

Analysis on the Construction of Modern University Spirit in China

【作者】 谢艳霞

【导师】 王祚桥;

【作者基本信息】 武汉工业学院 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大学精神是大学的灵魂,它是一个大学在长期的发展过程中通过几代学人共同努力、逐渐积淀而成,是大学绿树常青的保障。新时期,我国步入高等教育大众化阶段后,大学的发展始终不尽如人意:大学精神的缺失、风格的千遍一律……在这种情况下,社会上要求构建现代大学精神的呼声日益高涨。现代大学精神的构建需要以传统大学精神为基础,注重时代精神的品质,以现代大学制度为载体。构建现代大学精神就是焕发大学的灵魂,与时俱进,注重时代发展要求,引领现代大学健康发展,推动社会文明民主。本文通过对现代大学精神的人文理念、自由创新与个性等内涵的探究,剖析我国现代大学精神缺失的现状与成因,从而彰显了现代大学精神发展日趋兼容并包、学术自由、办学自主与民主价值追求的办学治学思想理念,在此基础上提出了构建现代大学精神的路径。只有坚持兼容并包、体现个性、与时俱进和制度保障等原则,才能培育出符合现代社会发展要求的大学精神。

【Abstract】 The university spirit is university’s soul, which has experienced a long time, have gradually grown up to be through the joint efforts of several generations of scholars, it plays all-important role in development of university. In the new historical period, higher education in china historically entered the stage of popularization, development of higher education is not optimistic: absence of university spirit, stereotyped style……In this case, the clamors for building up the modern university spirit is rising. Construction of the modern university spirit needs to be based on the traditional university spirit, lay stress on the quality of the spirit of the times with the modern university institutions as carrier. Building a modern university spirit needs of radiate the soul of the University and pay attention to the requirements of social development of the Era with times, guiding the healthy development of the modern university, the promotion of social civilization and democracy. By analyzing the meanings of humanities idea、individuality and freedom of innovation about the modern university spirit, this paper is to discuss present situation and origin of our current university spirit, so that demonstrates the development of increasingly inclusive, academic freedom, autonomous management and the pursuit of democratic values about the modern university spirit, and puts forth some ways to the modern university spirit. Only if we insist on the principles such as inclusive, manifests the individuality, keep pace with the times and guaranteeing the institution can nature a academic spirit which will meet the social needs.
