

Research on Network Morality Education of College Students

【作者】 马继

【导师】 李尚敏;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的发展,互联网络对人类产生了深刻、全面的影响,网络在给现代人的生活、学习、工作带来巨大便利的同时,也产生了许多负面的不良影响。网络道德作为一种新型的道德规范体系,对网络社会的健康生存和发展起着保驾护航的作用。大学生是一个国家和民族的未来,他们正处在身心快速发展的阶段,也是世界观、人生观、价值观形成的关键时期。作为我国网民的主要群体之一,大学生的上网现状令人担忧,网络道德状况也难以与时俱进。大学生网络道德教育课题的研究可以促进我国网络道德法规的建设和完善,推动网络社会的发展和进步;规范和约束上网主体的网络行为,提供道德约束和舆论监督;丰富和发展现有的道德教育,促进学校的德育改革,为学校开展大学生网络道德教育提供理论指导和参考,具有重要的理论和实践意义。网络道德教育是针对网络社会中出现的道德滑坡问题,运用综合的道德教育手段、方法对网络主体行为人进行的旨在提高其网络道德意识,培养其道德品质,形成正确的信息素养从而形成正确的网上行为而展开的道德教育活动。网络道德教育是传统道德教育在网络时代的延伸、发展和完善,传统道德教育是网络道德教育基础。通过问卷调查和访谈,反映出网络对当代大学生伦理道德的影响总体良好,但也存在网络沉溺、网络犯罪的问题。根据品德的心理结构三个维度(道德认知、情感、行为等)和大学生品德发展需要以及身心发展水平的特点,大学生网络道德教育的目标体系由认知目标、情感目标和行为目标三个方面的内容构成。大学生网络道德教育的原则要遵循传统教育与网络道德教育相结合的原则、以人为本,注重发挥个体主体性的原则和强调知行统一、因材施教的原则;网络道德教育的内容方面主要有传统的道德教育、信息素养教育、网络安全教育和心理健康教育;网络道德教育应该以构建“学校——家庭——社会——学生”四位一体的教育体系为核心,发挥学校教育主战场的作用,将网络道德教育进课堂;更新传统教育观念,构建科学的家庭教育模式;发挥社区教育积极作用,构建和谐的网络教育环境;发挥大学生主体作用,促进学生自我教育,最终使网络道德教育形成合力。

【Abstract】 With the development, the Internet has had a profound human, the full impact, the network in a modern life, study, work, a tremendous convenience, but also produced many negative impacts. As a new network of moral ethics, social survival and development of the network plays the role of escort.The college students is the future of our race,they are being the stage that mind and body developing quickly,and being the key period to build global view,philosophy of life and values. As one of the major groups of China Internet users,Internet status of students is worrying, network and moral difficult times.The research about education of network morality for college students has important realistic meaning. Network moral education is defined as: Network moral education is emerging for the network society in moral decline problems.The use of comprehensive moral education means, and methods of the main actors on the network carried out to improve the moral consciousness of its network, develop their moral character, the correct information literacy to the correct Internet behavior and moral education activities undertaken. The education of network morality is the traditional morals education’s extension,development in the network ages;the traditional morals education is the foundation of the education of network morality.Through the questionnaire survey and the interview, it obtains the conclusion that the network moral view of the undergraduate is actively heading up totally, but also have some problems which can not be ignored,for example,the internet addiction and cybercrime problems. According to the psychological structure of the three dimensions of the character(moral cognition, emotion, behavior),character development needs of college students and the characteristics of the level of physical and mental development. The educational principles of the network morality for college students are:combining traditional morals education and the network morals educations together, people-oriented, pay attention to the individual subjectivity;take view from people and emphasized the unity of knowledge and activities.The contents of the network morals education for college students are the traditional morals education,the information education,network safety education,the mental health education etc. To establish an integrate gratitude educational system involved with school, family, society and college students. Play the school education in a major role,put the network morality education into the classroom;update traditional concepts of education,constructing scientific family educational model;play an active role in community education ,constructing harmonious environment for network education;students play the main role,promote their self-education.Enentually,form a joint force of network morality education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期