete and steel, and its structuretype has been changed from the brick blend structure to the reinforcement concrete structure or the steel structure. Although in the low intensity region or in the high intensity region, the popular structuretype for the multi-story building is the frame. But we all know the multity-story can’t afford too much lateral loads because of its weak stiffness. So in the high intensity region, use the frame structure is not a econmic and reasonable way. Also, P-Delta effects play an important roal in the exactly analysis method, but in the muti-story’design method, we often neglect the P-Delta effects.This paper do the two parts work to aim at the multity-story buildings, one is designing two kinds of structure (the reinforcement concrete frame structure and the reinforcement concrete frame-steel bracing structure) to compare its internal stress、concrete and steel reinforcement consumption;the other is compare its first order and second order elastic inner stress and sidesway. Finaly,this paper researched some basic things influnce the P-Delta effects.
