

Measurement of Tourists’ Space Perception in World Heritage Site

【作者】 钱树伟

【导师】 苏勤;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着现代旅游业的深入发展,文化遗产旅游已成为旅游业中一支强有力的生力军,并引起社会各界越来越多的关注。苏州古典园林是我国文化遗产的精华部分,蕴含着丰富的物质文化与非物质文化信息,其中拙政园、网师园、留园及狮子林等已被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》,成为我国乃至全人类的共同财富。随着时代变迁,苏州古典园林已从原初的居住生活空间演化为旅游游憩空间。在城市化与旅游化双重背景下,我国城市遗产遭受到巨大的破坏及旅游开发的巨大冲击。因此,如何协调遗产保护与旅游发展之间的矛盾关系,促进遗产保护与旅游发展的互利共赢成为具有重要现实意义的理论研究课题。空间感应理论是20世纪60年代以来国外行为地理学领域的重要理论,侧重于城市居民的空间意象分析,近年来被应用于旅游地中的旅游者感应空间分析。认知地图调查是其重要的研究方法和手段,有利于定性刻画旅游者感应空间的特征及影响因素。但该理论缺乏定量化研究,对旅游者心理与情感的关注不足。地方感理论是量化测度“人—地”情感联结关系的重要理论,是20世纪80年代以来国外环境心理学、游憩地理学及休闲学研究的热点论题,但研究大多以自然观光地为主,缺乏对文化遗产旅游地的案例研究,国内目前尚处于地方感理论研究的起步阶段;在全球化、现代化、信息化日益加剧的背景下,地方感概念得以重新阐释和建构;在旅游化浪潮推动下,具有显著地方性特征的文化遗产地的地方性元素保存及地方特色营造与彰显受到世界各国及社会各界的普遍重视,地方感理论研究的重要意义日趋凸显。本项研究将地方感理论引入空间感应理论研究中,以旅游者为切入点,以苏州古典园林(拙政园、网师园、留园、狮子林)为案例,将认知地图调查物质性研究方法与侧重于旅游者心理、情感定量化分析的地方感结构方程模型测量方法相结合,通过对古典园林旅游者认知地图的调查分析,定性刻画旅游者感应空间的物质性基本要素构成及其分布频率、感应空间结构的基本模式;构建并利用古典园林旅游者地方感结构关系模型,量化测度旅游者地方感塑造的影响因素及地方感对遗产保护态度及行为的影响效应,最后将认识地图调查结果与旅游者地方感强度差异进行关联分析,试图揭示地方感塑造与旅游者空间感应要素特征之间的耦合关系,以确立地方感塑造的核心要素,旨在为我国世界遗产地的遗产保护与旅游利用协调互利模式的构建探寻新的研究思路。苏州古典园林旅游者空间感应研究是一项切合时代背景、系统复杂的前沿课题,本项研究将以往对空间感应的过程研究引向对其结果的探讨,并在以下几方面取得研究进展:(1)基于认知地图调查探讨并刻画了旅游者空间感应的基本要素构成、分布频率特征及感应空间结构模式。共包含5类基本要素,5要素在总样本中出现的频率基本均衡、单样本之间有一定差异;5要素均有较高识别性,其中节点与边界要素的可识别性与可意象性最高;5要素的感应频率在空间分布上具有一定的规律性,总体上呈现由中心水域核心景区向四周逐渐衰减的“核心—边缘”空间模式。(2)基于结构方程原理构建并验证了旅游者地方感结构关系模型。该模型由地方感前因影响变量、地方感测量变量及地方感后果效应变量三部分构成。研究表明:前因变量旅游涉入、旅游吸引力、旅游功能均对地方感有显著的正向影响,同时地方感的形成对遗产保护态度及遗产保护行为也具有重要的影响效应。(3)基于认知地图调查及地方感强度层次划分剖析并阐释了旅游者空间感应要素特征与地方感强度差异之间的耦合关系。依据强度差异,将古典园林旅游者划分为地方陌生感旅游者、地方熟悉感旅游者、地方认同感旅游者及地方依赖感旅游者4种类型。不同类型旅游者在认知地图类型及空间感应要素等方面存在一定差异。(4)基于旅游者空间感应实践提出并揭示了“空间—地方—地方感”的空间演化过程机制及旅游者地方感建构模式,并重点剖析了地方感的影响机理。研究认为由地方感前因影响导入机制与后果效应输出机制构成的“导入—输出”系统机制的运行过程与结果是苏州古典园林旅游者地方感的影响关系机理。

【Abstract】 With the deepening development of modern tourism, cultural heritage tourism has become a vital part in tourism industry, and it has aroused more and more attentions. The Classical Gardens of Suzhous are essential part of chinese cultural heritage. They contain a wealth of material culture and intangible cultural information, including Humble Administrator’s Garden, Nets Garden, the Lingering Garden, Lion Grove, etc. They have been listed into“World Heritage List”by UNESCO, and have become the common wealth of mankind. Changing with the time, The classical gardens of Suzhou have turned from urban living space to the space of tourism and recreation. Under the background of urbanization and touristification, China’s urban heritage suffers a great damage from the negative impacts. Therefore, how to coordinate the contradictory relationship between urban heritage conservation and tourism development, and make a win-win situation for urban heritage conservation and tourism development, become an important theoretical subject.Space perception theory has been an important theory of behavioral geography since the 60s of the 20th century, focusing on the analysis of residents’ urban perception space. In recent years, the theory has been applied in tourist destinations. Cognitive map survey is an important research method of this theory, which is conducive to qualitatively describe the characteristics and influencing factors of tourists’ perceptional space. However, this theory is lack of quantitative study and only pay little attention to tourists’ emotions. Sense of place is an important theory to quantitatively measure the emotional link relations between people and land, and it has become a hot topic of the studies of Environmental Psychology, Recreation Geography and Leisure abroad since the 80s of the 20th century. Most of the researches based on natural tourist attractions, while few on cultural heritage tourist destination. And so far, the domestic is still in the initial stage of the theoretical research on sense of place. In the background of the intensification of globalization, modernization and informationization, the concept of sense of place gets re-interpretation and construction. With the promotion of tourism tide, universal attentions have been paid to the preservation of local elements with significant local characteristics in cultural heritage and the creation and manifestation of local characteristics, and the theoretical implication of the research into sense of space is becoming increasingly prominent.This paper introduces the sense of space theory into the study of space perception theory. With a pointcut of tourists and a case study of The Classical Gardens of Suzhous, it combined cognitive map investigation with a construction of structural equation model of sense of place. Through the analysis of the cognitive map investigation, we depicted qualitatively the composition of the material basic elements of tourists’ perception space, the frequency of their distribution and the basic pattern of perceptional space structure. Then we built a structural relationship model of tourists’ sense of place of classical gardens to measure the impact factors of tourists’ sense of place and their effects on the attitudes and behavior of heritage protection. Finally,we conducted the correlation analysis between cognitive map investigation and the differences of tourists’ sense of place, and tried to reveal the coupling relationship between the shaping of sense of place and the characteristics of the elements of tourists’s space perception. This study was intended to find key elements of the shaping of sense of place and explore a new study method to construct a coordinated and mutually beneficial model for heritage conservation and tourism development.Tourist’ space perception research of The Classical Gardens of Suzhou is a forward topic, which has a complex system and meets the historical background. this study finds:(1) Based on the investigation of cognitive map, this paper depicts basic elements, characteristics and spatial structure model of tourists’spacial perception. Perceptional space contains five basic elements. The frequency of the five elements in the total sample is balance and certain differences exist among the single samples; five elements have a high identifiability, and the identifiability and identifiable images of node and boundary elements are the highest; the frequency distribution of five elements in space has a certain regularity, on the whole, showing a“core– periphery”spatial pattern decaying from the core scenic area of the center waters to the surrounding area.(2) Based on the principles of structural equation, this paper built and validated the structural relationship model of sense of place. The model consists of antecedent variables, measured variables and consequence effect variable. The results have shown that tourism involvement, tourist attraction and tourism function all have significant positive effects on sense of place. And at the same time, the formation of sense of place also has vital effect on tourists’attitudes and behavior of heritage protection.(3) Based on cognitive map survey and test results of structural relationship model of sense of place, this paper explains and analyses the coupling relationship between the characteristics of tourists’space perception elements and the intensity disparity of sense of place. According to the intensity disparity, tourists of the classical gardens are divided into place strangeness visitors, place familiarity visitors, place identity visitors and place dependence visitors. Different types of tourists show some differences on the cognition of map type and the elements of space perception.(4) Based on the practice of space perception, this paper quotes a constructive model of tourists’sense of place, reveals the mechanism of spatial evolution of“space-place-sense of place”, and specially discusses the effect mechanism of sense of place. The research shows that the operation process and result of the“Import– Export”System Mechanism, which consists of the antecedent and consequence effect mechanisms, are the influence relationship mechanism of tourists’ sense of place in The Classical Gardens of Suzhous.
