

The Route Choice Simulation Problem Based on Travel Behavior

【作者】 王谱

【导师】 孙会君;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 交通流量是研究交通问题的必要因素,而交通流量的形成离不开出行者的参与。出行者具有主观意愿、理性判断以及差异性等特点,分析出行者的心理特点以及判断过程并建立出行者出行路径选择模型,有助于研究路网上交通流量的形成、特征以及影响因素等问题。基于模型模拟出行的演化过程,可以分析和掌握路网交通流量的详细特征以及变化趋势,从而可以为各种交通控制和管理措施提供参考和依据。因此,研究出行者择路演化问题具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。围绕出行者择路演化相关问题,论文主要进行了如下研究工作:1、本文在Logit累计更新规则基础上设计了Logit加权更新规则、Logit加权平均更新规则和Probit累计更新规则。分析了OD量固定以及变化时演化结果的稳定性,并与UE、SUE结果进行对比分析。当OD需求为随机变量或者出行成本的函数时,进一步改进择路模型并对其进行演化分析。结果发现当OD量所服从分布的方差一定时,均值的变化会影响演化达到稳定的速度,也会影响路径流量演化的结果。当均值大到一定程度时,出行者选择路径的理性程度变低。当OD量与出行成本相关时,出行者更加理性,路网流量更加稳定。2、考虑到实际出行中多种交通方式并存的情况,为了避免Logit模型的IIA特性,引入巢式Logit模型。通过研究出行者的特征、行为以及影响出行决策的ATIS信息,对出行者出行方式选择和路径选择进行建模。对比分析不同出行方式的演化收敛特征,并分析其中各参数的变化规律,研究发现公交车出行的随机性越大,选择公交车出行的数量越少;在本部分模型基础上,考虑政府参与下多种出行方式的演化特征,分析其中规律及原因,得出过度的加大政策力度,效果反而变差等结论。3、研究拥挤收费对出行选择的影响,建立基于路段的收费模型,调节收费的大小分析择路演化的变化。考虑多种交通方式并存时,建立对小汽车收费的演化模型。通过模拟分析发现,当出行受到收费的影响大于路径流量的影响时,出行者基本不参考路网的状况,而是根据收费程度来选择出行路径,造成演化偏离了自适应性。研究各出行方式的演化特征,得出实行对小汽车收费的政策可以有效地减少小汽车出行量并增加公家车出行量,以及收费力度与实施效果之间呈线性关系等。

【Abstract】 The traffic flow is the necessary factor to the traffic problem, which cannot be separated from the travelers. The travelers have the characteristics of subjective apiration, rational judgment, difference and so on. The analysis of psychological characteristics and judgment process and the establishment of the route choice models are conducive to research formation, characteristics and the influence factors of the traffic flow on road network. Based on the evolution process, we can analyze many factors in the travel process. Thus it can provide reference and basis for for traffic control and management. Research on the route choice evolution problems has important theoretic value and practical significance.Around related problems about the route choice evolution, this paper focused on the research as followed:1、In this paper the Logit weighted updated rules, the Logit weighted average updated rules and the Probit accumulative updated rules are designed based on the cumulative Logit update rules. The stability of the evolution results is analyzed when the OD quantity is fixed or variational, and the results are compared and analyzed with the flows of SUE and UE. When the OD demands are random variables or the function of the travel cost, the model is further improved. For the fixed variance of the OD demands, the changing mean can affect the speed of achieving stability and the flow. If it get big enough, the rational degree of the travelers will reduce. When the change of the OD demand change is related with the function of the travel cost, the travelers are more rational and the network flows are more stable.2、Considering the multiple travel modes in the ordinary life, the nested Logit model is introduced in order to avoid the characteristics of the IIA Logit model. The model that describes travelers’ choice about travel mode and route by being studied the characteristics, behavior and the ATIS which influences the decision. With comparing the evolution characteristics of different travel modes and analyzing the various parameters it can be concluded that the flow of the bus is smaller when the the randomness of travel is more obvious. Considering the evolution characteristics of the multiple travel modes with the involvement of the government, the regularity and reason are analyzed. That shows that results become bad if the excessive of the policy efforts is excessive strengthened. 3、Research the influence of the congession pricing and establish modes based on the path and section. Analyze the evolution of the route choice by adjusting the extent of the congession pricing. If there exsit different travel modes, we can establish the mode with pricing on car. It is concluded that the travelers choose the route according to the level of the pricing not to the state of the network when the influence of the pricing is big enough;the flow of the car become small and the flow of the bus become big if the car was priced. Also, it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between the pricing strength and the implementation result, etc.
