

The Classifying of Structure Wind-Resistant Categories about Single-layer Cylindrical Roof

【作者】 计凌云

【导师】 杨庆山; 陈波;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究80m跨的单层柱面网壳结构的抗风类型划分,首先通过风洞试验确定屋面风荷载,再利用根据不同的分析方法编写的计算程序分别得到结构的平均响应,背景响应和共振响应,在工程常用的参数范围内,进行大量的系统的参数分析,变化风荷载基本参数(平均风速、地貌类型)和结构参数(屋面质量、矢跨比和结构截面刚度),统计得到三种响应随参数变化规律,同时变化结构参数和地震动输入参数(设防烈度)得到地震响应。针对同一地区同一种结构形式,统计两种响应的分布规律,找出什么条件下可以忽略风振响应,什么条件下忽略地震响应,根据已有的划分结构抗风类型的思想和划分的具体标准,得到单层柱面网壳结构抗风类型的划分范围,以期纳入规范。

【Abstract】 In this article,we mainly studied the classifying of structure wind-resistant categories about large-span cylindrical structures with span 80m,firstly wind pressure loads are obtained by wind tunnel test while mean response, background response and resonant response of wind-induced response can be calculated by different procedures based on analytical methods, then systematic and plentiful parameter analysis in the range of engineering application can be executed by changing some parameters of wind loading and arch structures, such as mean wind velocity, terrain roughness type, roof mass, rise-span ratio and section properties of the arch, studying the rules about three response components on the basis of parameter analysis, At the same time,changing the structural parameters and ground motion parameters (fortification intensity) to caculate the seismic response. For the same structure in the same area, calculating the distribution of the two kinds of responses to find out under what conditions, wind-induced response can be ignored and under what conditions the earthquake response can be neglected, then according to the idea and cooresponding methods that classifying large-span roof structures into several wind-resistant types, the categories about large-span cylindrical structures can be estsbalished,which can be part of our norms.
