

Research on the Hidden Conflict between Teachers and Students

【作者】 张平果

【导师】 查啸虎;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 师生冲突是在现实的学校教育教学情境中,师生之间为了维护各自利益,采取公开或隐蔽的方式力图阻止对方达到目标并实现自身目标的社会互动过程。隐性冲突是师生冲突的主要形式,它具有普遍性、隐蔽性、持续性和不稳定性等特点,由于其外在表现不甚明显,因而往往不为人们所注意和重视。实际上,对隐性冲突的忽视或者处理不当,轻则影响教育教学的效果,重则导致冲突激化,甚至演变成师生之间的行为对抗,造成严重后果。师生冲突之所以经常地、普遍地以隐性化的方式存在,其主要原因,一是道德规范的约束,二是师生双方的趋利避害心理使然。而人的自然性与社会性的冲突则是师生隐性冲突存在的根源。师生隐性冲突作为师生互动的一种特殊形式,是融合于师生互动过程的。它可以是师生显性冲突发生的前期积累,也可以是师生显性冲突暂时平息后的“地下暗流”。师生隐性冲突一般会经历萌芽、产生(或消失)、强化(或弱化)、持续(或消解)等四个发展阶段。其未来的发展趋向通常有四种可能:一是师生隐性冲突被触发为显性冲突;二是师生隐性冲突继续存在;三是师生隐性冲突被压抑;四是师生隐性冲突真正得以消解。在教育实践中,要有效应对和化解师生隐性冲突,教师应当通过细心的观察,及时发现师生间的矛盾并切实加以解决,准确把握师生隐性冲突的发展趋向;学生应当正确地看待教师的批评和惩罚,增强自我约束力;学校应当建立必要的师生冲突协调与平衡机制;家长则应当努力提高自身教育水平,营造和谐的家庭环境,促进师生关系的良性发展。

【Abstract】 The conflict between teachers and students is the interaction process that the teacher and the student restrain each other for their own interests of educational context. The hidden conflict is the principal form of it. It has the characteristics such as catholicity, invisibility, persistency and lability. The people often neglect the hidden conflict between teachers and students. But in point of fact, neglecting or misdealing it will at the least affect the academic quality, and at the most be a grave confrontation which would cause a great loss.There are two reasons for the hidden conflict between teachers and students. The first is the force of ethics, and the second is the drive of“seeking advantage and avoiding disadvantage”psychology. The conflict between naturality and sociality is the source of the hidden conflict between teachers and students.The hidden conflict between teachers and students is a special form of their interaction, so its generative process goes along with the teacher-student interaction. It may be either the accumulation before the conflict outbreak or the undercurrent after. The hidden conflict between teachers and students usually experience four stages such as budding, engendering (or vanishing), intensifying (or weakening) and lasting (or eliminating). Generally speaking, there are four potential trends of the hidden conflict between teachers and students according to different treatment. They are outbreak, existing, being repressed and being solved.To cope with the hidden conflict between teachers and students effectively, teachers must carefully observe them to discover the existence of hidden conflict, take timely action to resolve existing problems, and promote the bilateral relations in a positive direction. Students should have a correct view of criticism and punishment, fully understand the point of education, and enhance self-binding. In addition, schools should establish a "coordination-conflict" in the balance mechanism, and the parents should raise their education level and create a harmonious family environment to play their due role by promoting the sound development of relations between teachers and students.
