

Thought on Agricultural Land Transfer in the Systematic Reform of the Present Agricultural Land in China

【作者】 王旭

【导师】 张作云;

【作者基本信息】 淮北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先回顾了我国农地制度的历史沿革,接着进一步分析现有农地制度的利与弊和实际运作中的正、负效应,然后提出了解决方案和路径,最后总结出农地改革的理论和现实意义,其中特别指出中国土地私有的不可行性和农地制度改革的相关的主要问题的解决办法及其制度安排。本文在对我国现实农地制度进行分析研究的基础上,进一步提出农地流转的方式和操作程序以及如何规范农地流转。本着以科学的态度和辩证的思维,立足于农地制度和农民生存现状,寻求我国农地流转的内在动因和外在影响,进而结合我国的基本经济制度和国情,从正当性和合理性的角度全面分析推理我国农地流转的应然状态和可行性,引申出用行政、经济、法律等手段妥善规范农地改革的各种原则和程序,为有关部门制定相关的法律法规提供理论参考和依据。本文认为:稳定和完善农地承包关系并建立有效的农地流转机制是深化农地制度改革的核心。实行家庭联产承包责任制,赋予农民生产经营自主权,符合生产关系适应生产力发展要求的规律,符合农业生产自身的特点,不仅适应以手工劳动为主的传统农业,也适应采用先进科学技术和生产手段的现代农业,适合中国的国情和实际,具有广泛的适应性和旺盛的生命力,必须长期坚持下去。坚持家庭承包制,核心是稳定和完善农地承包关系。但是,家庭联产承包责任制并不是农村经济体制改革的终结,而仅仅是改革的开端。家庭承包制本身要完善,要随着农村生产力的发展而不断创新。目前,要解决好承包过程中农地细碎分割、农地所有权流转、集体和农户之间权责利关系的界定,要解决好家庭承包与耕地保护之间的关系、家庭承包制与农地宏观管理之间的关系,还要协调好家庭承包制与农业现代化之间的关系。农地承包权实际上是农民的一种实物权,这种实物权应该可以自由地合法地合理地流转。稳定农地承包权和建立有效的农地流转机制是农地制度安排的核心。进一步在稳定家庭联产承包责任制并且对其进行制度创新和改革的前提下,完善农地产权制度。以入股的方式流转农地承包权,对于完善我国农地承包经营制度和加快生产发展有积极意义。在所有的入股模式之中,比较典型的是农地股份合作制。农地承包经营权入股可以形成新的资源配置机制,可以克服分散经营的局限性。在实践运作中应坚持农地入股不得改变农地的用途的原则,坚持因地制宜、从实际出发原则,农户不承担农地入股风险的原则以及农户自愿组织引导的原则。在农村形成农地集约化规模经营,不仅可以提高农业生产率而且可以转移大量的农村剩余劳动力到二、三产业在去,而且可以解决在城市化进程中诸多问题,这将为我国农地制度改革提供新思路,寻求农地效用最大化和社会公平的结合点。因此,农地承包经营权的流转只能是因地制宜、因时制宜、因户制宜的流转。一乡、一村、一户根据当地、当时的农业生产需要和当事人的意愿,以相应温和的流转方式,坚持依法、自愿、有偿的原则,实现农地承包经营权的流转。

【Abstract】 This paper firstly reviews the history of China’s agriculural land system evolution, followed by further analysis of the pros and cons of existing agricultural land system and the positive and negative effects of the actual operation, and then proposes its solutions and paths and, finally, the theoretical and practical significance of the agricultual land reform. In particular ,the paper points out China’s non-viability of private ownership of land ,the solutions to the major problems related to the agricultural land reform and its institutional arrangements.Based on the analysis and research of the reality of the present agricultual land system in China, this paper proposes the further transferable ways and procedures of the agricultural land and ways of how to regulate the transfer of the agricultural land. With a scientific attitude and dialectical thinking, based on the Chinese present agricultural land system and the status of farmers﹐ life, the paper tries to seek the intrinsic motivation and external influence of the transfer of the agricltual land, combined with China’s basic economic system and national conditions .From the point of the legitimate rationality and comprehensive analysis, the contingent status and feasibility of the transfer of the agricultual should be concluded.By the administrative, economic and legal means , the principles and procedures of the agricultural land reform should properly be regulated.The aim of writing the paperfor the related departments is to provide a theoretical reference and basis for formulating lawsand regulations to the certain related departments.The paper asserts as follows:Steading and perfecting of the System of Household Contract Responsibity is the focus of the agriculural land reform. The System of Household Contract Responsibity, giving famers the authority of production and operation, is consisten with the characteristics of agriculture production itself and the law that the relationships of production must meet the requirements of the development of production forces.The System of Household Contract Responsibity can adapt to not only the intensive traditional agriculture using manual labor but aslo the mordern agriculture using advanced science and technology. It’s full of adaptability and vitality so we should carry on with it for a long time. To keep the System of Household Contract Responsibility, the core is to make it stable and improve the land contract relationships.However, the system is not the end of the rural economic reform. On the contrary, the beginning of further reform.The Household Contract Responsibity system itself needs improvement and innovation with the development of rural productive forces. At present, in the contracting process, we should solve the problem of the division of land fragmentation and the transfer of land ownership, define the benefit and responsibity relationship between collective and household, coordinate the relationship between land protection and household contract, as well as the relationship between household contract responsibility system and macro-management. The contractual right to the agricultural land is actually a kind of material right. The right of this kind should be transfered freely and legitimately. Stability of the contractual rights to agricultrual land and establishment of effective mechanism for land transfer is the core institational innovation and reform, under the premise of improving the rights to land property system. Based on making this system stable, land reform far-reaching and its institutional innovation, we can improve land ownership system.In the form of buying a share, to achieve the transferable right to the land contract will be positive in improving land contract operation system and production development. Among all the shares models, land shareholding cooperative system is typical. Land contractual right as a share can create new mechanism of the allocation of resources, which can overcome the limitations of decentraliced management. In practice, we should follow the following principles.The first principle operating in practice is that the original usage of land shouldn’t be changed.The second principle is that we should make use of land according to local conditions.The third principle is that we should use land based on reality.The fourth principle is that famers don’t bare the risk of land share.The fifth principle is that famers should be guided to organise it voluntarily.In rural area, with the large size of land being intensively managed, agriculture productivity can be enhanced greatly. Also, a large number of surplus rural labors would be transfered into the second and tertiary industries in the last. More importanty, this process can solve various problems related to land acquisition operation, which also sences as the joint point of maximizing land use and social equity.Therefore, the circulation of the right to agricultural land contract should be suitable for local situation, appropriate time and different household by adopting moderate means and by taking account the needs of agricultural development and the desires of people involved.
