

【作者】 张旭

【导师】 戴惠新;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿物加工及工艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 磷矿石是制取磷肥的主要原料,也是重要的化工原料。磷矿石供应能否持久稳定满足磷肥生产的需要关系到我国经济的可持续发展,关系到国家的粮食安全,保障我国磷矿工业持续发展对国家安全稳定意义重大。磷矿是我国优势矿产之一,蕴藏量相当丰富。随着地质工作的深人发展,磷矿储量还会有新的增长。但我国磷矿资源分布极不平衡,储量80%以上集中分布在西南的云南、贵州、四川以及中南的湖北和湖南,同时中低品位磷矿多、富矿少。我国磷矿品位低于18%的储量约占一半,P2O5大于30%的富矿储量仅占全国储量的22.5%。全国磷矿石P2O5平均品位仅为17%左右,因此绝大部分磷矿必须经选矿富集后才能满足磷酸和高浓度磷肥生产要求。所以开展磷矿选矿技术的研究,对于开发利用我国磷矿、建立技术可靠的选矿厂、生产合格的磷精矿、提高资源综合利用率和附加值,具有重要的意义。浮选是磷矿选矿的最有效方法。本课题针对云南某高硅质磷矿粉矿进行浮选流程选择、浮选工艺条件、浮选药剂试验研究,以确定出最佳浮选方案。云南某高硅质磷矿粉矿,含P2O5 25.41%, SiO2 31.66%,均较高,有害元素MgO, Fe2O3, Al2O3含量均较低,P2O5有较高的利用价值。原矿采用一次粗选,一次扫选流程,使用新型捕收剂YZ-10作为捕收剂,新型抑制剂DX-12,在pH值9.0~9.5,抑制剂DX-12(粗选+扫选)400g/t+200g/t,捕收剂YZ-10(粗选+扫选)400g/t+400g/t的条件下,可以得到产率69.60%,P2O5品位30.62%,回收率83.87%的磷精矿。文中对调整剂、抑制剂和捕收剂进行了作用机理的研究。调整剂碳酸钠在溶液中的主要成分为HCO3-和CO32-;初步讨论了复合捕收剂对胶磷矿的作用机理,复合捕收剂在胶磷矿表面的吸附实际上是化学吸附为主,物理吸附和化学吸附的共同作用的结果;抑制剂水玻璃与氟硅酸盐共同作用促进胶态硅酸的生成,加强了胶态硅酸和HSiO3对SiO2的抑制效果。

【Abstract】 Preparation of phosphate rock is the main raw material for phosphate fertilizer and chemial plant. Phosphate fertilizer needed to grow crops to provide the main source of phosphorus. If the supply of phosphate rock and lasting stability in the production of phosphate fertilizer could meet the needs of our country’s agriculture and sustainable development, the country’s food security, protect the sustainable development of China’s phosphate industry to national security and stability is of great significance.Phosphate mining is one of our strengths, very rich reserves. With the geological work of the deep human development, phosphate reserves there will be new growth. However, China’s phosphate resources are quite unevenly distributed, more than 80% of the reserves concentrated in the south-west of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hubei in central-south Hunan Province and at the same time in low-grade phosphate rock, less rich. China’s lower than the 18% grade of phosphate rock reserves of about 50, P2O5 greater than 30% of the rich reserves accounted for only 22.5 percent of the national reserves. National average grade of phosphate rock P205 was only about 17%, so most of the phosphate ore dressing must be approved by the rich in order to meet the high concentrations of phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizer production requirements. Therefore, to carry out phosphate mineral processing technology for the development and utilization of China’s phosphate rock, technology reliable concentratic plant, the production of phosphate concentrate qualified to improve the comprehensive utilization of resources and value-added, is of great significance.Phosphate rock ore dressing flotation is the most effective methods. Yunnan on this issue to be a high silica gel for phosphate rock flotation selection process, flotation process, the pilot Flotation pharmaceutical studies to determine the best program of flotation. The mine a phosphate rock from Yunnan, with P2O5 25.41%, SiO2 31.66%, higher, harmful elements MgO, Fe2O3, Al2O3 content were lower; P2O5 there is a higher value. Ore using a rough flotation and a sweeping flotation process, using the mixed of new collector YZ-10 as a collector, tune in pH value of 9.5 to 9.0, inhibitor DX-12 (rough+sweep) 400g/t+200 g/t, collector YZ-10 (rough +sweep) 400g/t+400 g/t conditions, may be available P2O5 average grade of 30.62 percent,83.87 percent recovery rate of phosphorus ore.I investigate the regulators、collectors of the flotation in this article. The most important regulator is sodium carbonate, and in the sodium carbonate solution, the major components are HCO3- and CO32-. I think the complex collector adhesive on the mechanism of phosphate compound collector in the absorption of phosphate rock surface is in fact the main chemical adsorption, but absorption physical and chemical absorption of the result. Sodium silicate and fluridizer is the role of inhibitors, in the promotion of co-generation of colloidal silica, silica-reinforced plastic and HSiO3- inhibiting effect of the SiO2-.
