

Research and Development on Quality and Safety Traceability System of Agricultural Product Based on. NET Technology

【作者】 黄海龙

【导师】 蒋平安;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 土壤学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着2009年我国《食品安全法》的颁布,关系到人民健康和国计民生重大问题的农产品产地安全管理成为了人们关注的焦点。然而,农产品生产企业、流通企业、加工企业质量监管方面的不足,加之我国多数农产品的生产空间分散、规模化经营程度低、规范化生产条件差以及流通管理混乱等,致使农产品质量安全问题经常发生。因此,科学地监管农产品生产、流通、加工过程,对防止突发或群发性食品安全事故发生具有重要的现实意义。本论文针对现有农产品质量安全管理方面存在的问题,拟通过为政府和管理部门提供农产品生产流通信息进而成为质量监控的有效工具,从农产品供应链的角度出发,运用已有农产品生产质量安全追溯体系的研究成果,基于信息技术、数据库技术、网络技术和国际通用编码技术等信息技术进行农产品质量安全追溯系统的构建与开发。主要取得以下研究成果:一、针对我国农产品生产空间分散、规模化经营程度低、规范化生产条件差的实际情况,在分析我国农产品生产现状和存在的问题的基础上,设计和开发了农产品质量安全追溯系统,包括系统设计、运行思路及系统应用等模块。二、在对农产品行业供应链分解的基础上,对农产品追溯链上的生产、加工、销售三个关键因素都建立了质量跟踪编码方案,消费者输入产品条码就可查询每个生产环节的详细信息。同时,根据产品的保质期,增加了农产品保质期提醒功能。三、利用ASP. NET技术、AJAX技术,基于Visual Studio 2005和SQL Server 2000开发平台,初步实现了农产品质量安全追溯系统开发。该系统在充分研究农产品生产、加工、销售跟踪和控制等方面关键技术的基础上,依据网络信息系统设计出农产品质量安全追溯系统,实现了农产品生产流通中的质量跟踪和信息资源共享与协同决策,有效地加强了对农产品的监管,增强了消费者对农产品消费的信心,同时也为企业与政府的监督管理提供了便利。

【Abstract】 With the Chinese Food Safety Law had been published in 2009, safety management of agricultural origin has become a focus of publicity, because it is related to people’s health and livelihood. However, the management for product quality control is poor among the agricultural producers, distribution and processing enterprises, together with the majority of our agricultural products are produced under the condition of dispersed space, small scale, non-standardization of production and distribution, which leads to many problems about agricultural product quality safety. Therefore, to control agricultural products quality scientifically can prevent food safety incidents significantly.According to the issues existed in the safety management of agricultural products, this paper develops a traceability system for agricultural products based on information technology, database technology, network technology, which can help to improve quality safety of agricultural products by providing information for the government and management of departments effectively about the producing, processing and transferring of agricultural products. The results are as follows: Firstly, the traceability system for agricultural products quality safety has been designed and developed, which can help to solve the issues caused by the poor produce condition of dispersed space, small scale, non-standardization of production and distribution.Secondly, the code scheme of tracing product quality has been established based on three key factors of agricultural production, processing and sales in the track back chain, which can help the consumers to check the details of each product by inputting the product bar code. Meanwhile, this system added the reminder function for the shelf life of agricultural products.Thirdly, the pro-type of quality safety of agricultural products traceability system has been developed by using ASP.NET and AJAX technology based on VisualStudio2005 and SQL Server 2000 platform.This system realized the function of quality tracking and information sharing in the proceed of agricultural products producing, processing and transferring, which is a good tool to help the government to monitor the agricultural products effectively, and can also help to enhance consumer’s confidence in food consumption.
