

A Project Survey Report on Textile and Clothes Industry of Puning

【作者】 吴毅青

【导师】 孙艳;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 高级管理人员工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 纺织服装产业在中国经济中占据着非常重要的地位,中国是世界最大的服装消费国和生产国。2008年纺织服装的总产值约占全国总产值的20%,并已连续五年出口创汇顺差第一。普宁是我国著名的纺织服装产业基地,是“中国纺织产业基地市”。据统计,2008年普宁纺织服装产业工业产值为150.96亿元,年产品销售收入146.43亿元,出口总值5.9亿美元,占普宁外贸出口的86.8%,纺织服装产业对当地经济拉动及贡献率均占总量的50%以上,成为普宁经济半壁江山。面对辉煌的历史及金融危机的冲击和挑战,普宁的纺织服装产业如何在新的起点上谋求更好更快的发展,是一个值得深入研究的课题。本文力图通过深入调查研究,找出影响和制约普宁市纺织服装产业发展的深层次原因,并结合相关产业发展理论,根据普宁实际,就普宁市纺织服装产业的更好更快发展提出对策,为政府制订产业发展政策,从而促进全市优势特色产业的发展提供一种参考依据,更好地诠释普宁建设商贸名城的内涵,促进普宁经济又好又快的发展。本文共分为六章。第一章绪论,包括调查研究的背景、目的;文献综述;论文的研究方法及主要内容;第二章调查方案设计。本章列出了调查方案设计的一般程序,并具体给本次普宁纺织服装行业调查的设计要点。第三章普宁市纺织服装行业发展基本情况。按照第二章制订的调查方案,对普宁市纺织服装行业发展所涉及的各个方面情况进行了实地调查和数据收集,并对相关数据进行总结。第四章对普宁市纺织服装行业发展的优劣势进行分析。第五章就如何促进普宁市纺织服装行业的更好更快发展提出对策。第六章结论。主要简要总结本文的主要观点:(1)继续推进科教兴国战略,全面提升市民素质;(2)依靠科技进步,增强企业产品的竞争力;(3)推进产业园建设,实现产业集群的优化提升;(4)整合资源,打造产业集群著名区域品牌;(5)拉长和完善纺织服装产业链;(6)转变政府职能,为纺织服装产品市场优化发展提供一流服务环境;(7)注重市场体系建设,为企业的进一步发展提供平台。

【Abstract】 Textile industry plays an important part in the economy of China, which is the largest country of consumption and production of clothing. The gross output of textile in the year of 2008 took up about 20% of the national gross output that year, and has been No.1 industry for five years in a row in gaining favorable balance among exported goods to earn foreign currency. Textile industry thus has made great contributions to China’s economy. Nowadays, China has become the largest production and processing base for textile in the world. One third of clothes in the world are made in China. Meanwhile, as textile production is a labor intensive industry, it contributes a lot to the employment of China’s large labor force. At the same time, as clothing is a living necessity, it is an important issue to meet the needs of clothing for a large population of over one billion. Therefore, the development of textile industry plays an important part in the China’s national interest and people’s livelihood.Puning City is a nation-famous production base for textile industry, and has enjoyed a long history of textile development. However, while textile industry is developing very rapidly in neighboring areas in recent years, Puning City, where textile industry plays an important part in local economy, has not kept the pace but slowed down its development. This has directly led to the sharp decrease in government revenue of Puning City, and affected the development of the city construction, public welfare, education and culture.The author has done a lot of research and obtained large quantities of first hand materials on issues such as market environment, production and operation, product market, brand competition, import and export of textile, investment environment and sustainable development, in the perspective of the development of Puning City’s textile industry. Based upon these materials, the author has carried out systematical analysis and investigation with qualitative and quantitative methods, concluded the limiting factors such as low efficiency of government policies, poor environment for textile development, low industry concentration ratio, low production technology, serious product homogenization, light brand awareness, and put forward measures to promote sustainable development of Puning City’s textile industry, in hopes that they can provide full and reliable decision proof for Puning City in formulating and carrying out economic policies, for textile industries in formulating development strategies, making investment decisions and operation and management.This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter One is Introduction, including investigation background, purpose and Literature Review; investigation methods and main content. Chapter Two is Research Plan Design, listing normal procedures for the design of investigation plan, and specific main points of design based on the investigation of Puning City’s textile market. Chapter Three is Basic Market Information of Puning City’s Textile Industry. According to the survey made in Chapter Two, the investigation mainly collects relevant information and data of resources and production status from all aspects involved in textile market of Puning City. It also lists relevant basic information of Puning City’s textile market. Chapter Four is SWOT Analysis on Puning City’s Textile Market on the basis of SWOT Theory. Chapter Five is Developmental Thinking and Measures for Puning City’s Textile Market, putting forward the way of thinking, orientation, main goals of development and measures for Puning City’s textile market. Chapter Six is Conclusion, summing up the main points of this thesis.

【关键词】 普宁市纺织服装行业调查报告
【Key words】 Puning cityTextileProduct marketInvestigation report
  • 【分类号】F426.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】653