

Research on "Harmonious Unity of Man and Nature" and Neo-Constructivist Cognition of Translation Paradigm

【作者】 刘征清

【导师】 包通法;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 英语语言文化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文将中国传统哲学理念“天人合一”置于翻译学理论研究的框架内,试图对翻译活动的过程和目标挖掘出颇具新意的认识,从而指导翻译理论的研究和实践活动的展开。在本论文中,以富有中国本土特色的“主客互为”、“二元一体”、以及“和谐统一”为代表的的思维范式在与西方翻译界继结构主义和解构主义之后出现并发展的建构认识范式的类比和磨合中,构造出了一种中西合璧的辩证统一的一元诗性的思辨知性体系——“天人合一”的新建构认知翻译范式。本文将对西方以“二元对立”,科学实证主义为代表和特色的抽象思维形态进行思考和评价,提出其值得商榷之处,并强调中国传统的讲究和谐、平衡、统一的感性的诗性思维范式。这将赋予翻译理论研究更具多元性的理论视角以及理性思辨与感性认知相互交融协调的理论基调,并为翻译实践活动提供更具人文特色的和生命意义的分析方式和评价标准。在西学的宏观文化背景下,西方译论将译者——即“人”置于翻译活动关系的对立面,把翻译视为译者研究的对象,可以驾驭,可以操纵,可以改写。这一认识将主体置于翻译诸关系和要素的对立面,本质上仍然反映了二元对立、主客二分的精神内核和思维基调。与之相异,中国传统哲学摒弃绝对的精神理念和对立思想,追求的是一种感性诗意体验和思辨性的思维能力。在千百年来这样的思想氛围笼罩下,“互为”、“统一”,强调主客体之间的整体关系成了中国人哲学思维范式的基调。在翻译学框架内,用“天人合一”的认识观对文本的解读和终极意义求索的活动是在一知性体系中将译者作为充分主体,但又与其它解读活动关系互为一体的认识活动。这样的认识观是将译者置于一个多元综合的认识关系和环境中,人与其它要素互为合作、和谐作用而达致合一的最佳理解和表征的一种认识,一种境界,一种过程。“天”既可谓“文本的元意义”的存在,又是文本意义的常量;而“人”是翻译活动中的主体,是译者。他们两者是一体的,而不是主体对客体的把握驾驭、控制和操纵;“合”是在翻译过程中,译者通过谨慎的构思和酝酿,使得能够投射自身思想的译文与原文本互为映衬、相得益彰,从而达致圆融化生这一理想状态的过程;而“一”是各种关系、要素致达理想化的状态,经由译者反复的锤炼和编排,辅助以灵性思维的闪现,从而使得译文重现原文本本义意义常量,两者“融合”的终极追求和最高理想。因此,“天人合一”对于如何认识翻译活动中的主体性,具有建构的本质和趋向。笔者认为,中西两种思维范式指导下的翻译范式的舍取抉择问题是困扰翻译学界的一个桎梏。因为在此论文中,笔者通过对“天人合一”与建构认知翻译范式的研究和大胆结合,试图发现一种兼收并蓄的知性理论体系用来指导翻译理论研究和实践活动,即本文所提出的“新建构主义”。鉴于“天人合一”的新建构认知翻译范式是一种崭新的思辨知性体系,笔者将撷取中西方哲学、语言学、现象学、阐释学、翻译学中的某一理论、某一论述或者某一概念对其进行理论补充和建构。具体而言,笔者将中国传统哲学理念“道象互为”作为参照维度,辅助以当代学者钱钟书的“化境说”对于译者对于文本的忠实性和创造性作出厘定;进而通过阐释哈贝马斯的“交往行为理论”,胡塞尔现象阐释学中的“先验性”和“意向性”,以及伽达默尔的“视域融合”概念,分别对于文本解读过程中的终极性、动态开放性以及译者和文本之间互动性作出阐释。在分析过程中,笔者试图发现这些上述理论与“天人合一”的建构认知翻译范式的相通之处,进而完善对其的探讨和研究。翻译学负担着特殊的文化传导和交流的重大责任。本文在对中西方思维范式客观剖析的基础上,以中国本土特色的思维范式和哲学模态为参照维度,辅助以西方的哲学思维,试图建构一种兼收并蓄的译论,即“新建构主义”,从而给后来的研究者带来思维上的一些启发,并为中国译论的建构和完善尽绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 This thesis attempts to put the traditional Chinese philosophical thinking paradigm天人合一(“Harmonious Unity of Man and Nature”, hereinafter referred to as HUMN) in the framework of translation studies, with the aim to look for novel cognitions of the process and goal of translation activities, and consequently to provide some guidance for translational abstract theories and practical activities. With comparison and compromise between oriental-featured thinking paradigm represented by“subject-object interaction”,“binary integration”, and“harmonious unity”, and Constructivist cognition which has emerged and developed after Structivism and Deconstructivism in the western academic field, this thesis tries to construct a unitary and poetic intellectual cognitive system that dialectically combines both Chinese and western thinking elements into a new-brand term, that is HUMN of the Neo-Constructivist cognition of translation paradigm. On the one hand, this thesis is to consider and evaluate the western abstract thinking mode featuring with“subject-object dichotomy”and scientific positivism; and on the other hand, it emphasizes and confirms the traditional Chinese poetic thinking mode pursuing harmony, balance and integration. The construction of the translational thinking paradigm of HUMN is to endow translation theoretical studies with a multi-dimensional angle and a fundamental keynote of fusing the rational analysis with perceptual cognition, as well as to provide translation activities with a novel analytical method and an evaluation criterion, both of which possess more cultural characteristics and life significances.Against the background of the western philosophy, the western translation studies regard the translator as a dominant part to be totally isolated and opposite to the whole translation activities, as well as take translation activities as an object that the translator can control and manipulate at his or her will. It is the cognition that places the subject against all the relationships and elements in translation activities, and reflects its spiritual core and thinking basis of“subject-object dichotomy”. On the contrary, the traditional Chinese philosophy abandons the absolute spirits and antithetical ideas, and seeks for a taste of the poetic perception and speculative thinking capability. Influenced by such a kind of mental atmosphere for thousands of years,“interaction”,“integration”, and the holistic relationship of the subject and object have laid a solid basis for Chinese people’s philosophical thinking mode. In the framework of translation, the cognition of HUMN takes the translator as a subject and meanwhile interacts dynamically with other interpretational relationships and elements in a whole intellectual system. This cognition has placed the translator in a multi-dimensional cognitive system, in which he or she cooperates and interacts with other elements in the process of gaining the best understanding and representation of the original meaning.天(“Nature”) here stands for the confirmation of meta-meaning of the original text and authoritative position of the original author, and the constants of the meta-meaning as well;人(“man”) represents the translator, who is the subject of the interpretation activity.天and人are taken as a inseparable whole, neither of which can be regarded as a subject to manipulate and control the other.合(“harmonious process of integration”) means the ideal process of translation activity, in which the translator succeeds in creating a translated work that exhibits nearly all the beauties and taste of the original text and simultaneously enhance the perfection of itself.一(“oneness”or“unity”) shows the final and perfect integration between the original text, the author, the translator and the translated version. It is the idealist state or stratum of various relationships and elements embodied that the translated version becomes the best illumination and reflection of the original text and the author through the translator’s great efforts and inspirations. Therefore, HUMN is provided with the Constructivist feature in comprehending subjectivity in translation activities.The author holds that how to select proper translation strategies is a knotty problem in translation studies. Thus, the author attempts to construct an intellectual system, which is nominated as“Neo-Constructivism”in this thesis, to guide theoretical research and practical activities through the bold connection of the traditional Chinese philosophical thinking mode of HUMN and Constructivist cognition that originally emerged in the western academic field.Since HUMN in the framework of Neo-Constructivism is a brand-new intellectual system constructed in this thesis, the author is to theoretically consummate it by selectively extracting and illustrating some theory, some statement or some concept in either Chinese or western philosophy, linguistics, phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Translatology. In detail, the author is to use the traditional Chinese philosophical paradigm of“Intergration of the Tao and Imagery”as well as Qian Zhongshu’s illustration of“Sublimation”to rationalize the translator’s loyalty and creativity to the original text; and then to adapt Gadamer’s“Fusion of Horizons”, Habermas’“Theory of Communication”, and Husserl’s phenomenological construction of“Transcendentality”and“Intentionality”to illustrate the interactive relationship between the translator’s and author’s horizons, explain the ultimacy in translation, and to construct a dynamic and open system of translation respectively. In analysis, the author is to seek for the similar basis of HUMN and the above theoretical points to better the research in this thesis.Translatology shoulders the significant responsibility of culture transmission and exchange. This thesis analyzes both Chinese and western philosophical thinking paradigms objectively, trying to construct a translation paradigm that absorb the strong points of the two, to enlighten the following researchers and to better Chinese translation studies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期