

Research on Electromagnetic Topology for Power Electronic Equipment in Locomotive

【作者】 柳海明

【导师】 王国栋;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 电磁拓扑法的研究,在美国、法国等国家发展得相当成熟了。法国军方已研制出了基于电磁拓扑理论的"Socrates"、"Hyperion"等检测系统,而在国内的研究进展比较缓慢,还有很多的地方需要不断的深入了解和讨论,且铁道系统电磁兼容方面的应用尚属空白。本文针对铁路机车电力电子设备的抗干扰问题提出了电磁拓扑法的研究模型,进行了相关研究。首先总结了电磁拓扑法解决问题的一般流程以及关键因素,然后详细分析了铁路机车系统的电磁骚扰源、耦合途径以及受扰设备等情况,并针对BTM信号设备和GSM-R通信线缆的受扰情况建立了具体的电磁拓扑模型。为确定BTM电磁抗干扰分析中的关键耦合路径的权函数,设计了相应的实验来测量统计其规律。实验分别考察了敏感线缆受共模骚扰和差模骚扰两种情况下的耦合系数。由于接收电缆的屏蔽层在不同的接地方式下对骚扰的耦合程度不一样,在实验中测量了敏感线缆屏蔽层单端接地、双端接地以及双端“浮地”的情况。然后对测量的结果进行数值处理,提取给定条件下的场传输函数。对GSM-R通信线缆受远场电磁波干扰的模型,给出了具体的计算和分析过程,并比较了在不同激励下的响应情况。该数学模型是从双线传输线理论出发,结合远场条件下平面电磁波的特性,构造出来的BLT方程组。在不同波形的激励作用下,对此BLT方程组运用MATLAB进行计算,可以得到通信线缆负载端不同的响应情况。本文的贡献主要有两个:一是结合国内对铁路机车电磁兼容问题的研究成果,提出了机车电子信号设备的电磁拓扑模型;二是针对铁路机车中牵引电缆与信号线缆的近场耦合问题,系统全面地进行了实验测试,并运用曲线拟合的方法,确定了电磁拓扑信号流图中场传输通道的传输函数,给后面的理论计算提供了基础,也为以后的相关研究提供了参考依据。

【Abstract】 The theory of Electro-Magnetic Topology (EMT) is considerably developed in some nations like USA, France etc. This theory has been successfully applied in detecting the susceptibility of arm systems under the condition of electromagnetic radiating. Nevertheless, research on EMT in our country is far behind and no such research applied in locomotive has been found yet. Under this background, an electromagnetic topology model for power electronic equipment is presented and other related problems are discussed in this dissertation.Firstly, general procedures of EMT are summarized and some key factors are pointed out. Then the electromagnetic interference sources, the coupling paths and the EUT in CRH system are given and analyzed. In the following, EMT models for BTM and signal lines of GSM-R system are established.In order to get the weight function of BTM signal equipment, which characterizes the crucial coupling path for EMI, some experiments of cable coupling have been done. Two kinds of EMI are measured in the experiment, which are common-mode interference and differential-mode interference. Different grounding conditions are also considered in the experiment. Test data is obtained and coupling rules are concluded at last.After the presentation of EMT model for GSM-R signal lines which are subjected to the disturbance of remote plane electromagnetic wave, calculation and analysis processes are given in details. Finally, a comparison of time responses in the condition of two different types of exciters is made.Two contributions are made in this dissertation. The first one is the presentation of an EMT modeling for power electronic equipment in CRH, according to the research and accomplishment on high speed railway in China. The second one is the presentation of an experimental analysis method towards problem about how to handle quantitatively with EM coupling in near field.
