

Correlation Between English Vocabulary Learning Strategies and English Achievements of Junior High School Students

【作者】 洪丽芬

【导师】 隋铭才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 英语词汇的有效学习已成为广大英语学习者关心的热点。近年来,语言学家们对词汇学习策略进行了一系列的研究,取得了丰硕的成果。但大多数的研究是针对高校学生,对初中学生所做的研究相对较少。因此,以初中生为研究对象,探索有效的词汇学习策略成为必要。根据Schmitt (1997)的词汇学习策略分类,作者设计了60项词汇学习策略问卷调查,调查了浙江省某一初中学校初二两个班级共102名学生。以期回答以下三个问题:1.被试初中生是否使用英语词汇学习策略?2.被试初中生英语词汇学习策略的使用是否与英语成绩相关?3.被试初中生如果存在高低分差异,高分组与低分组学生在词汇学习策略的运用上有哪些差异?通过对国内外词汇学习策略及词汇学习策略与成绩相关性的理论进行梳理,通过使用SPSS13.0软件进行数据处理,作者分析了初中生使用词汇学习策略的状况,分析英语成绩与他们使用词汇学习策略之间的相关性以及分析高分组与低分组学生在词汇策略运用上的差异。研究发现:1.初中生词汇学习策略使用频率为2.43,属于中等水平偏下,使用情况偏低。发现策略的平均分为2.53,属于中等水平,巩固策略的平均分为2.40,介于中等与低等水平之间。2.在决定、社交、记忆、认知、元认知五类策略中,决定策略、认知策略的使用频率属于中等水平,社交策略、记忆策略和元认知策略的使用频率低。决定策略使用最多,元认知策略使用最少。3.初中生的词汇学习策略与英语成绩之间呈极显著正相关,其中有34项策略与英语成绩之间呈极显著正相关,有5项词汇学习策略与英语成绩之间呈显著正相关,有2项呈负相关,其余的19项P>0.05,无统计学意义。4.高分组与低分组学生在词汇学习策略的运用上存在极为显著的差异,高分组学生比低分组学生使用更多的策略。5.高分组与低分组学生在五类词汇学习策略中呈极显著差异,决定策略的平均分差距最大,其次是元认知策略、记忆策略、社交策略和认知策略。最后提倡教师应鼓励学生尝试多种词汇学习策略,扩大他们的词汇学习策略。把词汇学习策略纳入英语课程教学中,提升学生对自己的词汇学习策略的认识,在学习中更有效地使用词汇学习策略,促进有效的英语学习。

【Abstract】 Effective learning of English vocabulary has become a big concer for most English learners. In recent yers, many linguists have done a series of studies on English vocabulary learning strategies. They have achieved a lot of fruitful results. Most of the studies aimed at college, while relatively few concerned with junior high school students. The study on English vocabulary learning strategies of junior high school students is based on Schmitt’s(1997) classification of vocabulry learning strategies. A vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire consisting sixty questions is the basic instrument in the study. The subjects of the present study are 102 junior high school students from Zhejiang Province. According to Schmitt’s(1997) classification of language learning strategies,the study tries to dicuss the three questions:1. How do English vocabulary learning strategies use among junior high school students? 2. What relations do English vocabulary learning strategies have with English achievements? 3. If there are high-level students and low-level students,are there any differences between high-level students and low-level students in their use of English vocabulary learning strategies?And organize the theory related to vocabulary learning strategies and the achievements at home and abroad. The data are analyzed with the help of SPSS 13.0 and the conclusions are made from the study as follow:1. The level of vocabulary strategy use by sampled students is only medium, averaging 2.43.The level of discovery strategies is medium frequency, averaging 2.53 and consolidation strategies is between medium frequency and low frequency, averaging 2.40.2. Among the five categories investigated, the level of determination strategies and cognitive strategies is medium frequency.Social strategies, memory strategies and meta cognitive strategies is low frequency. Determination strategies are.the most frequently used and meta cognitive strategies are the least frequently used.3. All of the vocabulry learning strategies are significantly correlated to English achievements.34 of 60 are significantly positively correlated to English achievements.5 of 60 are correlated.2 of 60 are negatively correlated.19 of 60 are no significant differences between vocabulary learning strategies and English achievements.4. High-level students and low-level students are found to be significantly different in their use of vocabulry learning strategies. High-level students use more vocabulary learning strategies than low-level students.5. There exists significant difference in the five categories between high-level students and low-level students. Determination strategies have the greatest mean difference, followed by meta cognitive strategies, memory strategies, social strategies and cognitive strategies.In the end, based on the research findings, questions for future researches are proposed. It’s necessary for teachers to encourage students to experiment with various strategies so as to broaden their repertoire of vocabulary learning strategies. The learners-centered strategy instructions should be incorporated into curriculum design to raise students’awareness towards their use of vocabulary learning strategies and to facilitate the efficacy of language learning.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】862