

Research on Our Realty Management Legal System

【作者】 李航

【导师】 李东方;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 物权法确立了我国建筑物区分所有权在物业管理法律制度中的基础地位,但因物权法的相关法律规定存在瑕疵,以及与其配套的物业管理条例等法规、规章的制度设计也存在一定的漏洞,这使得物权法在实施后产生了很多新的法律问题。本文主要在对物业管理法律制度基本理论研究的基础上,联系我国物业管理法律制度的现状,对我国物业管理法律制度存在的若干争议较大的问题:业主大会及业主委员会法律地位,地下车位所有权,前期物业管理法律制度这三个问题进行了比较深入的研究。提出问题后,通过对国外处理此类问题的法律实践与我国现有物业管理法律制度的现状进行对比,找出问题产生的根源,并提出自己的立法建议。文章的正文由三部分组成,分别为:物业管理法律制度的基本理论,我国物业管理法律制度的基本框架,我国当前物业管理法律制度中存在的几个问题及对策。通过对物业管理法律制度的基本概念的研究,论证了建筑物区分所有权理论是物业管理法律制度理论基础的根源。通过对国外的物业管理法律制度的发展模式的介绍及优缺点分析,论证了我国建立在建筑物区分所有权理论基础上的物业管理法律制度模式的优点、不足及未来的立法方向。以建筑物区分所有权为物业管理法律制度的理论基础,又重点研究了我国物业管理法律制度的框架,包括:物业管理在物权上的地位及特有的公私兼顾的法律属性,我国物业管理法律制度体现的三个基本原则和主要存在的五种法律关系。在上述物业管理法律理论的指导下,结合我国物业现状,本文重点对三个问题做了专题研究。一是业主大会及业主委员会的法律地位问题,提出了应该由全体业主自主决定是否将业主大会或业主委员会设立为有民事主体资格的“其他组织”,并设计了配套的法律制度。二是物权法通过后所形成的小区停车位的问题,提出了原则上地下车位(包括在人防工程设立的停车位)为全体业主所有,特定条件下,可以通过契约自由的原则约定地下车位归属的立法建议。三是引起物业纠纷最多的前期物业管理制度问题,列举了现有制度存在的几个问题,并针对上述问题提出了相应的立法建议,即通过完善法律制度限制建设单位在前期物业管理中滥用权利,保护业主的权利,从而减少因前期物业管理法律制度的不足而产生的法律纠纷。文章在最后也指出物业管理所涉及的法律问题远远不止上述这些,并相信随着我国物业法律制度的研究系统化、专业化,立法的专业化,我国必将建立起完善的物业管理法律制度。

【Abstract】 Real Right Law made partitioned ownership of building area to be the basis of the realty management right .But there are some shortcomings in the relevant legal rules of Real Right Law, and the system design of its relevant provisions, such as Realty Management Ordinance, also has loopholes, so after the implementing of Real Right Law, there are many new legal problems appeared. The article based on research on the basic theory of realty management legal system, and it combined the present situation in our country. It made a deep research on some controversial questions on realty management legal system. These questions are about the legal position of owners’assembly and owners’committee, the ownership of the parking place under the building, and front realty management legal system. After proposing these questions, the author contrasted the foreign legal practices with our country, found the source of these questions, and proposed his legislative proposals.The article consists of three parts. The three parts are the basic theory of realty management legal system, the framework of our realty management legal system, and some questions and countermeasures about our present realty management legal system.Through researching the basic concepts in realty management legal system, the article expounded and proved why partitioned ownership of building area is the theory basis of realty management legal system. Through introducing the foreign development model on realty management legal system, and analyzing their advantages and shortcomings, the article expounded and proved the advantages, shortcomings and forward legislative direction about the realty management legal system in our country.The framework of realty management legal system in our country contains: the position of realty management in realty, realty management both has public law and civil law’s legal property which is special, the three principles of our realty management legal system, and the main five legal relationships.Under the guidance of the aforementioned realty management legal theory, combined with the present situation in our country, the article made a special research on three questions. The first is the legal position of owners’assembly and owners’committee. The author proposed that it should be decided by all the owners whether establishing the owners’assembly and owners’committee to be an“other organizations”, and designed related provisions. The second is the ownership of the parking place under the building. The author proposed that it should be owned by all the owners in principle. Under specific conditions, it can be agreed by the principle of contract freely. The third is front realty management legal system which caused most problems. The author listed some problems on recent legal system, proposed corresponding legislative proposals that through improving legal systems to confine constructors to abuse right in front realty management, protect the right of owners, and induce legal disputes caused by lacking of front realty management legal system.At last, the article proposed that the legal problems on realty management are more than what the author mentioned above, and the author believes that with the developing of researching on realty management legal system and legislation, we can make the realty management legal system in our country to be perfect.

  • 【分类号】D922.181;D923.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】618