

Problems and Solutions of College Students’ Academic Discipline

【作者】 祝殿平

【导师】 杨志平;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人才培养质量决定了一个国家的民族素质。大学生的综合文化素质需要提高,大学生学风问题成为能否切实提高大学生文化素质的关键性问题。因此,切实加强高校大学生优良学风的培育,已成为高等教育和理论工作者迫切需要解决的重要课题之一本文是在了解大学生学风问题研究现状的基础上,依据全面推进素质教育的指导思想和马克思主义关于人的全面发展的基本观点,结合一般高校学生的学习特点,分析一般高校大学生的学风问题和产生的根源,从而有针对性地对一般高校大学生学风问题的对策进行探索和研究,以提高一般高校大学生的文化素质。全文分三个部分:第一部分,一般高校大学生学风的涵义;第二部分,当前我国一般高校大学生学风存在的问题及其原因分析;第三部分,当前我国一般高校学风问题的对策.一般高校大学生学风问题及对策研究是当今社会发展的需要,是我国高等教育全面发展的需要,更是全面贯彻党的教育方针、实施素质教育、加强高校思想政治教育工作的重要举措。它对于促进一般高校学生全面成长与成才,深化一般高校教学模式改革,全面推进和稳步实施素质教育,实现高等教育的人才培养目标等都有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the society is in the period of innovation. The fast development of the social economy requires the support of scientific technology. The national quality of a country depends on the quality of the talents who it has produced. In order to improve the quality of college students, the rectification of the style of study of college students becomes the key. Therefore, practically strengthening the cultivation of the fine style of study has already become one of the important subjects for the people working on advanced education and theory.On the basis of the understanding of the present situation of the research on the problems of the style of study of college students, and on the grounds of the guiding ideology of improving quality in an all-round way and the basic views of Karl Marx on the well-rounded development in human, this paper analyzes the roots of the problems of the style of study of college students according to the characteristics of the study of college students. Thus, in order to improve the quality of college students, this paper is focused on the research and exploration of the solutions to the problems of the style of study of college students. The whole paper is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the background and significance of the selected subject. The second part analyzes the existing problems and causes on the style of study of college students. The third part discusses the solutions to those problems.Above all, the research on the solutions to the problems of the style of study of college students is not only the need of the development of the society and the well-rounded development of advanced education, but also the important measures to enforce the educational policy, carry out the quality education, and strengthen the ideological and political education in ordinary colleges. It is of great significance on the promotion of the growth into talented persons for college students, deepening the innovation of the teaching mode in ordinary colleges, moving forward and stabilizing the implementation of quality education, and realizing the aims of the production of talents in advanced education.
