

Application and Development of Energy-Saving Technology on Industrial Cold-storage Door

【作者】 江发生

【导师】 周照耀; 姚应征;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 冷库门是货物进出冷库的通道,由于需要经常地开启和关闭,因此成为冷库最容易损失冷量和损坏的部位。对于冷库的使用性能冷库门的设计、制作和安装的质量有着极其重要的意义。目前冷库门在使用过程当中主要存在着两个方面的问题:一是冷库门的损坏问题;二是冷库门的电能消耗问题。其中第一个问题尤为重要,如果冷库门损坏将会直接导致冷库的无法使用。在冷库使用当中冷库门的损坏主要由冷库门关闭时速度过快冲撞冷库门框或者冷库门运行时与运输车辆发生碰撞引起。而冷库门带来的能量消耗的问题也不容忽视,其主要包括两个方面,直接的能量消耗如电机转动消耗的电能、冷库门门框保温加热所需的电能;间接的能量损耗如冷库门打开时间过长,冷库冷量流失。针对上述问题,本文将所要解决的问题划分成三类分别进行了研究。第一部分为冷库门的运行速度控制研究,以解决冷库门快速关闭时出现的冷库门损坏问题。在本部分本文提出了采用基于变频控制技术的冷库门速度控制技术,实现了冷库门在关闭过程中可以快速地运行,而在关闭的结束阶段又可以降低速度,避免了冲撞对冷库门的损坏,在保证了避免冷库的冷量大量流失的同时,也提高了冷库门的使用寿命,而冷库门的速度可控也为冷库门的管理带来了方便。第二部分为冷库门门框加热装置的研究,以解决采用电热丝加热保温时消耗电能过大的问题。在本部分本文提出了采用加热的热煤油进行保温加热的方式,并设计了一套加热保温装置。最后本文通过采用数值模拟和试验的方法对该装置进行了分析,结果表明该装置具有很好的节能效果。第三部分为冷库门的智能控制研究,以解决冷库门打开时冷量流失、冷库门碰撞运输车辆以及冷库门的故障报警问题。在本部分本文提出了基于PLC控制技术的门幕联动控制、防撞控制以及故障处理控制等技术。通过实验表明以上技术完全可以满足使用要求,实现上述所需的功能。通过采用上述技术,冷库门的节能效果非常明显,而对于冷库门的运行控制管理也非常方便,试验和应用结果表明本文所研究的技术具有很高的实用价值。

【Abstract】 Cold-storage door is the access for goods passing. It needs to be opened and closed frequently. So the door has become the most easily damaged part of the cold-storage. The design, manufacture and installation quality of cold-storage door is significant for cold-storage utility.At present there are two problems in using the cold-storage door. The first one is the problem of cold-storage door damage, and the other one is the energy consumption. Especially the first problem is very critical. If it is not solved properly, it would lead to the cold-storage out of work directly. The cold-storage door is damaged mainly by the collision when it closing so fast. And the energy consumption about cold-storage door is also worth to emphasize. It includes two aspects: The direct consumption such as energy consumption of motor and cold-storage door frame warming, the indirect consumption such as the coldflowing out for the door opening too long.According to the problems it would solve them with three parts in this paper. The first part was the research on the velocity control of cold-storage door. It supposed to solve the problem of cold-storage door’s collision damage when it closing. It proposed to adopt the frequency conversion technology for controlling the velocity of cold-storage door. So it could make the door run fast at the first stage of closing, and run more slowly at the end. Then that would avoid the collision of cold-storage door. At the same time it would decrease the cold flowing out. So it not only improved the using life of cold-storage door but also make managing the cold-storage door easily.The second part was the research on heating equipment of cold-storage door frame. It mainly solved the problem of heater strip’s excessive energy consumption. It proposed a new heating method with heated heat transfer oils in this paper. Then it designed and manufactured the heating equipment. At last it certify the equipment with numerical simulation and trail separately. The results showed that the equipment had great energy efficiency benefit.The third part was the research on intelligent control of cold-storage door. It solved the problem of cold flowing out, cold-storage door crashing on vehicles and trouble warning. It proposed the door and air curtain cooperating technology, collision avoiding technology and fault treatment technology based on PLC technology in this paper. After the trial the results showed that the technologies above completely meet the requirement of cold-storage door application. After adopting the proposed technologies the cold-storage door had great ability of energy conservation. And it could be managed conveniently. The trials and the application showed that the technologies proposed in this paper were very practical.
