

On the Cultural Hybridity in the Characters of Heaney’s Poems

【作者】 程建锋

【导师】 修树新;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 谢默斯·希尼(Seamus Heaney,1939—)是一位伟大的爱尔兰诗人和天才的文学批评家。他在诗歌创作中把亲眼目睹或经历过的种种文化冲突、宗教冲突揉进了富于多种文化含义和象征的诗中人物且其诗风格朴实简洁、语言精辟、含义丰富。文化混杂性指的是不同文化之间彼此交织形成的难以严格划界和区分的状态,并在文化相交的地带生成多力抗衡的空间。出生于具有分裂文化象征的木斯浜的希尼,受到了天主教文化的熏陶,接受了英国传统的文化教育,因此其文化构成具有混杂性的特点,这体现在其诗作中形形色色的人物身上。在其人物诗作中,希尼探究了爱尔兰文化的根源,展现了爱尔兰传统文化的魅力,深挖了造成爱尔兰文化被殖民之痛和次要地位的根源,揭露了殖民文化和霸权文化的无耻与霸道,刻画了在文化冲突中渴望调解彼此冲突却又矛盾重重的北爱人。本文在后殖民主义理论的框架内,研究了希尼诗作中人物所体现的“文化混杂性”。通过对其分析,可知希尼在植根于爱尔兰文化的基础上提出了文化共存和共同繁荣的策略,藉此为北爱文化冲突的解决提供一些参考。对这些的研究,将有助于我们以更加开阔的视野和更加宽广的心胸来解决当今世界的文化冲突,并且也有益于处理中西文化交流与碰撞中所出现的矛盾。

【Abstract】 Seamus Heaney, born in 1939, is one of the most important poets and talented literary critic in the contemporary English poetry world. In his poetry creation, he puts the cultural and religious conflicts that he saw or experienced into various characters with lots of cultural meanings and symbols. His poems, known for their simplicity, clarity and exact word usage, are rich in meanings.Cultural hybridity refers to the mixed state between different cultures, which is mutually intertwined and difficult to distinguish and it can generate a space in the cultural intersection. Born in Mossbawn, an emblem of "split culture", Heaney grew in the atmosphere of Catholic culture and received British traditional culture, so his cultural formation is hybrid, which is embodied in his various kinds of poetic characters. In his poems, Heaney explores the root of Irish culture, shows the glamour of Irish traditional culture, digs out the factors that make Irish native culture colonized and oppressed, reveals the shameless and bossy culture of the colonizers, depicts the Northeners in Ireland who are willing to mediate their cultural conflicts but hesitating to take actions.This thesis mainly studies the cultural hybridity revealed in the characters depicted in Heaney’s poems from the perspective of post-colonial theory. Through analyzing the cultural hybridity in these characters, it can be concluded that Heaney, rooted in his Irish traditional culture, puts forward the strategy of cultural coexistence and codevelopment which is helpful for solving the cultural conflicts in Northern Ireland, the study of which will help us to solve the world cultural conflicts from a broader vision and open mind, and also good for tackling the collision between the Western and Chinese cultural exchanges.

  • 【分类号】I562
  • 【下载频次】171