

Preparation and Quality Characteristics of Compound Coarse Cereal Meat Products

【作者】 夏建新

【导师】 王海滨;

【作者基本信息】 武汉工业学院 , 食品科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 燕麦、苦荞麦及小米等杂粮营养丰富,其中蛋白质的氨基酸组成合理,属于优质植物蛋白;β-葡聚糖、生物类黄酮、多不饱和脂肪酸、植物甾醇、皂甙等多种具有生理活性的功能成分含量高。本研究拟采用不同的加工方式对杂粮进行预处理,结合火腿肠的加工工艺,研制开发新型杂粮营养复合火腿肠,以探索杂粮在肉制品中的适用性。通过单因素试验分析了燕麦粉、脂肪、淀粉、以及水对燕麦复合火腿肠感官品质、质构特性及保水特性的影响;通过正交试验对燕麦复合火腿肠的工艺配方进行了筛选和优化,确定了影响燕麦复合火腿肠品质的主要原辅料的最适添加量,得出燕麦复合火腿肠最佳配方为:以燕麦粉+猪肉为100计(燕麦粉14%、瘦肉74%、脂肪12%),大豆分离蛋白2%、复合磷酸盐0.3%、卡拉胶0.4%、水18%;对正交试验结果进行极差分析,结果表明:燕麦粉对复合火腿肠硬度影响极显著(P<0.05),对弹性和粘聚性影响不显著(P>0.05)。在重点研究燕麦粉添加量对燕麦复合火腿肠品质特性的影响过程中,对感官评定与质构测定的结果进行了相关性分析。结果表明:质构测定硬度与感官评定硬度呈显著相关性(r=0.898),质构测定粘聚性与感官评定硬度、弹性呈显著负相关性(r分别为-0.863和-0.825)。同时,对肌肉嫩度仪与质构仪的测定结果也进行了相关性分析,结果表明:肌肉嫩度仪测定的嫩度值与质构仪测定的硬度、咀嚼性的相关性很好(r分别为0.980和0.984),与弹性及粘聚性之间的相关性不显著(r分别为-0.479和-0.700)。保水性测定结果表明:随着燕麦粉添加质量分数分别从8%-20%,复合火腿肠的保水能力逐渐上升(94.33%-94.83%),当添加量达到17%以后,保水能力变化不大,增加趋势平缓。因此,适量添加燕麦粉可能有利于提高复合火腿肠的保水性采用单因素试验及正交试验优化苦荞麦复合火腿肠的工艺参数,通过感官评价、质构测定及保水性研究筛选确定了影响苦荞麦复合火腿肠品质特性的主要因素的最佳配方组合为:瘦肉脂肪重量比90:10,苦荞麦粉15%,大豆分离蛋白2%,水13%,复合磷酸盐0.3%(其中焦磷酸钠(SPP):三聚磷酸钠(STPP):六偏磷酸钠(SHMP)=45:15:40);因素对苦荞麦复合火腿肠品质影响程度大小依次为:苦荞麦粉添加量>磷酸盐配比>水添加量>大豆分离蛋白添加量分析了猪肉瘦肥比、小米、水及NaCl对小米复合火腿肠感官及质构特性的影响,结合感官评定和质构测定结果,得出了小米复合火腿肠的最优配方:瘦肥比90∶10、小米9%、淀粉8%、大豆分离蛋白2%、复合磷酸盐0.3%、卡拉胶0.4%、水分11%、NaCl 3%。对燕麦复合火腿肠中总糖、苦荞麦复合火腿肠中的总黄酮分别进行了测定,测定结果分别为3.093g/100g、2.955mg/100g。

【Abstract】 Coarse cereals, including oat, tartary buckwheat and millet, are rich in many nutritional ingredients. The protein in the coarse cereals is the high-quality vegetable protein, which possesses reasonable amino acid composition. In addition, the content of some physiologically-active compounds, such as beta-glucan, bioflavonoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytosterol and saponins, is higher than other cereals. Coarse cereals were pretreated by different processing methods, and then, new style compound coarse cereal ham sausages were prepared based on traditional processing procedures of sausage. The objective of this study is to explore the suitability of coarse cereal in meat products.Effects of oat flour, fat, starch and water on sensory attributes, textural properties and water-holding capacity(WHC) of compound oat flour sausages were investigated through single factor experiment. The technological formula of compound oat flour sausage was screened and optimized by orthogonal experiment design, and also the optimal addition amount of main raw materials that significantly affect the quality of sausages was determined. The results showed that the optimal formulations are, oat flour and pork lean and fat equaling the sum of 100(oat flour 14%, pork lean 74%, fat 12%), soybean protein isolated 2%, compound phosphate 0.3%,κ-carrageenan 0.4%, water 18%. The range analysis results indicated that addition of oat flour affects hardness of compound sausage significantly (p<0.05), but springiness and cohesiveness were not influenced(p>0.05).Correlation analysis between sensory evaluation and instrumental determination was conducted during exploring the effect of addition of oat flour on quality properties of pork sausages. Results showed that hardness obtained from TPA was significantly(p<0.05) correlated with sensory hardness(r=0.898) and cohesiveness obtained from TPA significantly negatively correlated with sensory hardness and springiness (r=-0.863,-0.825,respectively).Meanwhile, comparative studies on results, which was obtained from tenderometer and texture analyzer, were also carried out. Results indicated that the tenderness value of compound sausages is significantly correlated with hardness and chewiness(r=0.980, 0.984, respectively), but not correlated with springiness and cohesiveness (r=-0.479,-0.700, respectively). WHC of compound sausages was slowly increasing with increasing level of added oat flour, ranged from 94.33% to 94.83%. However, WHC did not increase obviously when the addition level was beyond 17%. Therefore, it could be concluded that oat flour added in an appropriate proportion may help improve WHC of compound sausages.Technological parameters and formulations of compound tartary buckwheat flour sausages were optimized by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment. Besides, sensory assessment, textural and WHC measurement were conducted. The results demonstrated that four factors affect the quality characteristics of compound tartary buckwheat sausage as following order:tartary buckwheat flour>phosphate>water>soybean protein isolated. The optimal formula of compound tartary buckwheat flour sausage are pork lean/fat 90:10, tartary buckwheat flour 15%, soybean protein isolated 2%, water 13%, compound phosphate 0.3%, in which sodium pyrophosphate(SPP):sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP): sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) are equal to 45:15:40.Influences of ratio of pork lean and fat, millet, water, sodium chloride on quality of the compound millet sausages were analyzed by sensory evaluation and texture profile analysis. The optimal formulation of compound millet sausages were obtained as following:pork lean/fat 90:10, millet 9%, starch 8%, soybean protein isolated 2%, compound phosphate 0.3%,κ-carrageenan 0.4%, water 11%, sodium chloride 3%.The total sugars in the compound oat flour sausage and the total flavonoids in the compound tartary buckwheat flour sausage were determined. Results showed that the content of total sugars and total flavonoids is 3.093g/100g,2.955mg/100g, respectively.
