

Study of Operation Cue’s Cognition on Electronic Product for Aged People

【作者】 陈昔

【导师】 金慧建;

【作者基本信息】 北京服装学院 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国高速进入老龄化社会,广大的老年群体成为越来越重要的消费群体,社会对老年人群的重视程度也越来越高。但是相比国外的老年产品设计与开发,我国的老年产业还十分落后。一方面,专门为老年人设计的产品还很少,另一方面,现有的老年产品并没有真正贴近老年人的需求,老年人使用起来还是存在这样或那样的问题。由于老年人各项身体机能的退化,会给他们操作产品带来障碍,所以老年产品的设计要符合老年使用者生理、心理、认知的特性。而电子产品作为科技时代的产物,功能元器件都被在包裹在壳体之下,更加不能贴近老年人群。要提高产品的操作性,首先要提高老年使用者对产品的理解和认识,所以本研究以老年家用医疗电子产品的造型特征为切入点,通过理论探讨与实际调查,进行了造型特征对于老年人群操作提示的研究。通过研究,提出了老年电子产品的认知设计方法与基于造型特征的产品设计模型。研究结果有助于设计师在产品设计过程中,准确的理解用户需求,设计出更贴近老年用户的产品。

【Abstract】 With our county enter the aging society,the aged people are becoming to be the increasingly important consumer group,and were paid more and more attention. But our industry for the elderly is very backward compared with it abroad. On the one hand, specially product designed for old people is very lack.On the other hand, the aged product was not really close to the elderly, there are many problems in operation of aged people .Because of the degradation of body function,the aged people has many problems in porduct operation,the design for the aged people should be conformed to the characteristics of physical、psychological and mental.As electronic product is the outcome of the science and technology,its functional elements are installed in the case,what is not close to the elderly much more. To improve the applicability of product, the first thing is to make aged people to deepen the understanding of the product.This thesis choose the product appearance features as the research point, by the theory esearch and practice, study the correspondence of appearance features and operation cues.This study is develop the cognitive design method of electronic product for aged people and the design model based on appearance features. The results of study can help designers to understand user requirements accurately and design the product that is really close to the aged people.
