

【作者】 邹丁山

【导师】 贾文超;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界范围内能源危机的到来,各国政府都在积极地推广节能降耗技术。变频空调由于性能优异、节省能源等特点,逐渐成为各大空调生产企业的发展方向,变频技术也日渐得到各个厂家的重视。本文内容来源于国内某公司正在研制的变频空调电气部分。文中主要从硬件方面对家用一拖一变频空调的室内外电气部分进行设计,并完成了相关软件设计以及芯片的选择。为了使工作于室外环境的空调单元控制系统结构简洁、高效、可靠性高,室外机电气部分选用智能功率模块(IPM)和单片机构建整个系统,用智能功率模块IPM替代分立元器件IGBT搭成的逆变桥,室内主要有室内风机控制、温度采样、风门片控制以及与室内外的通讯电路等。空调压缩机作为变频空调的核心部分,其运行性能的好坏直接关系到整个空调系统的性能。为此,需要对压缩机电机进行高性能的控制,本文根据压缩机的参数和控制要求完成了压缩机电机的变频调速系统的设计,以MN103SFC2DXW型松下单片机为核心控制器,以智能功率模块为主功率开关器件,对主电路、控制电路、保护电路及通讯电路进行了优化设计,并给出了室内外软件设计流程图。将模糊控制应用于变频空调中,使压缩机避免频繁启动,工作噪音低,温度控制精度高,能够创造更舒适的房间温控环境,最后对整个空调系统进行了整机调试,给出了测试波形,并对波形进行了分析,论证了整个系统的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of the energy source crisis worldwide,governments in many countries have been promoting the energy saving techniques actively.Inverter air conditioner has gradually become the central direction of development of air-conditioning manufacturers because of high-performance,energy saving characteristics.The fuzzy-countrol technology is more and more valuable for each factory.The contents of the article comes from Inverter air conditioner electrical part which are being researched of Domestic company.This paper mainly design electrical part of the inverter air conditioner indoor and outdoor On the hardware side.And completed the relevant software design and selection of chip. In order to the air-conditioning unit control system which works in the outdoor environment structure Simple, high efficiency and high reliability,outdoor electrical part choose intelligent power module and microcontroller to build the entire system,In the system,IPM works as the inverter.Indoor mainly made up of indoor fan control,temperature sampling,and the communication circuit of Indoor and outdoor.The compressor of inverter air conditioner is a core part of the whole system,the running performance of compressor will directly affect the performance of the entire air-conditioning system.Therefore,need high-performance control for compressor runing, based on the parameters of compressors and requirement of control to complete the design of compressor frequency control system.As MN103SFC2DXW type of Panasonic as the core controller,optimize main circuit,control circuit,protection circuits and communications circuits,and gives the inside and outside software design flow chart.The fuzzy control applied to inverter air conditioners,made compressor avoid frequent starts,low noise at work,high precision temperature control.Be able to create a more comfortable environment of room temperature controlled.Finally,make a system debug for the entire air-conditioning system,Shows the test waveform,and make a analyse of waveforms,demonstrated the feasibility of the whole system.
