

Analysis of "Quotation" Phenomenon from a Communication Perspective

【作者】 吴琼

【导师】 易平;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 语录,即对语言的记录或摘录,它属于一种文体,是文章写作的一种样式。古时《论语》、《坛经》、《朱子读书法》等都是很有名的语录体著作。但是“语录”发展到当代,包含范围甚广,领袖言论、名人名言、经典台词、民间话语、人生感悟、网络语言等能够引起人们共同关注和兴趣的、能够引人思考并达到一定传播度的话语都称之为“语录”。随着互联网时代的全面来临,网络技术的不断革新为普通民众提供广阔的自由言论空间的同时,也极大地改变了语言的生成和运用。“语录”也因此成为当今传媒颇为流行的报道手法,“声音”、“论语”、“他说她说”等这些为人熟知的“语录”栏目存在于所有我们所能接触到的网站、书籍、杂志、报纸等媒介中,尤以杂志为甚。本文主要运用拉斯维尔的“5个w”分析方法研究当代“语录”现象的产生。主要从以下几个方面入手:第一,对“语录”传播的历史进行概述,分析“语录”从《论语》到“当代”的发展变化。第二,介绍当代“语录”的传播渠道,对无论是传统媒体还是网络媒体采用“语录”这一形势的现状描述。第三,分析当代“语录”现象的传播内容,以近三年《新周刊》出版的“语录”书籍为文本,分析其特点,并选择一些当代“语录”的典型再做进一步的研究。第四,还是以“新周刊语录”为例对当代“语录”现象中的传播主体和传播客体进行分析,并挖掘其特点。第五,对当代“语录”现象产生的效果进行总结,并探讨其大热的原因。媒体采用“语录”的形式报道、记录新闻热点,是近几年的事情。而对此现象的专业研究相对较少。本文的研究主要期待为对“语录”现象的深层次研究提供一些参考依据,并尝试在理论上能够为处在瓶颈期的传统媒体找到一条突围之路。

【Abstract】 Quotation, as record or abstract of words, is one kind of literary style, one pattern of writing. Chinese ancient works, such as "the Analects of Confucius", "Altar Sutra", "Zhu Study Method" etc, are all famous classics in this style. However, "Quotation " in contemporary definition have a much wide range, including speeches of politicians and celebrities, classical lines, folk words, insights on life an, internet language, etc. Any words which can attract the common attention and interest of people, which can get people thinking, which spread to some extent, are called "Quotation". As the coming of Internet Age, innovating internet technology provides wide space for free speech, as well as changing the way of language generating and using. As a result, nowadays, "Quotation" also becomes a popular reporting method. There are many well known "Quotation" columns, such as "Voice", "the Analects", "He says She says"in mass media which including websites, books, magazines, newspapers, etc.With Lasswell’s "5W" analytical method, this paper majorly looks at the generation of contemporary "Quotation" phenomenon from several aspects as follow: firstly, an overview of the history of "Quotation", analyzing its development from "the Analects of Confucius" to modern form. Secondly, a introduction of "Quotation’s spread channels, describing its current situation in both traditional media and internet media. Thirdly, a look at the content of contemporary "Quotation", analyze its features on the basis of the last three years’Neweekly Quotations, then choose some other representative in contemporary Quotation for further research. Fourthly, a analysis of contemporary Quotation’s communication subjects and objects also take Neweekly for example, digging its features. Fifthly, a summarize of contemporary Quotation’s effects and a discussion of the reasons behind its popularity. Academic researches on this topic are relatively few. And this paper is expected to provide some reference for deeper study in this field, as well as to try to find a way for traditional media to break out of their bottleneck.

【关键词】 语录传播网民语录新周刊微博客
【Key words】 QuotationcommunicationnetizenQuotationNeweeklymicroblog
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期