

Study on Effectiveness of Law Enforcement of Food Safety Supervision

【作者】 喻晓芬

【导师】 文卫勇;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着全球经济的不断发展,人们对食品的关注已经从数量供给转向质量安全,确保食品健康安全是每一个国家都必须重视的问题。我国自改革开放以来,食品产业也得到了迅猛的发展,但是随着近年来一些食品安全问题的出现,暴露出我国在食品安全监管方面存在着储多漏洞和不足。食品安全监管涉及的方面很多,但最重要的一环就是要提高执法效能以保障食品安全监管法律的有效实施。本文将采用个案分析法和比较分析法,以三鹿奶粉事件为中心,对我国食品安全监管法律的执行效能进行分析,同时借鉴发达国家和国际组织食品安全监管的经验,结合我国国情,为提高我国食品安全监管法律执行效能,提出一些建议。全文共分四个部分,第一部分序论。包括选题背景、研究目的及意义、相关概念的界定、国内外研究综述以及研究方法与研究思路。第二部分是我国食品安全监管法律执行效能的实证分析。第三部分是国外提高食品安全监管法律执行效能的经验。本段介绍了欧盟、美国、日本等国家的监管执行模式,并得出可以借鉴的经验。第四部分是提高我国食品安全监管法律执行效能的路径。通过以上建议达到提高食品安全监管法律执行效能的目的。

【Abstract】 With the global economic development, people’s concern for food supply has been turned from its quantity to quality and safety. Each and every country must pay attention to the problem of food health and safety. Since the reform and opening up, China’s food industry has developed rapidly, but with the recent emergence of a number of food safety issues, many loopholes and deficiencies in China’s food safety supervision are exposing.Food safety control involves many aspects, but the most important part is using the law to protect the effectiveness of supervision. This paper will use case studies and comparative analysis,with Saulu milk powder incident as example to analyze the control of food safety law on the implemertation performance. Learning from foreign experience in food safety regulation of developed countries,with China’s national conditions, this paper will present some suggestions to improve effectiveness of law enforcement in China’s food safety supervision. The article is divided into four parts, the first part prologue includes selecting background, research purpose and significance, the relevant concepts, definition of research at home and abroad were reviewed and the research methods and ideas. The second part is China’s food safety supervision legal performance empirical analysis. The third part is foreign enhance food safety supervision legal performance experience. This section introduces EU, USA, Japan and other countries regulatory execution modes, and concluded that can draw lessons from the experience. The fourth part is to introduce the path for China to enhance the food safety supervision legal performance. Through the above suggestions to improve food safety monitoring performance objective laws.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F203;D922.16
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】504