

Model-Free Adaptive Control of Multiple Intersections

【作者】 陈思

【导师】 侯忠生;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 智能交通工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 论文研究了多交叉口的信号配时问题。首先综述了多交叉口信号配时的传统理论和方法,然后分析其存在的问题。指出了定时控制由于信号周期时长和绿信比均为固定值,不能很好的处理交通流的变化;感应控制主要是根据本交叉口车辆到达情况来判断绿灯时间是否做出调整,这虽然能够比较充分的利用车辆到达的信息,但未考虑多交叉口的整体控制效果;目前对于多交叉口的信号配时存在的难点主要有以下两个:一是固定配时方案不能够适应交通流的变化情况,二是对多交叉口的建模较为困难。本文在处理多交叉口信号配时问题时的主要工作如下:第一,论文结合排队长度均衡的思想将无模型自适应控制(Model-Free Adaptive Control)算法应用到多交叉口的信号控制中。该信号控制算法能够动态调整绿灯时间以适应交通流变化,并且其控制律设计仅需被控系统的I/O数据,不依赖于受控对象的数学模型,能有效处理上述难点。在多交叉口的具体处理上,采用的是分散估计分散控制型MFAC算法,通过将交叉口之间的影响项看作是对单个交叉口的可测干扰,将对复杂多交叉口的控制转化为独立单交叉口的控制,较大程度的简化了问题复杂度。第二,利用微观交通仿真软件Paramics,采用动态链接库技术实现对多交叉口配时系统的控制算法接入以及仿真,并在干道型和网格型多交叉口路网结构中将MFAC控制与绿波控制以及定时控制的仿真结果进行对比分析。

【Abstract】 This paper solves the signal timing problem of multiple intersections. First of all, it illuminates traditional timing theories and methods of multiple intersections, and then analyses their existing problems. Due to the fixed cycle time and the fixed split, the expected effect of fixed timing control couldn’t be achieved when the traffic changed rapidly. Then actuated control method is raised in timing process with exposed disadvantages of fixed timing control. Although actuated control can use vehicle arriving information, the performance of the whole intersection is ignored in the timing process. There are mainly two issues existing in signal timing for multiple intersections:fixed timing plan can’t adjust with the changing traffic flow, the other is modeling difficulty for multiple intersections. The main works are as follows:Firstly, Model-Free Adaptive Control method and the idea of equilibrium queue length are applied in the signal timing solution of multiple intersections. MFAC algorithm can adjust green time with traffic fluctuation, and the mathematical model is not necessary for the controller design. The actual method used in signal timing for multiple intersections is decentralized estimating control method based on MFAC, which considers the influence between intersections to be a measurable disturbance. It can largely simplify signal timing problem of multiple intersections through making complicated multiple interactions issue transform to the controller design of the single interaction separately.Secondly, we use the microcosmic traffic simulation software Paramics to show different effects of the proposed algorithm. The contrast of simulation results will be given about fixed timing method, green wave control and decentralized estimating control algorithm based on MFAC. Additionally, dynamic link library technology in visual C++is essential for the algorithms accessed to Paramics environment.

  • 【分类号】U491.51
  • 【下载频次】178